Offer To The CEO

Chapter 245: Court - Part 14

245 Court - Part 14

Friday, continued …

Meanwhile, in with Lu JInhu and Yang Lin

They finally finished reading the proposal to settle the matters.

"No way are we going to be convicted on any charge.You can tell them to get stuffed on a conviction.The amounts have to be dropped down, nothing hanging over our heards and nothing to protect that woman, she does not deserve it.Go on, make that clear."

"Lin, please settle down.I can agree with my wife about the convictions.We will not agree to anything that sees a conviction recorded.Findings of guilt though are OK, as then no jail time can be imposed.As to the order of protection, let her have it for 3 months, no more.But it is also contingent on me getting the laptop today with nothing removed,those two surrendering the rings to us and there being no ban on either of us having roles in companies."

"Jinhu, that is not right.We are the victims, not her.Why are we being punished?"

"Lin, we have to be realistic, the police and their investigatiosn have some things that they can pin on us.The last thing either of us needs is being sent to jail, which I would almost guarantee will be the outcome if the national prosecution service takes over the matter.It comes down to what we can live with."

"Well I do not like it.She has victimised us.I guess if you think it is OK, they I will agree with what you want, but know that that is a reluctant agreement."

They spoke for a couple of more minutes before the lawyer left and returned to the room where Alister Nang was waiting for him.

Alister spoke firstly "What do your client's want?"

"My client's have made it very clear, no convictions, no jail time, the fines to be reduced, the amount to the Hou's charitable initiative to be reduced, the order of protection for 3 months only, Madam Hou has to immediately surrender her laptop and provide all passwords with nothing deleted off it, and finally CEO Hou and Madam Hou have to surrender their wedding wings and Madam Hou's engagement ring as they were always intended to be purchased by my clients."

"Well, your client will have to be disappointed.The proposal is the bare minimum the national prosecution service will agree to, as well as the bare minimum my clients will agree to.In fact Madam Hou really wanted both of your clients to have significantly more time in jail.Madam Hou has agreed that your client can have the laptop on Monday after she has removed all personal items from it along with software controlled or owned by her employers ANX Lawyers."

"As to the rings, the answer is No.Our client's purchased them before your client's expressed anything other that a possible interest in purchasing the rings.I guess you have to go back and speak to your clients, as unless they agree to what it is, I can see that the national prosecution service will take over this matter."

"Fine, give me 5 minutes."

With that he left and went back to the room where Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin were waiting.As soon as he walked in Yang Lin stated "So you have come back to confirm we have what we wanted."

"Madam Lu, Mr Lu, I am sorry to have to tell you, it was made very clear that the offer in the document is the bare minimum that the national prosecution service and CEO and Madam Hou will accept.It therefore comes down to whether you will accept this, or have the national prosecution service take over the prosecuting of the matter.The only good news is, that Madam Hou is willing to let you have the laptop on Monday, after she has removed her personal items and work related software."

"What use it to us with those items removed.Tell them if that is the condition, keep the damn laptop."

"Mr Lu, Madam Lu what do you want to do?It is only 25 minutes before we have to be back in court?"

"F**k, it is to much pressure to make a decision today." Spat out Yang Lin.

Lu Jinhu however sat quietly, and then said "Just let me make a phone call."

With that he picked up his mobile and dialed his father, explaining to him what the offer was.His father said "Jinhu, I have heard from people in the capital that the national prosecution service are itching to get their hands on this case, and they want to see you and Yang Lin jailed for at least 18 months, and receiving a life-time ban from being involved with Lu Corporation.My gut instinct would be to take it, but delay the signing until Monday morning so we can put in place a few things.Argue that it would be unfair to force an agreement today, and that you need some time."

"Thanks Dad"

After ending the call Lu Jinhu spoke "I had a gut feeling, and speaking to my dad has just clarified it.We need a couple of days to think about what has been offered together, which means that I need out.Can we have the court to give us to Monday to think about matters?And when we return have the court require her to be on crutches in the court and its precincts?"

"That sounds reasonable.Let me go and make the proposal."

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