Offer To The CEO

Chapter 180: Officer Mu Talks - Part 1

180 Officer Mu Talks - Part 1

Wednesday, continued …

Despite seeing a look of determination pass on Hou Yi's face Officer Mu knew he was deflated.While it might end up costing him his job, he knew he needed to do more than was expected to support someone in this situation.This time Inspector Gang had gone beyond anything that was acceptable, and what was worse was that Senior Officer Fang allowed him to do it.

"CEO Hou," said Officer Mu quietly.

It took a few seconds before Hou Yi reacted, and quietly said "Yes."

"We need to talk about what happened.At this point, I actually do not care if talking to you and backing you and Madam Hou up costs me my job with the police."

"It sounds like you are about to tell me something that you know others within the police department may not like.If it comes to is, and you lose your job, come to Hou Enterprises.We always have openings for honest, hardworking people within the business."

"Thank You CEO Hou …"

"Officer Mu, I think in the circumstances you can call me Yi."

"Thank you, sir.My name is Tong."

"Tong, what did you need to say."

"I need to be honest with you.Remember when I spoke to you and Madam Hou at your home about the assault at the Key Plaza Hotel, and I threatened her with wasting police time."Officer Mu turned to Hou Yi and noticed that he was nodding his head.

"I never intended to pursue that but was using it to scare her into telling me the truth.I immediately felt that something was not right about her relationships with Lu Jinhu and you.I was seriously concerned about her being the victim of violence in the home and wanted her to talk to me, so that I could act to ensure that the was protected."

"It was not me."

"I know that now Sir."

"Other than two brief face to face meetings before the day we married, our relationship was carried out in secret, and we communicated through instant messaging applications.When the mood took us, we would message each other and simply talk that way.At the time we first met, my wife was in a relationship with Lu Jinhu."

"I never pushed her about her relationship, as doing that would be disrespecting her.I had accepted that if all that could happen was, we were friends, then that would be enough for me.For me, right from the start her happiness was all that I wanted.I understand from early on in our communications she was questioning if her relationship with Lu Jinhu was what she wanted."

"However, to cut a long story short, things developed, and we eventually married.The first night we spent together was the night that we obtained our marriage certificate.While that, in today's world seems unconventional, I know my wife and I have no regrets about that fact."

"Actually sir, before your press release last Thursday and your press conference Monday, I had already reached out to police in Australia and had enough information that led me to believe that the person who was abusive towards Madam Hou was Lu Jinhu."

"What, does anyone else know you have this information?"Hou Yi was shocked that in just two weeks, through some inquiries Officer Mu was able to reach a conclusion that Lu Jinhu was violent towards Anna.Hou Yi wondered what he had found out.

"I tried to tell Inspector Gang and Senior Officer Fang, but they dismissed me."

"What did you find out?"

"According to the few officers that I had spoken to about Madam Hou, she was, despite defending criminals, was well respected by the police.She did not mess then around, was honest, professional and ethical.One officer remembered an incident from just over two years ago, and he was going to search records to find all the information to provide me.I have not received it yet."

"What this officer told me, was that he was called to scene of a two-vehicle car accident.The car that Madam Hou and Lu Jinhu were traveling in was hit from behind.From what he can remember, everyone was injured, but Madam Hou's injuries were the most serious and the only ones that required transportation to hospital for treatment."

"From what he can remember the balance of the injuries could simply be seen to by their personal doctors, rather than wasting hospital emergency department time.The officer indicated that the only reason he recalled the accident was by witnesses to the accident as at the scene that Lu Jinhu was aggressive, angry, abusive and threatening.He had to keep Lu Jinhu from everyone else."

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