No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 166: Reincarnated

Chapter 166: Reincarnated

1) Honda Yuuya, aka 'Looper', man.

Skill: 'Second Chance'. Go back in time every time he dies making him technically immortal and capable of correcting any mistake.

2) Louis Crawford, aka 'God's Mistake', male.

Skill: 1) 'Three non-magic' his spells don't require chanting, his magic ignores the attribute system and doesn't need catalysts for large-scale magic. 2) 'Creation of magic tools'. He can create almost any magic tool only limited by his imagination.

3) Flare, aka 'The Fallen Goddess', female.

Skill: 'Goddess of healing'. Support magic that allows to heal any wound, remove curses, purify poisons, remove diseases, purify undead, holy energy attacks, and resurrection as long as at least the skeleton of the corpse remains.

4) Imerda Piñata, [System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has suppressed the user's urge to laugh], aka 'The villain's daughter', female.

Skill: 'Otome Protagonist'. Probability manipulation, increased luck, seduction, and emotional control.

5) Kilt, aka 'The Dual Wield Black Knight', male.

Skill: 'Perfect Swordsman'. Attacks that ignore any defensive abilities, perfect combat instincts, superhuman speed, superhuman reflexes, superhuman strength, superhuman stamina, his swords absorb the opponent's life energy to replenish one's health.

6) Anastasia Melokva, aka 'The Young Devil', female.

Skill: 'Soldier of God'. Unlimited reserve of magic power, high-speed flight magic, and attack magic focused on magic bullets, individual barriers, and explosion magic.

7) Roro Sendiger, aka 'The Named Slime', male.

Skill: 'Predator'. Devour other living things to gain stats and skills.

8) Shijou Yukiko, aka 'Restaurant from another world', female.

Skill: 'Isekai Sushi'. Pocket dimension in which any form of attack is negated and is immune to spatial restrictions.

9) Don Will Dead, aka 'The Undead King', man.

Skill: 1) 'King of the Crypt'. He can turn any corpse into an undead of great power. 2) 'King of death'. Increase in dark magic and necromancy.

… Shit.

I sighed after hearing all about my biggest obstacles in this world. The worst thing is that those 9 protagonists are not my only problem.

They are humanity's weapons of mass destruction, but just as the big countries not only have nuclear bombs, I still have to deal with missiles, heavy weapons, and soldiers...

This is only my second 'Theme' type world but I'm already tired of these stupid chaotic worlds...

"And what of our allies?" – I massaged my forehead.

"There are the beastkin tribes, the elves, dwarves, giants, demons, and practically all the inhuman races that makeup about 70% of the intelligent population of this world" - Witch smiled.

I looked at this woman blankly. –"I will guess, all the strong warriors are dead or enslaved while the current Inhumans are so weak that even with their numbers they are not able to attack a single human city"

"You understood the situation quickly, very surprising" - Witch nodded ironically. – "The Inhumans used to have powerful warriors who could face and kill the best warriors of humanity so both groups were at peace, but with the arrival of the Reincarnated that balance was lost, and all our best warriors were killed, captured, or turned into trophies"

Witch waved her hand creating a small cloud of smoke which showed some images. – "In addition to the Reincarnated, there are more than 1000 human generals with the power to destroy entire cities and although some of our warriors have the same strength, for some reason our attacks are useless against the Reincarnated…"

Witch sighed. – "With my prophecy magic I was able to see the secrets of the Reincarnated, but I don't know who gave the Reincarnated strange skills, the only thing I am sure of is that the deity or legendary being who did this has no good intentions"

And that's how I got involved with a Higher Entity again, I'm sure of it.

I just hope that entity doesn't appear in this world out of anywhere or things will become troublesome as this world seems to lack adequate means to retain a Higher Entity...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says that a Higher Entity will not appear in this world as long as the user does not try to search for that entity]

Thanks, is good to know.

Perhaps the entity that gave those idiots skills as an experiment and then scrapped them after noticing that Reincarnates can't kill other Higher Entities, which isn't that strange since Higher Entities sometimes do troublesome experiments that create problems for others worlds.

Why do they do it?

Experiments, curiosity, deep and complex plans… There are many options, but the biggest reason is that the boredom of an immortal entity is something that cannot be underestimated.

I shook my head. – "It is better if you stop investigating this matter and we focus on dealing with the current problems"

Witch looked at me curiously. – "Do you know anything about the entities capable of giving these skills?"

Technically I am one of those entities, but I lack resources, information, and interest.

I smiled wryly. – "The universe is big, it is not good to think about this for now"

Witch seemed to be drowning in curiosity, but she still nodded and showed me a scroll with a map on it. – "Two kilometers to the north there is a human city where we can buy some inhuman slaves to start forming our own forces, I have a lot of gold accumulated so you can pretend to be a merchant"

Although I don't care about unimportant things like the rights of living beings, the subject of slaves generates a new concern for me.

"Don't you have subordinates?" – It is not good that we are only two people to face all humanity.

"I have some subordinates, but they are busy making preparations in other cities" – Witch smiled at me. – "I have been preparing a war against humans for two years, I cannot be careless"

I nodded, I like this woman.

"What do you think of mind control?" – I asked while I focused on Witch's body language and spiritual frequency to see her true feelings.

"It's defective" - ​​Witch denied while sighing. – "I don't know how the worlds you visited have been, but in this world, mind control magic was obsolete centuries ago, so it is not a good option"

Living beings develop resistance in a hostile environment so centuries ago mind control magic must have been overexploited to the point where living beings developed resistance.

Fortunately, I have my own means.

"Then let's go with the idea of ​​the slaves" - I nodded and then I brought up a topic that has been on my mind. – "By the way, do you know a woman named Fleonell Bernstein?"

"The Dark Queen?" - Witch looked at me with surprise and then sighed sadly. – "She was defeated years ago at the hands of the Reincarnated, and although she did not die, her body remained in a state of petrification which is a great tragedy since she was a very powerful woman and even had the power to face the Reincarnated in individual combat…"

Since the Will of the World gave me the mission to protect that woman then she must have an important role in this world so I must search for her and find a method to return her to normal.

"Do you know where her body is?" – I asked curiously. – "If she is as strong as you say, then if we can return her to normal then she will be an excellent addition to our group"

"Even if we find her I don't know how to nullify the petrification curse on her" – Witch had a bitter expression. – "Perhaps the power of The Fallen Goddess can restore the status of the Dark Queen, but it is impossible for her to help us"

I smiled. – "Making the impossible possible is the job of a hero"

Witch stared at me and then started laughing. – "Hahahahaha great words! Now you need to show your abilities"

Since she still doesn't trust my abilities then I'll show her what I'm capable of.

I looked at the map and saw the human city…

"Before you mentioned that, although the Reincarnated fight on behalf of humanity, they are a group of selfish idiots who even harm humans" - I smiled wryly.

Human stupidity knows no boundaries between worlds.

Witch nodded. – "That's right, since they used to be losers in their past lives, now they act like tyrants blinded by power"

Discontent, fear, resentment… I can work with this.

"Hey Listen!" – Navi appeared in front of us.

"What is that and why do I want to hit him?" – Witch looked at Navi curiously.

Since she's part of my harem, it's okay for her to meet Navi.

"Hey Listen! Let's cause a war! I want to see idiots killing each other like the pathetic creatures they are! It's more! You go to fuck the reincarnated women! Muahahahaha!" – Navi began to laugh maniacally when he was able to guess part of my plans.

"Pay no attention to this asshole" – I shrugged. – "It is just a noisy plague that follows me everywhere"

"Hey Listen! The only plague here is your stupid idiot face!" – Navi shouted with joy.

"..." - Witch looked at me strangely. – "Are all heroes so strange?"

"I hope not" - I sighed.

I had some ideas that I need to check. – "I need to capture at least two humans to check if my skills work properly in this world"

Witch seems like the kind of woman who thinks the end justifies the means so I can use mind reprogramming techniques without her seeing it as a bad thing.

Witch pointed to an area on the map. – "This is a commercial route where there are some groups of bandits, we can capture a group of merchants or we can capture bandits, it all depends on what interests you"

I smiled. – "I do not have a stupid ideal of justice, I only believe in the greater good"

"The greater good?" - Witch smiled. – "I like how that sounds~"

I like this woman more and more.

Without leaving the cabin, Witch used a spell that formed a kind of white portal that allowed us to move to the location on the map.

"You have to teach me how to use space magic" – when we reached some hills I marveled at how convenient magic is.

"You don't have magical power so it's almost impossible for you to use magic" - Witch smiled uncomfortably. – "But I can make magical artifacts for you"

That will do for now, then I'll figure out how to get magic with my system.

I checked with Witch earlier and she can't detect any of my supernatural energies as they are unknown energy systems in this world so I crouched down and put my hand on the ground to use Ki pulses to cover the entire hill to find my lab rats.

"Twenty meters away there is a cave where 10 people are hiding, I'm not sure, but they seem to have captured a group of merchants so there are a total of 15 people" – I stood up and walked towards the cave.

"Interesting method of tracking" – Witch walked by my side like a child full of curiosity. – "I did not feel any kind of energy, but I think you used something similar to the tracking abilities of demonic bat monsters"

"It's called sonar" – I started to act like a teacher, System Goddess infected me with her silly habit. – "When you use a specific frequency of sound waves, these waves harmlessly collide with objects and then bounce back to you allowing you to constantly map based on the position and shape of the objects the sound waves collide with, or in my case, vibrations"

Witch looked even more curious. – "Is this what in your world is called science?"

I nodded. – "I hardly understand magic, but from what I know, science has the potential to match magic"

"Actually science is a great complement to magic" - Witch seemed uncomfortable. – "The Reincarnated used knowledge from another world to improve magic and created objects called magic cannons, magic planes and other artifacts that caused destruction against the Inhumans"

Science and magic… That sounds troublesome.

"I feel guilty for being human" - Tsubaki sighed in my mind.

Although she can go out to see the outside world in this world, she is too comfortable in my Core of Existence.

"Humans are innately destructive creatures" – System Goddess shrugged in my mind. – "That is why it is important to temper the mind and refine the heart in order to eliminate those useless destructive impulses"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. – "Growers are some of the most irrational creatures in the multiverse, are you sure that closed-door cultivation does not have secondary effects that reduce IQ?"

"…" – System Goddess pouted and stopped talking.

When we reached the entrance to the cave where the bandits were hiding, Witch muttered a chant, and a yellow mist spread inside the cave.

"A sleeping spell" - Witch smiled at me.

Magic is convenient.

We entered the interior of the cave, the smell was quite unpleasant, but it was something to be expected from the bandit hideout.

Let's see, 10 cliché bandits, a fat man with a sword wound on his shoulder who appears to be a merchant, and four women with animalistic features and heavy steel shackles around their necks.

"A slave trader" – Witch frowned disdainfully at the fat man who was unconscious. – "Humans are disgusting…"

I rolled my eyes. - "I'm human"

"You are not a human of this world" - Witch smiled as she shrugged.

"Whatever, anyway, I share your thought that humans are idiots" - I sighed. – "Do you want to help these women?"

Witch looked at me in surprise. – "Oh, I thought you would add them to your harem as sex slaves or something like that"

"Hey Listen! That is an excellent idea!" – I hit Navi on the ground and kept my foot on what should be his face.

"I don't have a strange fetish for enslaving women" – I sighed, but before I could explain better about the structure of my harem, I frowned when I felt someone approaching at high speed. – "Someone is coming at great speed, he will arrive in a minute"

"I put location magic on the Reincarnated so it must be a human-looking for the bandits or an Inhuman wanting to save her friends" – Witch shrugged.

I sighed, everything sounds troublesome. – "Take these people to the cabin, later I will do some experiments, meanwhile I want to see what the person who is to come is like"

The person's speed is comparable to a Master level martial artist so I'm curious about this person.

Witch nodded and chanted a spell that made the people and valuables in the cave disappear, then she was covered with purple mist and turned into a raven.

"A raven?" – I raised an eyebrow.

The raven stood up on my shoulder. – "My face is known among humans and there is a great price for my head so it is better if I stay hidden"

Well, I like animals so this is fine.

"Damn bastards!" – At the entrance of the cave a 15-year-old boy appeared, his expression was full of fury while his hands held a rusty sword.

The boy looked like he was about to have a mad battle, but when he looked at me his face was filled with confusion. – "And the bandits?"

I sighed and patted the raven's head on my shoulder. – "I don't know, those idiots captured my pet so I came looking for them, but they had already disappeared, luckily my pet was here"

The boy looked at me suspiciously and then I felt something strange in his eyes.

[System Notification: An skill to read minds has been detected.

Use 'Mythomania' to deceive the enemy or allow the enemy to see the user's mind?]

"He is a human favored by destiny…" – Witch she sent me a telepathic message. – "It is better to kill him as soon as possible, these types of people are the ones who tend to become generals of humans"

This world is a fucking mess...

[System Notification: The enemy has been allowed to see the user's mind]

The boy's eyes widened in horror. - "What are you….?!"

The boy could no longer speak as blood began to flow from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. The most striking thing is that his blood had turned black.

In a matter of seconds, the boy fell to the ground as his expression was emotionless, and although his body was still breathing, his mind no longer existed.

"Ortro, check the information in this person's mind" – I sent a message to my loyal companion.

I keep various barriers that cover my mind and in case someone tries to read my mind, that person will only see artificial thoughts and unimportant information like stories I have read or some movies I have seen.

If the person strives to see the depths of my mind, the person will fall into a mental labyrinth that will corrupt his mind, and the further he goes into the labyrinth, the greater the insanity.

In case the person can get to the core of my thoughts or in case I give access to the person, the only result is that Ortro will devour the person's mind through [Reader's Madness], [Outer God], and Ortro's innate abilities.

"What did you do to him?" – Witch returned to her real form and approached the boy who lay motionless on the ground. – "He is not dead, but he does not seem to be alive either…"

I shrugged and pointed to my head. – "That happens when people try to enter here, do not give it much importance"

Witch sighed at my vague response and then used a spell to teleport the boy's body. – "Well, at least this will help me make more potions"

Alchemy based on using human bodies?

Maybe she can help me develop my skill [Human Transmutation]… Coming to this world was a good choice.



Author's Note:

First I have exams and now my computer is dying…. I hate life.

Anyway, the only good thing is that I can blow off steam writing this novel.

A hug <3

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