No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 176: Battle of a False Hero

Chapter 176: Battle of a False Hero

As I advanced I saw several girls with fox faces who were extracting life energy from the soldiers who were still alive.

When a soldier died due to lack of vital energy, a dog with several red eyes would approach the soldier to devour his body, mind, and soul.

The deeper I went into the castle, the greater the signs of combat while the corpses decreased.

Beastkin, elves, demons, dwarves, and other races that I don't know. All these brave soldiers became Ortro's lunch.

I looked at the angel of death next to me.

"You are having fun?" - I smiled ironically.

The angel (Ortro) nodded. – "Food and suffering… This is fun"

"Remember, you can only digest the minds and souls of the soldiers loyal to the Demon King, the soldiers who maintain loyalty to Fleonell will be revived so you can't digest them" – My words made Ortro make sad puppy sounds.

An angel of death making noises from a small pet is bizarre...

We kept going until we arrived in front of a huge door that could not be crossed by the black blood.

This is the entrance to the throne room and is protected by a powerful barrier far superior to the golden barrier that protected the castle.

The angel's right arm became a dog's head while his left arm became a fox. Both animal heads opened their jaws to start chewing through the barrier, but I stopped them.

"I want to try something" - I smiled.

In my battle with the Reincarnated, I discovered the best way to use Hero Plot Armor, Nakama Power, and Rasen.

To use these powers to the fullest I must smash my face against an insurmountable obstacle until my face breaks and that is how I will overcome adversity.

It sounds stupid, but that's how it works to be a protagonist, always in the face of danger.

System Goddess and I formed the theory that this is why the most powerful protagonists are impulsive idiots, impulsive and idealistic stupidity gives strength.

I used [Mythomania] to make myself think that the only way to break this barrier is with my bare hands, but it was impossible for me to break this barrier. It also made me think that if I can't break through this barrier, Fleonell will be in danger as the imbecile Demon King will lay hands on her which will bring suffering to my wife...

[System Notification: Sadism (50%) > (70%)]

[System Notification: 'Nakama Power' has been unintentionally activated]

I pressed both hands against the door while [Rasen] covered my arms.

The door started to shake, but it was not enough, if I don't hurry that jerk will take advantage of my wife...

[System Notification: 'Nakama Power' energy is mutating 'Hamon' energy]

Although this is already extreme, I imagined Felonell's suffering face... Shit, I'm getting really angry...

[System Notification: The energy 'Hamon' has absorbed the title 'The one who opens the door' and the skill 'Iron Will' to successfully evolve into a personal skill. The 'Rasen' energy has influenced the evolution of the 'Hamon' energy.

Hamon (100%) > Stand: Libera Me From Hell (100%)]

[Stand: Libera Me From Hell (100%) (Activatable Skill): Libera me, Domine, de morte æterna, In die illa tremendous. in die illa…

No limits, no restrictions, no chains, no barriers… Pierce the heavens!

The materialization of freedom capable of breaking the restrictions of the world, life, and reality. The Stand has two abilities:

1) When used as a weapon, it is possible to break the limits of creation and existence whenever you hit a target with the Stand. This ability depends on the user's desire for freedom and the 'Obsession' stat.

2) Generates an exclusive pocket dimension for the user. The dimension can store 'Rasen', 'Anti-Rasen', and anything that is involved with the 'Spiral' concept. The size of the dimension is comparable to a universe]

It worked better than I thought...

I deactivated [Mythomania] before the anger and worry started to affect my rationality.

I looked at the small object that appeared in my hand. It was a small drill with a thin chain that made it look like a necklace rather than a weapon.

"Hey Listen! That little thing won't help you with women hahahahaha!"

I grabbed Navi and activated [Sadism].


Smoke came out of Navi's body.

When I released him, the idiot fell to the ground as he convulsed.

I like this skill...

"Shitty bitch… But this won't stop me! You'll see you fucking bastard! I'll be able to enjoy this shit and you'll be screwed muhahahaha!"

I ignored Navi and focused [Rasen] on the drill, but the drill didn't even turn, it just stood still like it was a simple ornament...

"Hey Listen! You have been scammed! It sure is Chinese merchandise hahahahaha!" – Navi floated back to my side even though there was still smoke coming out of his body.

I sighed and decided to give this thing a try.

I pressed the drill against the door and then turned it like a key to start a car.

I was shocked when blue flames covered the entire door and in a flash of light, the entire hallway was filled with blue flames as the door disintegrated.

"Hey Listen! This shit is OP! You are going to be sued for using hacks!" – Navi sounded excited.

I'm just as surprised as the idiot.

What the drill did was not destroy the barrier, but it literally disintegrated all traces of energy breaking the Equivalence Principle...

System Goddess will be angry when she knows that I obtained another ability that will make me an enemy of deities that protect the balance.

I'll think about the repercussions of this later, for now, I put the chain of the drill around my neck like a necklace and looked at the angel of death. – "Ortro, return to my body"

The angel of death nodded as her body turned into a black liquid and re-entered my body.

Although we can both use 100% of our power while fighting apart, when we are apart I can't use Ortro's ability to devour souls which is a disadvantage.

Since [Reader's Perspective] allowed me to understand the enemy, I knew what I would find when I entered the throne room, but I still wanted to sigh seeing the scene on the spot.

On the ground were the wounded bodies of the elite troops and loyal warriors of the Demon King.

Not all of them were dead, some were dying with missing body parts as four strange humanoid monsters devoured their bodies.

The monsters used to be the Demon King's personal escorts, but now they became violent and irrational monsters that seek food to evolve.

"Hakuou bastard!" – A man who looked like a lion screamed in fury as his right arm was devoured by one of the monsters.

I don't even need to use [Reader's Perspective] to understand the context.

The Demon King got scared when I destroyed the gate so he activated one of his trump cards and ordered his personal escort to ingest the mutation pills. The side effect of those things is an insatiable hunger so the escorts started eating the Demon King's generals, but Hakuou didn't care about that since the monsters are much stronger than the generals.

Hakuou was sitting on his throne with a cocky smile as he sneered at me.

To the right of him are 25 immortal soldiers while to the left of him are the five four meter tall combat robots which showed how unnecessarily large this room is.

"Hahaha, Liott, you were always an idiot who blindly followed the Dark Queen" – The Demon King acted like a pretentious idiot. – "Since I am sure that you will be the first to betray me when you know that the Dark Queen really returned, it is better to destroy you right now… Oh, one more thing, your daughter is still alive, but she was sold as a slave so right now it must be the toy of some human ahahahaha"

Although Hakuou has 100 immortal soldiers, there are only 50 of them in the capital so Fleonell will take care of 25 of them while the rest of the soldiers are flying dragons to intercept my group, but I'm not worried.

"Hakuou bastard! I'm ashamed to be from the same tribe as you! I'm going to kill you fucking bastard!" – The lion-like general shouted furiously.

After the battle with Wesker I realized how troublesome it is to fight enemies with regenerative abilities so Shiguma has been developing specialized weapons to contain biologically immortal enemies.

"For the love of God, stop yelling and let's fight like uncivilized people" - I sighed.

I'd rather give unnecessary context to my actions than listen to this stupid drama.

The Demon King looked at me with a frown. – "So you are a human from another world, and judging by the sword in your hand you must be a hero… But that does not matter, unlike the Dark Queen, that sword cannot harm me"

If Hakuou is officially the subordinate of the king of the Human Empire then the hero's sword can't harm him since he would be something like the pet of humanity, that's why I didn't bring the real sword.

I frowned as if I didn't believe his words. – "You are the enemy of humanity! This sword was made to take down monsters like you!"

I struck a fighting pose straight out of a children's show and acted like a fairy tale hero.

"Hahahahaha ignorant human!" – Hakuou shouted with delight and gestured for his subordinates to move out of the way giving me space to attack. – "Attack me and see how useless your efforts are! The great me will never be defeated by an insignificant human!"

Hakuou's soldiers and robots were set up for a trap, his idea seems to be to let me attack him and when the sword can't hurt him, he will order his troops to kill me.

"Human, don't attack him! The sword cannot harm him!" – The general named Liott shouted anxiously. – "Flee from here and meet with the Dark Queen, her majesty must know that the humans are preparing a ritual to call an invincible army that will enslave the Inhumans!"

When I acted like a noble hero did I look just as stupid as this man? That's disgusting...

"I am a hero, I will not be defeated!" – I showed a stubborn expression and rushed to attack Hakuou.

I didn't use my higher speed giving the appearance that my strength was comparable to a human general and actually, my power depends on the magic sword.

"Noooo!" – Liott shouted in desperation believing that I will die since with my death the humans will recover the magic sword which would be a disaster for the Inhumans.

Hakuou had a stupid arrogant smile as he didn't use any magic to defend himself allowing my sword to attack his neck.

When the sword was about to cut his neck, I concentrated [Rasen], [Anti-Rasen], [Ki] into the sword.

I made a quick swing of the sword and instead of cutting his neck, I stabbed his heart.

When the sword pierced through his chest, the tip of the sword turned into liquid black blood and invaded Hakuou's body preventing him from dying.

When the black blood reached his brain, I used the mind-devouring skill of my [Outer God] title.

Because Hakuou's willpower was pathetically weak, I was able to destroy his mind in less than a second so I took control of his body and had Hakuou raise his hand to command the immortal soldiers and robots. that they stay quiet.

When I made sure that the soldiers and robots wouldn't move even if Hakuou is killed, I took out the sword from his heart and then cut off his head.

Hakuou's mind and soul were devoured by Ortro as Kon devoured his life energy and a curse placed on his body to be an obedient slave.

Although Hakuou died, the immortals, robots, and soldiers stood by the last order they received from the Demon King, to stand still.

These immortal soldiers are interesting and I want to study them to strengthen my biological weapons, as for the robots, I think Shiguma will like these toys.

In two seconds all the enemies had been neutralized. It was easy since [Reader's Perspective] showed me all the abilities and trump cards of my enemies, this skill is definitely a wonder.

The problem is that the killing was so quick that I didn't even have time to vent by using [Sadism] to slowly destroy Hakuou… Well, at least I know this skill works since there's still smoke coming out of Navi's body.

I looked at the lion-like general and smiled wryly. – "Well, the sword worked"

"…" – Liott looked at me in disbelief and then showed a smile of resignation and despair. – "It seems that we Inhumans are destined to perish at the hands of humans…"

I approached the werelion and pointed to his legs which were severed.

Black blood moved under his body in an alchemy circle. I offered the equivalent of two human corpses to rebuild the general's two legs.

"I think there is a misunderstanding here, I'm not fighting for humans" - I smiled like a reliable hero. – "I am fighting on behalf of the Dark Queen, Fleonell Bernstein, and the God of Order and Balance, Orthus"

Liott looked at his legs in disbelief. – "I heard the enemy say that he was the God Orthus, but I thought it was just a trick of the humans…"

Liott scrambled to his feet, then dropped to one knee in front of me. – "On behalf of the Inhumans I appreciate the help of the hero, I Liott Bloodfield swear loyalty to the hero"

This man seems like the kind of soldier I like best, loyal soldiers who don't think too much and follow orders without asking questions.

I smiled slightly and patted him on the shoulder. – "It is not to me that you must swear allegiance… Come on, it is time for the Dark Queen to recover her throne"

The loyalty in the werelion's gaze grew closer to fanaticism.

This man is strong, his physical power is comparable to Hayato's plus he possesses the innate abilities of his species that give him greater resistance to magic and combat instincts.

I found a good meat shield to lead my troops.

"Hey Listen! This battle was anticlimactic bullshit!" – Navi shouted with joy at my side.

"It's not my fault that the Demon King was too arrogant to the point of offering his own neck" – I replied apathetically.

"Hey Listen! We all wanted to see you torture that asshole for bad-mouthing your cow-titted wife!" – Navi was still noisy.

"I'm a murderer, not a torturer" - I rolled my eyes. – "Giving time to the enemy can only generate unnecessary problems, it is better to eliminate problems immediately"

I looked at a gold coin in my left hand. The coin looked like an ancient coin with strange symbols that I cannot recognize, but what is striking is that in the center of the coin there is a spear surrounded by four wings similar to those of angels.

I took this out of Hakuou's body while my sword made it sashimi. This is the summoning artifact to summon the subordinate of a Higher Entity.

Even among Higher Entities, there is a hierarchy where the False Higher Entities are mere soldiers without status.

Making a comparison, a Higher Entity is God while a False Higher Entity is a guardian angel.

In fact, Senko is a False Higher Entity so in reality she is not strong and her power comes from her leader.

This coin is designed to summon a False Higher Entity since they have fewer restrictions than a true Higher Entity, but it is still better to be careful since just as a human can kill a God, a False Higher Entity can become stronger than a Higher Entity.

Although the barrier put up by the System Goddess can block calls for help and can even block messages from Higher Entities specialized in space management and message concepts, being careful is the way to survive.

All troublesome entity matters aside, it's time to take control of the Demon Kingdom.

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