Offer To The CEO

Chapter 210: Recovery and Revenge - Part 5

210 Recovery and Revenge - Part 5

Thursday, continued …

Their discussion was interrupted, by both their phones ringing.Anna received a call from Amanda Mei, and Hou Yi from Phillipa Chen.Both told them to come up.With that Hou Yi walked out to the entry area, to escort both in.As he spotted a nurse, he indicated that there were two guests coming up to see his wife, but one he needed to introduce to her.As he reached the door, both Amanda Mei and Phillipa Chen arrived up in the one elevator.

Hou Yi simply indicated to Amanda Mei "As your boss I should be thinking about firing you for taking a half day, but given you are here to see my wife, go in before I think about it."

With a smirk, Amanda simply walked past Hou Yi and headed towards Anna's room.

"Phillipa, before we go in, are you OK with me introducing you to the staff.I had the thought if I introduced you as Anna's current psychologist, that will enable you, if you want to, to come in freely, rather than having one of us tell the staff to let you up."

"Actually, that makes sense.I can make some preliminary assessments to help the counsellor who will be your permanent counsellor.More importantly I can keep her company, as if she is anything like me, your wife will get sick of you after a while."By the end Phillipa was laughing at Hou Yi due to the look on his face.

"Fine, I know that you think I am a joke some of the time."

"Some of the time?"

"Do not tempt me Pip."

Phillipa realised that Hou Yi was getting annoyed with her so she decided not to tempt fate in her response."Well, introduce me to the nursing staff"

Hou Yi lead Phillipa towards the nurses desk, and located one of the nurses on duty."Mr Hou how can we help you?"

"This is Dr Chen, a counsellor who has been working with my wife recently, including helping her find a more permanent counsellor.My wife made some comment to me earlier, that hinted that medical staff were concerned about her mental health.I was wondering if Dr Chen could be brought in as part of the team dealing with my client while she is in hospital, rather than introducing someone new in?"

"Dr Chen, a pleasure to meet you."With that the nurse put her hand out and shook Phillipa's hand.She turned to Hou Yi "Sir, I do not think there would be an objection, but I would have to check with the medical staff treating your wife.They are due in an hour or so to do another review, and I would suggest that you and Dr Chen speak to them at that time.I will, however let them know in advance that you need to speak to them."

With that Hou Yi and Phillipa walked down towards Anna's room.The first thing that they herd when they entered the room was Anna and Amanda Mei laughing.As he opened the door, he asked "What is so funny."

"Yang Lin, now trying to justify herself."

"What have I missed?" came the question from Phillipa.

"Yesterday, these two posted two photos, one from Amanda with a photo of Anna and the other of the two of them, with captions, about Amanda visiting, that something happened to Anna and landed her in hospital, something about manipulation and justice to be served.They then started to share on social media.Apparently, Amanda's friends shared it around and it came to the attention of Yang Lin, who fired back about w**re's getting what they deserve, that Anna had lied and that she deserved what happened on Tuesday night and yesterday and that there was more to come."

"She has the social media disease I refer to forget and message.She does not thinks about the messages posted before posting.She reacted and posted initially, and once she started to read the reactions, she posted again.'She is a manipulative w**re.All I said was she deserved what happened, as she is trying to ruin my marriage with her lies, and her false claims of marriage to Hou Yi.'She has no filter."

"What are you trying to do?"

"Well she opened the door and walked right in."responded Amanda, and she and Anna burst out laughing.

"I am guessing you two are playing lawyers games?" came Hou Yi.

"Well what did you expect, we are lawyers.And I am guessing Yang Lin's posts will help the police greatly in trying to prove that the had something to do with what happened in the police station," responded Amanda.

"And it helps with …"

"Your goals with respect to them, I am guessing."

"To true, my husband."

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