No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 160: A Woman Who Stirs Up Trouble

Chapter 160: A Woman Who Stirs Up Trouble

(3rd person perspective)

In one of the most luxurious restaurants in the city, a dangerous situation was developing.

Even though the sound of customers and waiters should fill the place, now only an eerie silence reigned....


At the tables, the customers were fast asleep while in the corridors the waiters were totally unconscious.

The only people moving in the place were a group of people wearing black masks that hid their fascial features.

The group consisted of nine men and one woman.

The group wasn't a single team and they weren't allies either, but they were all famous assassins with long histories of missions accomplished.

Whether it was combat skills, resources, ruthlessness, or efficiency, this group was made up of fearsome people whose achievements amounted to….

[System Notification: User has deleted irrelevant information]

The group of assassins had infiltrated the restaurant after receiving information from a spy within Japan's yakuza.

The objective of these spies would be to meet with an unimportant pawn of the yakuza, so the group of assassins infiltrated the night before to put sleeping pills in the wine, taking advantage of the fact that this restaurant was famous for its wine, so it was normal that all the people ordered at least one glass of wine....


So that people wouldn't pass out prematurely, the killers made a special mixture of sleeping pills that would only react when combined with special incense.

This incense had no ill effects and only worked if combined with the sleeping pill in the wine so even a drug-sniffing dog would not be able to detect it.

The group had easily incapacitated the restaurant's security staff as some members of the restaurant were bribed allowing the assassins to use different methods to dispose of their enemies.

Although the main base of this group of mercenaries was in China, they accepted this mission in the foreign territory since a high-status person offered them a large amount of money to kidnap a woman named Lin Ruoxi...… .........…..


The group of mercenaries had been monitoring the woman and discovered that she used to move around without a group of bodyguards so they just had to kidnap her before the yakuza could react and they could flee the country through a contact in the Japanese government.

Now it only remained to go to the private room where the target was since there should only be Lin Ruoxi and the unimportant pawn of the yakuza left....

Two of the assassins decided to use stun bombs to avoid unexpected surprises.

After the two of them entered the room, the other assassins waited in the hallway. Although it was impossible for the two assassins not to capture a woman and an unimportant person, they were professionals so they prepared to make an ambush.

[System Notification: The skill 'Reader's Perspective' has been disabled]



(Luis perspective)

So some son of a bitch wants to kidnap my wife...

I looked at Lin Ruoxi who was pale because I just killed two people. She was on the verge of a panic attack so I put my hands on her face and looked into her eyes. – "Look at me, just look at me"

Lin Ruoxi looked at me with fear so I gently smiled to give her a sense of security.

"I don't know what's going on, but I think a group of dangerous people has entered here and since there are no sounds of fighting it means the security guards were killed" – My words made Lin Ruoxi pale making her emotionally vulnerable. – "You have to listen to me so that I can take you to a safe place"

Lin Ruoxi nodded with difficulty as I am her only emotional pillar even if she is now afraid of me after seeing me murder two people.

I reached into my pockets and pulled out a pair of leather gloves.

Since this is a good opportunity for this woman to see me as someone strong, I'll use one of the most flashy weapons I have.

When I put on the gloves, thin threads started coming out of the fingers of the gloves.

Shigure's blacksmithing talent reached the point where it was possible to combine steel with spider threads to form threads with the ability to cut through reinforced steel.

The threads began to move around us as if they were snakes with their own life which made Lin Ruoxi surprised, but she understood that this is not the time to ask questions.

We left the private room and I prepared myself for the ambush.

With my right arm, I hugged Lin Ruoxi's waist while my left hand manipulated the threads to intercept a dozen silver needles pointing to various acupuncture points on my body.

These mercenaries specialize in traditional martial arts and their techniques surpass modern weaponry making them more dangerous than soldiers with submachine guns, but because these people do not possess Ki, their attacks lack power so killing them would be so easy that not even it's fun.

When the needles were blocked, a man took out a stun grenade, but before he could use it, I moved my index finger so that one of the threads cut the man's arm.

The grenade fell to the ground and activated next to his allies to which I grabbed Lin Ruoxi and rushed to a window.

Although I can kill these idiots, I want Lin Ruoxi to see me as her beloved hero and not as a genocidal psychopath.

One of the assassins was blocking the window so I pulled the strings to catch the assassin as I need to extract information about the identity of the spies within the yakuza, definitely not doing this because this is the only female in the group…

In one kick I broke the window and jumped out while Lin Ruoxi screamed in panic, but since we were on a second-floor a fall from this height was still humanly possible for professional athletes.

The window pointed directly to the street so once I fell onto the street I started running while Lin Ruoxi was in my embrace and the female assassin was being dragged like a sack.

I avoided any places with people so as not to draw attention to myself and made sure I didn't leave any trails for the killers to follow.

When we reached an alley, I quickly put Lin Ruoxi down and pinned down the female assassin.

"What are you doing?!" – Lin Ruoxi shouted in horror when he saw me undress the woman.

I ignored her and once she was naked I tossed her clothes into a corner of the alley and then took off my sweatshirt to cover the woman who was looking at me in complete horror, shame and hatred.

I hugged Lin Ruoxi again and started running.

I know this city like the back of my hand so I know how to get around without being seen by normal citizens so in a matter of minutes we arrived at the same speakeasy where I met Lin Ruoxi.

I entered the bar and let go of Lin Ruoxi while the female assassin was on my back like a backpack.

"Level 3 emergency, foreign assassins" - I quickly gestured to the man at the drink bar.

The man nodded and pressed a button hidden behind the drinks bar.

"Contact the leader, there are traitors within the yakuza and someone from the government is supporting them" - I went to the back of the bar while the man nodded seriously.

This guy is trustworthy as he is one of the few yakuza members who work directly for Mr. Ichijo and is under a soul contract to prevent treachery.

I held Lin Ruoxi's hand and led her to the back of the bar. In the floor was a secret hatch that led to a bomb-proof safe haven that also had magical formations for security.

Lin Ruoxi couldn't process everything that was going on so she just silently followed me.

Once in the shelter, I closed the door and tossed the half-naked woman aside, then carried Lin Ruoxi to a sofa and carefully helped her sit down.

"Do you want some tea?" – I asked gently.

Lin Ruoxi subconsciously nodded.

Since this place has all kinds of supplies I was able to make a cup of tea, although I had to use [Anti-Rasen] to restrict my culinary talents or it will be a problem if this woman develops an addiction to my food, that will be later.

My culinary talents make anything I prepare so delicious that my food is comparable to drugs.

Lin Ruoxi's hands were trembling so I gently held her hands so she wouldn't spill her cup of tea.

The warmth of the cup and my hands made Lin Ruoxi calm down so she sighed and looked at me with complex emotions. - "Thanks…"

She's a little scared of me, but at the same time, she's thankful that I rescued her since the killers were obviously targeting her.

I smiled. – "I told you, as long as we are family I will do anything to protect you"

Lin Ruoxi lowered her eyes to try to sort out her chaotic emotions, but this will leave her with a permanent reminder, I will do anything to protect her because she is my wife and if she stops being my wife then I will have no reason to protect her anymore.

I looked at the girl who had been silent. The threads not only block her movements but her mouth and eyes are also closed so she can only hear.

I cradled the girl low over my shoulder like a sack of rice and walked to a door where there is an isolated room suitable for interrogation.

"What will you do with her?" – Lin Ruoxi looked at me strangely, she seems to think I'm going to **** the girl or something.

I rolled my eyes. – "I took off her clothes since there is a probability that she has a tracker and my priority is to protect you, for now, I am only going to interrogate her"

I lied a bit.

Although it's true that I want to avoid being tracked, it's possible that this girl has a tracker inside her body.

The real reason I undressed this girl was to make her feel fear and shame which will weaken her mental defenses making the interrogation easier.

"Oh…" – Lin Ruoxi widened her eyes and then seemed to be embarrassed for thinking that I am a rapist pervert.

I am certainly a pervert, but I am not a rapist.

I entered the torture room and closed the door.

"Okay, let's have a civil chat" - I put the girl on the ground, and then I pulled the strings to release her.

"Bastard!" – The girl screamed furiously and tried to use her fingers to attack my eyes, but I easily dodged her attack and then grabbed her by the neck.

"I was on a date with my wife and you ruined it so now I'm in a bad mood" - I frowned and tightened my grip making the girl show pain.

The girl's nails are sharp prosthetics so she tried to use her fingers to pierce the nerves in my arm.

Since she is wearing my sweatshirt and my shirt is short-sleeved, my arm is unprotected, but when her nails touched my skin, the girl's fingers bled since my skin is stronger than her nails.

I sighed and threw the girl against the wall causing her back to make a cracking sound.

I walked over to her and grabbed her hair to force her to look around the room. The room is clean and looks like a white room suitable for surgeries.

"Fingers severed, eyes gouged out, limbs mutilated… Everyone who has entered here lost something" – I made the girl look into my eyes. – "It would be a shame to ruin such a beautiful face"

The girl was a professional assassin, but she began to tremble as her mental defenses were still unstable from the embarrassment and fear generated by being seen naked.

The girl clenched her teeth showing obstinacy so I released her.

Actually, I don't need information since I got what I need thanks to [Reader's Perspective].

This skill is one of my best tools and as long as I don't use it with a higher entity, this ability doesn't break the confidentiality treaty with the Will of the World as I am only seeing what is going on around me and not influencing other entities.

I took a chair and sat in front of the woman who was sitting on the floor trying to hide her naked body with my sweatshirt.

"I know you don't know the name of the person who hired you" – I shrugged. – "Miss Xiao Bai, I am interested in making a deal with you"

The woman's eyes widened in surprise. – "H-How do you know my name?"

"Who knows" - I smiled. – "Maybe I am a magician"

Xiao Bai, one of the best assassins in the human world specializing in infiltration and intelligence gathering.

I have already heard of this woman's achievements, only I didn't know her name, appearance and even thought she was a man which shows her great concealment skills and mastery of disguise techniques, at least by human standards.

Even though she has superior stealth ability than Pansy, she is still weak in direct combat so it was easy to capture her.

As for how I know her name, [Reader's Perspective] is the best ability to look at secrets as long as you don't have supernatural defenses protecting your mind.

Xiao Bai frowned. - "What do you want?"

"You" - I smiled.

Xiao Bai backed away in a panic. – "P-Perverted!"

I shrugged. – "They tell me often"

The girl looked outraged and furious, but she was scared at the same time. It seems that even if she is a professional assassin, she has the heart of a virgin maiden so my direct request makes her feel embarrassed and furious.

"You see, it's like you say, I'm a pervert who loves beautiful and outstanding women" - I smiled nonchalantly. – "By human standards, you have great potential so I am interested in you not only as a murderess, I am interested in you as a woman"

It is true that this woman is beautiful, but the truth is that with this incident I have realized that even the yakuza is full of incompetent idiots so I need to build my own organization to protect my wives.

Although Xiao Bai is beautiful, I am only interested in using her as a pawn to protect Lin Ruoxi, but if she behaves well, I will add her to my harem.

Xiao Bai calmed down a bit hearing that I'm interested in her as my helper, but she's still flustered since I declared that I'm sexually interested in her.

"What if I refuse?" – Xiao Bai tried to hide her concern.

"Well, you tried to hurt my wife so logic says I must kill you in an inhumanly painful way" - I shrugged. – "But what can I say, I am kind to beautiful women so I will give you a chance"

If she agrees to join me then she will be my slave, but if she refuses then I will let Ortro eat her mind which is even more horrible than death.

Xiao Bai gritted his teeth in frustration.

After several minutes she finally looked up. – "Four years, you can do whatever you want with me for four years, but after that time you must set me free"

"Do you think four years can make up for attacking my wife?" – I pretended to be furious.

Xiao Bai stubbornly looked at me. – "You can accept this or you can kill me, I will not give more than this"

A stubborn idiot… That stubbornness isn't much to my liking, but it's acceptable.

"Fine" - I growled with false anger. – "But in these four years you will do everything I order you to do"

Xiao Bai nodded bitterly.

Well, I improved my wife's impression of me and now I have a slave. This meeting wasn't so bad.

"Now tell me everything you know about this incident" - I sighed with false resignation.

"I'm curious to know who the idiot is courting death~" – System Goddess seemed amused.

Courting death?

What's that?

Whatever, it doesn't matter, I just know that I'm going to kill some asshole in China, although I'm sure this will lead to a bigger problem...

Don't you dare say something [Paranoia]!



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