Offer To The CEO

Chapter 266: Mondays Court Hearing - Part 3

266 Monday's Court Hearing - Part 3

Monday, continued …

"Ms Jones, I need to understand who has what role, and what part this link plays, so please explain to me more?"

"Your Honour.Mr and Mrs Lu, are facing a number of charges, including assaults on me, and false statements to the police that unintentionally triggered the incident that lead to me being on crutches…"

"You cannot say that.That was part of the deal."

"Ms Jones was that Mr Lu?"

"It was, your honour."

The Judge started speaking, "Well Mr Lu I will give you a little leeway, as your lawyer is sitting in the court here, not with you.I have asked a question of Ms Jones, who is an officer of this court, to determine if this matter should be dealt with today or wait until its return date in two weeks.But, if you interrupt these proceedings further, I will seriously consider having you charged with contempt of court."

"Your lawyer is the person meant to speak not you.You are able to consult with him, but you have to keep quiet.Now be quiet and let me understand the situation before I make my decision regarding whether this matter will proceed today.Once I have my answers, I will hear from either your lawyer here or in the circumstances for your lawyer there, even though he may not understand the intricacies of the system here."

As soon as the judge finished, Lu Jinhu could not help himself, "That is not fair, she is speaking."Anna had to stop herself from grinning.

"Mr Lu, this is my second and final warning.Be quiet.Ms Jones, is a lawyer who has rights to be heard in this court, and she is employed by the firm that represents her.She is quite able to represent herself in these proceedings, and I note that she has already been given that ability by the court.More importantly if you are asked to speak show some respect to the court and stand when you speak."

"But.." started Lu Jinhu

"Mr Lu, I can anticipate what you are about to say.Ms Jones, due to her injury is given permission to remain seated to speak, but you have not, now sit down and be quiet."The Judge in Australia paused and continued this time addressing the judge in Country X "Apologise, … excuse me how do I refer to a judge there in Country X."

"We generally are called, for males Sir.Can I ask why it is your Honour."

"In Australia we follow a legal tradition that comes from England, and it is part of the traditions from there.I am not sure why it is Your Honour, but if it makes people feel more comfortable there, except for you Ms Jones as I expect you to respect the rules of the court, I am quite willing to be addressed the same as the legal traditions there.Now please continue Ms Jones."

"As I was saying your Honour, part of the agreement reached here for a sentence to be imposing on Mr and Madam Lu requires certain orders agreed to in the agreement require orders to finalise the Family Law proceedings in Australia."Anna took a deep breath to pause as she knew she needed to be careful about what she revealed.

"It revokes the current orders to the extent that the deal with the property settlement and the proposed orders puts in place orders in line with the agreement.The original signed copy has been provided to the Court, Mr Lu's representative there has a copy and there are copies here given to the Court and Mr Lu to see that there is compliance with the deal."

"Ms Jones, that does not give me enough information.I am tempted not only to refuse to make the orders today, but order costs against you, and leave this matter to its return date in two weeks."

"Your Honour I apologise however I need permission here to give more information."

Anna looked to the judge, who nodded before stating "I am happy for that information to be shared, as I believe that it will allow you to understand why this should occur today."

"Your Honour, Mr Lu has agreed on conditions that include the making of these orders, me handing over a particular laptop, which I attempted to do just before this link, and because I removed from it the legal software licensed to my employers and which has they protected data on he refused, and demanded my new laptop that I obtained to replace the one I am handing to him …"

"You never said you would say anything here on that, you …"

"Mr Lu, what did I tell you about contempt of court."

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