Offer To The CEO

Chapter 231: Arrest - Part 2

231 Arrest - Part 2

Thursday, continued …

"You are kidding me." Spat out Anna.She could not believe the details of the press conference."Officer Mu, what can you tell us?"

"Madam Hou, those documents you signed last week enabled us to quickly get information that enabled charges to be laid quickly.We already had an idea on exactly what we were looking for, and with the cooperation of the authorities in Australia, your bank and employers we were able to secure all the necessary information by this morning."

"I would have thought that that information would have had to come through official channels?"

"The Chief national prosecutor quickly secured agreement from, I understand the person is called the attorney-general, on a national level for cooperation.That in and of itself is unusual as it usually takes weeks.However given that you are both dual citizens and the information we are seeking is to support criminal charges here they were willing to cooperate.Particularly as it relates to the charge of his ongoing abuse of you, as it cannot be dealt with as easy in Australia as we can here."

"He is apparently passing on information to, I think it was said the Immigration Minister, about his Australian Citizenship, particularly in light of what you advised about his statements as to the reason he pursued a relationship with you, in that you were gullible and it was about obtaining citizenship, not a true relationship."

"So what happens from here?" Asked Rosemary

"Both of them are being interviewed.Madam Lu given her pregnancy will be released after being charged, for the safety of the fetus.Mr Lu, however will remain in police custody until the first court hearing."

"Now the criminal law system is different here from that in Australia.We have prosecutors, however they only deal with cases involving murder, terrorism and serious offences of that nature, unless a victim meets certain requirements either financial or they are a company, the prosecution of a person if left to the victim."

"The prosecution office provides assistance to the victims lawyer as to the charges, but little more than that.This is why Mr Nang was allowed to be involved with the investigation.I understand that he has been provided the documents to support the charges, but he will come and see you before the hearing.You will need to be present as well. As the judge will ask for your input as to the decision on bail further."

"I did not realise."

"Mr Nang will be able to tell you more.Now I will leave you to be"

"Goodbye, Officer Mu."

Hou Yi stood up and walked to the door, shaking Officer Mu's hand as he closed the door as he exited.

As Hou Yi come back, Anna commended "That was surprising.I thought, if there were any charges at all, it would be weeks if not months away."

"Well, that b**tard deserves it for what he has put you through!"

Before anything else could be said, Hou Yi's mobile rang.He answered it, and put it on speaker "CEO Hou, Alister Nang here."

"Mr Nang, I have you on speaker phone, I am with my wife ans sister-in-law.Could you speak English, so my Sister-in-Law can understand what is happening."

"Not a Problem.Madam Hou, I understand that Officer Mu is coming to see you."

"He has just left, and given my wife the basic information about how the prosecutions operate here."

"OK.I can confirm both Mr and Madam Lu have been arrested and interviewed.Madam Lu is released to appear tomorrow at court, whereas Mr Lu remains in police custody until the hearing tomorrow.If Madam Hou is not discharged from the hospital tomorrow morning I need to know immediately as I can have her attendance based on a medical opinion excused, however CEO Hou as her next-of-kin you have to be here.The only other thing that you have to make a decision on, unless they come with an offer to plead to the charges, is whether they both should be released pending further court hearings or not?"

"For her, given she is pregnant it would be heartless to insist that she is in jail.For him, he will be seeking assistance from the Australian Embassy beign a dual citizen.My only concern is that he cannot use his dual citizenship to leave the country.I would want him to surrender his passports and pay an amount as a bond that would hurt financially if he left the country.Additionally as her pregnancy has been difficult, it would add to her stress if she was separated from him.I want the high moral ground, but I do not want them if they are released to be able to come near me."

"I think that can be organised.I will either see you or talk to you tomorrow."With that the call was ended.

"Anna that is being generous."

"Actually no, the two of them will not be able to help themselves, and as dad commonly said, he will be in more s**t that a Werribee duck."

Rosemary burst out in laughter and Hou Yi was struggling to get the joke.Anna motioned him to lean over and explained to him that there is a sewerage treatment plant there.

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