No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 150: Navi piece of…

Chapter 150: Navi piece of…

I massaged my forehead with extreme weariness.

"Luis..." - Tsubaki tried to calm me down, but the headache is killing me.

Whatever it is, it doesn't matter to me anymore, I just won't think, if I don't think about it it's not real, and if it's not real it can't bother me...

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has failed to make the user go into denial as the user refuses to forget the problems]

Damn it, I can't even be a carefree idiot.

Well, whatever.

"Hey Listen! Congratulations on seducing your own mother! You are certainly a worthy Harem King hahahahahaha!"

I clenched my teeth so hard that I had to rebuild them as they broke.

I want to kill this asshole...

I ignored everything and lay down on the sofa in the living room.

Although one of the side effects of [Reader's Madness] is that I can't sleep anymore, I need to close my eyes for a couple of hours to try to lessen the tearing headache I'm feeling.

It's already midnight so it's not a good time to make my family move into the new house so I told the two women to pack their bags for us to leave tomorrow morning.

Umaru complained that she had already adjusted her setup or shit like that. I didn't understand what she meant and told her that if she didn't get her things ready to move in tomorrow then I would burn all her games and toys.

Umaru said I'm a monster, but still, she packed her bags so now I just wait another six hours.

My mother easily accepted the move, but she insisted that I should look for Seiji to see if she can give me a less exhausting job...


I'm fucking Seiji!

If I could, I give me a less fucking troublesome job, but everything in my fucking life is a fucking problem!


How did I get to this?


It's all my fault to begin with...

I used my identity as Seiji to 'protect' several women who were listed as my lovers, some of those women were single mothers so I spread rumors about how Seiji is a pervert with a fetish for women with children, so it wouldn't be strange if protect my family with my Seiji identity.

The idea was that people would think that Seiji was interested in my mother even though the two of them had never seen each other.

Since my mother is an attractive woman, people would think that she was just a passing interest of Seiji's since there were other women Seiji paid more attention to so if an enemy of Seiji's was looking to hurt Seiji's loved ones, first he would kidnap or kill those other women giving me time to protect my troubled family.

The problem is that my mother fell in love with a man she has never seen since as far as she knows, Seiji fell in love with her and has been protecting her from the shadows as a kind of secret Romeo, something very romantic for her, but a disgusting shit to me.

I never considered that this could happen since my mother's brain only registered the existence of my father as the center of her universe so it was impossible for her to be interested in another man...

I don't know what my father said to him, but that fucking bastard is to blame for this shit, and no, I'm not venting, I'm sure that asshole knew of my identity as Seiji and said something to my mother to cause this situation, then I would be enraged to the point of insanity which would activate the 'Inheritance of Chaos' contract.

Even if the contract was not triggered by some chance, my animal instincts as a reincarnation of Ortro would have turned me into an animal blinded by rage which would bring me into conflict with the Will of the World.

No matter the scenario, if it wasn't for [Paranoia] then my father would have succeeded in killing me...

Everything is shit.

"Hello, I finally finished my report!... Huh? I lost something?" – System Goddesssuddenly appeared in front of me, but I'm not in the mood to talk to her.

"Shhh, don't make any noise, Luis's family is sleeping" - Tsubaki sent him a message through the mental link that is shared by the residents of my Core of Existence (Tsubaki, Navi, System Goddess, Ortro, and me).

System Goddess looked around her. – "This house is smaller than I imagined"

"It's something I got as a reward after murdering an arms dealer and hiding his body in the foundations of a building under construction" - I responded apathetically.

"I-I see" – System Goddess noticed my bad mood.

I didn't answer and kept massaging my forehead.

I need to get some magic aspirin or some similar crap that can lessen a higher entity's headache...

"Well… I have good news for you" – System Goddess crouched down and looked at me closely as if she was trying to comfort me.

"Just talk" – Even if she is beautiful, her voice is making my migraine worse.

"I got you a VISA from this world so you can travel to other worlds without being investigated by the Will of the World, also, I was assigned as your partner so there is no problem if I accompany you wherever you travel" – System Goddess smiled kindly. – "This will be good since no one will suspect that you are a system user while I am with you"

I feel like this woman is treating me like a child which is bugging me...

Whatever, I'll let it slide this time.

System Goddess placed her hand on my chest and I felt unknown energy entering my body.

[System Notification: The user has been recognized as a 'Returnee'. Now the user can contact a representative of the Will of the World of Gaia to trade products from other worlds.

The user will receive additional benefits from trading with the Will of the World of Gaia since the user holds the title 'Hero Isekai']

[System Notification: The user has obtained the 'Visa' from the 'Gaia' World.

Now the user can enter and leave the Gaia world without the need of the system as long as the user meets the following conditions:

1) Upon leaving Gaia, the user will sign a Contract that prevents the disclosure of information about Gaia to any Higher Entity that is not native to Gaia.

2) When leaving Gaia, the user will sign a contract that prevents dealings with Entities hostile to Gaia.

3) The user shall make a report after returning from a trip to another World to ensure that the user will not introduce dangerous items to Gaia]

"I know you hate paperwork so when we travel to other worlds I'll take care of the reports" - System Goddess smiled gently at me.

I raised an eyebrow and sat down on the couch. – "Did you make a report on my behalf?"

System Goddess smiled proudly. – "It would be strange if you can make a report when you just arrived so I spent the whole day negotiating with the representative of the Will of the World to allow you to be in peace, things were easier than I expected thanks to the fact that you are now an Administrator of Territory and you even received the nod from the observer assigned to you… Kukukuku, congratulations, I think the divine messenger fox has a very good impression of you~"

I smiled tiredly, this kind of good news is what my mind needed to ease the pain.

"There's something I don't understand" - I frowned. – "Why is it that the fact that you are my partner will hide that I am a system user? You are literally an entity that exists to maintain systems"

System Goddess looked away.

"Look, I'm not in a good mood" - I stood up and held her cheeks to force her to look into my eyes. – "If there is something important that you did not tell me, you and I will have a problem that you will not like"

System Goddess began to pale. – "W-Well… The thing is… I, well…"

I began to tighten the grip strength on my hand. – "I wonder if Ortro would enjoy chewing such beautiful hair, although she is greedy so maybe she wants to eat the whole head…"

"Wait wait wait wait!" – System Goddess was trembling.

This whole conversation was taking place through telepathy so there was no risk of waking up my family, but I still put my finger to her lips.

"Speak quickly or your beautiful lips will be the first to disappear" - I smiled furiously. – "Oh, and I don't want you to start with your exaggerated cultivator bullshit, just tell me the important information"

System Goddess swallowed hard and began to speak.

"System users are normally the best food for higher entities, but at the same time, they are a terror comparable to the Devourers…"

"This is because system users cannot be restricted by the authority of the Will of the World which gives them complete freedom..."

"When a system user arrives in a world, part of the Destiny Energy is diverted towards the user so the worlds begin to weaken, the situation worsens when the system users take entities out of that world either by forming a harem that accompanies them to other worlds, or by devouring entities to obtain abilities and statistics…"

"System users and Devourers are similar entities, with the difference that a system user can become an ally of a world by giving resources from other worlds, which is why the upper worlds seek to make friends with the system users, but Although this sounds good, the truth is that the Wills of each world do not trust the system users so they will only feign friendship while waiting for the opportunity to kill the system users…"

"Because of all this, system users are not only fat chickens that everyone wants to eat, they are also dangerous pests that many want to eradicate…"

"Because my existence is based on the concept of systems, I am treated like an idiot and trash by other higher entities, not because they are afraid that I might ally myself with a system user, but because in the opinion of those entities, even if I join a system user I will only become a pet, which actually happened…"

"Not that I'm complaining! I really enjoy being your slave! You are the person who has treated me the best in my entire life! Which is a bit depressing... But well, I don't think I can live without the food you make, plus your appearance is good without reaching an absurd level of beauty, that would be unpleasant... Come to think of it, it wouldn't be bad if I was one of your women…"

"Concentrate" - I frowned. – "Do not ramble"

"Ahem, sorry, I get nervous when my life is being threatened..." - System Goddess smiled awkwardly.

I sighed and sat back on the couch so she could talk calmly.

"In short, everyone thinks I'm an idiot" – System Goddess smiled awkwardly.

"That doesn't seem to bother you" - I smiled knowing her answer.

"Since everyone thinks I'm useless then no one asks me to do dangerous things and they let me live in peace" – System Goddess scratched her cheek with embarrassment. – "My teacher used to say that pride is the most valuable thing for a cultivator, but I personally think that is stupid, in fact, it was pride that caused the death of my teacher"

Pride and stupidity, two words that complement each other.

"Anyway" – System Goddess sighed. – "The superior entities in this world will not think that you are a system user and in reality, they think that you are a naive Hero who was deceived by me to become my loyal subordinate who will help me collect resources from other worlds…"

Oh, I like the sound of that.

"The Will of the World thinks that I am a manipulable pervert and that I was seduced by your beauty?" – I asked with interest.

"Yes, I told them I have you in the palm of my hand" – System Goddess smiled proudly. – "I have a theory that the Will of the World sent the divine messenger fox so that you begin to develop emotional ties towards this world, which will make it easier for you to become a soldier who will fight and die for the good of this world, after all, an Isekai Hero it has huge potential as a weapon second only to system users"

Interesting, very interesting.

I can use this to my advantage, if I show great potential befitting a Hero, the Will of the World will send more entities like Senko which will allow me to make allies among higher entities, and most importantly, my harem will grow...

"It scares me that you two think alike" – Tsubaki sighed. – "Luis, you need more kind women or you will become a complete villain"

"Good and evil are relative, my Karma indicates that I am a hero" - I smiled and then stood up to hug the System Goddess's waist. – "You did a good job"

"W-What are you doing?" – System Goddess blushed.

"Well, now I'm madly in love with you so it's normal to take the initiative" - I smiled affectionately making the blush on her face increase.

"W-Wait, my heart isn't ready yet" – System Goddess panicked, but her body didn't reject me. – "I know I am beautiful, but, believe it or not, I have not even held a man's hand, not even my teacher touched me even during combat training…"

A virgin over 3000 years old, I don't know what to think...

"Fine, you have time to sort out your feelings" - I sighed and let go of her waist to sit back on the sofa. – "But if you hide something this important from me again then… Well, you can only eat medicinal pills that taste like bitter garbage"

System Goddess paled and nodded many times. – "Before I met you I had not realized how valuable the sense of taste is, now I hate cultivation pills…"

"Good" - I sighed. – "Normally I don't like to threaten a member of my harem, but today was a shitty day and my mind needed to vent"

"Oh, don't worry, it's an honor for me to be your psychological punching bag" - System Goddess smiled bitterly.

I smiled wryly and took a packet of cookies out of my space ring. – "Here you go, eat while you tell me what you said in the report"

"Cookies! You are the best master I have ever had! Although you're actually the only master I've ever had… Ah, never mind, you're the best~" – System Goddess began to eat the cookies with an expression of extreme happiness.

Life would be easier if all higher entities were as easy to deal with as she was.

So I spent the rest of the night while System Goddess mentioned to me what she said in the report, in addition, she told me all the secrets that she still kept hidden which were not that important so I did not get angry, although the fact that she even telling me her sexual fantasies made me think that maybe I over intimidated her, but I can't help it, everything about her personality makes me want to intimidate her.

As dawn began to dawn, System Goddess entered my Core of Existence. Since now that she is my partner it is not uncommon if there is a spiritual bond between us so no one will suspect if she lives in my soul.

In fact, she used to be inside the soul of the silver-haired protagonist I killed upon meeting her.

She used to seek out protagonists with potential, then she would offer them a false system to help them get stronger and when they reached the limit of the strength the false system allowed them to obtain, System Goddess would use a self-destruct function of the false system to absorb the destiny energy of those protagonists, murdering them in the process.

Despite her clumsy appearance, she can be cunning and cruel to make a profit which I like.

Now, I need to prepare for the move.

As for my mother...

I can't look into her eyes without feeling nauseous.

For the time being, I'm going to hide the truth from her and make sure she never finds out the truth, I can even make some random idiot start dating her to take my headache away...

"Hey Listen! Don't be a disappointing bitch and better go get your mother pregnant! Your fans want to see you be an Oedipus!"

… This asshole… I have to find a way to hit him without making him feel happy…

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