Offer To The CEO

Chapter 183: The results

183 The results

Wednesday, continued …

"CEO Hou, we have gotten the test results back.The blood tests revealed nothing.The various scans and x-rays have enabled us to determine the only major injuries Madam Hou has seemed to have received is a concussion and a broken Tibia and Fibula on her left leg.We were luck that the breaks are clean, and the bone has not shifted."

"Additionally she has a small fracture on her cheek bone, but the specialists have determined nothing can be done for that.It will simply heal on its own provided she is not hit in the face again.Finally, there is some minor internal bruising, apparently from last night's punch."

Doctor Kung paused, and decided he needed to talk about the plans."Our intention, CEO Hou, is put a cast on Madam Hou's leg, finish the stitching that we need on her head, start a IV with the drugs that have been determined to be appropriate and she will be moved to a private ward.The IV will be in until tomorrow morning."

"Normal practice CEO Hou is that we would keep someone in for 2-3 days once they had woken up with the injuries that Madam Hou has suffered.Given the circumstances that she suffered her injuries, the specialist's have indicated that believe it is her best interest to keep her in for two to three weeks, for additional monitoring, given she has the broken leg."

"It is not driven by concerns about her physical recovery.The injuries despite appearing dramatic are not life threatening.However, in talking to the psychiatric team, the decision is made in that it will allow Madam Hou to deal with the chock of what happened.You are quite welcome to wait here for us to finish the necessary tasks before accompanying her up to her room."

"Thank You Doctor Kung, we will do that."

Mu Tong noticed how Hou Yi appeared to have had the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders at the mention that his wife's injuries were not as serious as they could have been.

They both stood there for 15 minutes, watching the medical staff finish the few things they wanted to do.At Doctor Kung's signal, Anna was taken on the trolley she was on, out of the Trauma Room, and towards elevators along a corridor.Hou Yi and Mu Tong followed them, and squeezed in the elevator with the medical staff and Anna on the trolley.They reached the top floor and exited the elevator.They were greeted in the foyer, by a nurse.

"And this is…?" asked the nurse.

One of the staff accompanying Anna responded "Hou, Anna.With us is her husband CEO Hou Yi of Hou Enterprises and Police Officer Mu."

"CEO Hou, I am guessing you will be arranging for your own security to protect your wife while she is in here?Will you be staying with your wife?"

"Yes to both questions."

"If you can follow me, I know the perfect room to place Madam Hou in."

With that the nurse turned and signaled for the medical staff to bring Anna.They walked through a corridor to a corner room, which had a sitting area in blues and grey tones, with grey carpet.It had a couch, and three chairs.Beside it was a small dining area, with a table and 4 chairs; and ensuite bathroom, and the medical area, which had not only a larger hospital bed, for the patient, but would allow someone to sleep beside themOff to the side of there was also a queen size bed covered with the same blues and grey tones coverings that were in the lounge area for the patient's family to sleep in.

Working together, the hospital staff transferred Anna carefully to the bed in the room, and all but the nurse from the floor left.

"CEO Hou, you are welcome to stay here 24 hours a day if you wish.We can arrange for meals to be catered in, our you are welcome to have your own meals brought in.For the first three days after Madam Hou wakes, we will supply her meals, but after that you can either arrange for them to be brought in, or we can supply them as well."

"While, as you can see the bed your wife is in, is large enough for you to both sleep in, you cannot sleep with her, until she is awake.While the Doctor's will confirm for how long Madam Hou will have the cast on, it will be at least five to six weeks.This will mean both of you have to make a number of adjustments in what you do."

"Something, I would recommend is that once Madam Hou returns home, you have nursing help engaged to provide you with assistance in caring for Madam Hou for a couple of weeks.We have some recommended private nursing services, so I will bring you their details for you to start arranging that."

"Now, in this room, we have no problem with you having laptops and other electronic devices in this suite.For Internet access you are welcome to use the hospital connection, but we will not guarantee its security.However if you bring in a personal portable router, please inform us before you commence using it."

"Finally," and with this Hou Yi is handed a pass "This is your pass to enable you to come and go as you please.We will supply you with sufficient passes for your bodyguards, however all other guests will be required to be escorted into this area and to Madam Hou's suite."

"Excuse me nurse, could you please arrange for Officer Mu here also to have a pass.We know the police are investigating matters, and Officer Mu has been assigned as our liaison, so it is appropriate that he has a pass was arranged."

"CEO Hou, just given me a few minutes, and I will arrange for that pass."

With that she left, leaving Officer Mu stunned.Hou Yi turned "Mu Tong, we trust you given the lengths that you have gone to.If there are issued with police headquarters, tell them that we will only deal with you as we do not at this time trust anyone else."

"I do not know what to say."

"Take it as the complement it is."

With that the nurse walked back in and handed Mu Tong the card.

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