Offer To The CEO

Chapter 215: Recovery and Revenge - Part 10

215 Recovery and Revenge - Part 10

Friday, continue …

"Let me see what I can do."

"Well I am going to call Susanne and ask."

"Hang on …"

"Come on Yi, pretty please" but now Anna was really pleading with Hou Yi.As soon as Hou Yi looked at his wife, he had no option but to relent.He could stay strong at least for some time, but as soon as he saw her face, he was gone.

In all the time since they had married the only times that he has seen her so happy and animated was when she was with her family, demonstrating in front of him her skills and the look she had on Wednesday morning before this nightmare started.All he wanted to do was to keep that look on her face.

"Well …"

"I am calling."

"Hang on Anna, what about James?"

"My baby brother can come any time.I need Susanne, Rosemary and Rebecca."

Anna grabbed Hou Yi's mobile, given hers was beside the bed, and started to dial Rosemary, as she knew she would know where Susanne was, and if she was at work, could get a message to her.

Three rings, and there was an answer "Rosemary speaking.Who is this?"

"Sweetheart …"

"Damn it Anna, why have you not called me in a few days."

"Well ,…"

"Forget it you will only tell me crap.Hang on a minute this is your husband's number.He gave it to me when you were here.Is he there?"

"Come on, I want to talk…"

"No way girlfriend, you will lie to me, so hand it over now, or I will get Rebecca on your back, and you know the you cannot hold out against the two of us let alone your brothers or Susanne."

"Fine" came out the snappy reply from Anna.As she turned and handed the phone to Hou Yi, she was pouting.

"Hi Rosemary."

"Come on brother-in-law something is going on and spill.I have not heard from Anna since Monday."

"Well, …"

"Do not think you can play the game that she does.I have your number, and I will hand it over to Ben, Adam and James and none of they will leave you in peace until you tell me what is going on."

"Give me a minute to tell you."

"Good, that sister of mine, despite how you feel for her has not got you so wound around her finger that you will not tell the truth.Spilt now."

"Fine.Tuesday night, let me just say that the b**tard …"

"Going by the name Lu Jinhu, I am guessing and his witch of a wife?"

"Correct.They assaulted her at a public event."

"F**k and you did not prevent it.I am telling her brothers …"

"No way do I need those three on my back, nor do I need Anna's dad.I would guess I would be bruised all over."

"They would do that, then the Susanne, Rebecca and I supported by Wayne, would…"

"Kill me and hide the body."

"Brother, you are getting it.We love Anna, and you damn well better protect her."

"I did, but they were just too quick for me to react.I got her out of there, and we went home.By Wednesday morning the police were going to charge the over it, but between being informed of this and them coming to take our statements, something had changed, and the police arrested Anna for causing the incident, and took her to the police station. …


"That us an understatement of my reactions.Apparently the two officers took her into an interview room, and as the evidence shows, she used her skills to turn them in knots."

"Way to go girl.She could always do that.My brother's best friend is a police officer in Melbourne, and he came across her a few times.He hates how she can do that to him, and he knows she is going softly on him."

"One of them did not take it too well.He reacted and badly assaulted her, breaking her leg, and causing a number of other injuries."


"As she was knocked out, the doctors are keeping her in hospital in a private suite for up to two weeks before she can go home.Initially I was told it was only for a few days, but I now have the impression as access into the room can be controlled by the hospital, she is being kept here longer as the investigators dealing with the matter want to ensure her protection."

"You know I have to tell."

"I have no issue with that.However, we have been told, that when she goes home Anna will need some private nursing for a few weeks.She had the thought that Susanne or James might be interested in coming."

"I guess they would, however, did she not tell you I am a qualified nurse as well.When I had the children, I opted to work part time at a medical practice.I work between 10 and 15 hours per week, mainly as an administrative assistance, but 5 or so hours as a practice nurse to cover breaks, and this increases when the practice nurses are on leave."

"If it does not work for them, I could come.James has applied for his passport, but I am not sure if he has it and I am not sure Susanne's is still in date.The last time Susanne went overseas was 12 years ago when she and Wayne went on their honeymoon.Mine is current.Let me talk to them, and we can see what we can do."

"I will call you back, as Susanne's shift does not finish she a couple of hours, and James has classes until 4pm here.However as school holidays are a couple of weeks away here, if I come once they hit school holidays, the children will need to come over, and before you ask they do have passports, as we took a family Holiday to Bali last year."

"Thank you.I wait to hear from you.As soon as I know who is coming, I will arrange flight to Singapore where the baby jet will collect whoever comes across.And the children can be brought across on a private flight once school holidays starts, if you come."

"Goodbye Yi.Tell Anna I love her and will talk to her in a few hours."

With that Rosemary hung up.

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