No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 156 Side Heroine.

The dragons introduced in the game weren't many, but they made me realize how important their existence was. There was Klashier, followed by a few less important ones. But what surprised the players most was learning that Headmaster Stormborne was not just any dragon – he was the guardian Dragon of the Hestia Empire. He'd protected the kingdom for over a hundred years, and he would be a key figure in later parts of the game.

Blaze's curiosity got the best of him, and he hopped onto my head, grabbing attention from nearby students. 

'What type of dragon is he?'When Blaze asked what type of dragon Stormborne was, I replied, 'Cataclysmic Drakenvor.'


"Whoa!" I exclaimed as Blaze slipped off my head and tumbled onto the seat behind me. I couldn't figure out what he was doing.

A sudden quiet swept over the auditorium as everyone stared at me, their expressions ranging from angry to just plain weird. Feeling awkward, I stood in the spotlight of their gazes.

"What happened there?" Headmaster Stormborne's voice came from the stage, curious about the commotion. My distraction had turned everyone's attention to me, a situation I hadn't expected.

As the headmaster's voice echoed, every gaze seemed to be on me. Clearing my throat, I explained with embarrassment and confusion, "Sorry, Headmaster Stormborne. My... pet lost his balance." I pointed to Blaze, who had returned to my shoulder.

The headmaster's eyes held a hint of amusement as he nodded. "Ah, I see. No harm done."

His response eased the tension a bit, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that this incident would stick in people's minds. As the headmaster resumed speaking.

'Why did you do that?' I grumbled to myself, my thoughts directed at Blaze.

'You said that he is a Cataclysmic Drakenvor?'Blaze's mental voice nearly screamed.

"Yeah," I responded, attempting to maintain an composed expression.

'Eternal Hunger ones?' Blaze's persistence caught me off guard. What was he trying to imply?

The Eternal Hunger is a remarkable trait that sets Cataclysmic Drakenvor's apart. It refers to their insatiable appetite for magical energy, an insidious craving that seems to never be satisfied. These majestic creatures possess an unparalleled ability to consume and absorb magical energy from their surroundings, leaving a palpable aura of power and significance in their wake. 

Their innate hunger grants them a unique prowess, allowing them to become highly formidable and sought-after beings in this world. As they draw in energy, their already impressive abilities are further enhanced, making them an extraordinary force to be reckoned with. It's no wonder that the revelation about Headmaster Stormborne's true nature as a Cataclysmic Drakenvor held a newfound weight, giving insight into the immense potential that lay behind his seemingly aged exterior.

'Is a Cataclysmic Drakenvor more powerful than the Abomination Dragon? you scared parasite?' I teased Blaze, a playful grin on my face.

'That's not it,' Blaze replied, his voice quivering slightly as he attempted to hide within the folds of the robe.

'That's not what?' I arched an eyebrow, puzzlement evident in my expression. Then realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. 'Don't tell me, Smokeball, you-'

'Yeah,' Blaze confirmed before I could even voice my suspicions. 'I killed his whole clan,' he declared, the weight of his words hanging in the air like a heavy secret revealed.

The last time this "parasite" had revealed that he committed a genocide in the dragon realm, I never expected it would come back to haunt me like this.

I composed myself and asked, "Is there any way to cancel the contract between us?"

'Nooooooo! Don't say that. I won't be able to go head-on in a battle with this guy in the state I am in now,' Blaze's usual happy-go-lucky demeanor was tinged with genuine concern.

"Well, I don't think he'll be able to recognize you in this situation," I replied, trying to ease Blaze's worries. "No need to worry." With a small sigh of relief, I relaxed a bit and shifted my attention back to the ongoing speech.

With the conclusion of the headmaster's speech, the real proceedings of the event commenced. A blond-haired youth, donned in a blue robe adorned with dual white stripes, rose from his seat and stepped forward. An exchange of glances with the departing headmaster preceded a pat on his shoulder, and with a nod, Adam made his way to the edge of the stage.

"Hello, my name is Adam Stales," he began, his voice carrying a note of emotion. "I am an orphan -" His speech delved into the familiar territory of how the Academy had transformed his life, forged new friendships, and taught him the world's finest magic. It was the sort of generic narrative that often fell on deaf ears, yet strangely, every person in the auditorium hung on his every word as if he were discussing something of utmost importance.

"Why you hating on him? Let the kid have his moment," Blaze chimed in.

"I'm not hating, it's just that this is boring," I retorted mentally. I wasn't eager to endure another fifteen minutes of this.


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Adam's lengthy speech drew to a close. "I would like to call Helga," he declared, prompting applause as everyone welcomed her presence.

Helga, with her white hair elegantly tied in a ponytail, moved towards the stage with a grace that belied her commoner status. As she ascended the steps, her poise and fluid movements defied any hint of insignificance. The anticipation in the room was palpable as she began to climb the steps.

steps with an air of confidence. Her presence demanded attention, and the room seemed to hold its breath as she stood before the audience.

Adam's voice rang out again, introducing Helga with enthusiasm. "Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome the student who has earned the scholarship this year, Helga!"

The applause swelled, a chorus of appreciation for her achievements filling the auditorium. With a smile that radiated a mix of gratitude and pride, Helga began to speak, her voice clear and unwavering.

"Thank you, everyone," she began, her tone humble yet brimming with a quiet determination. "Being awarded this scholarship is a dream come true for me, and I am deeply honored to stand before you all today."

With finesse and professionalism, Adam assumed the role of a gracious host. "So, Helga, would you be willing to share your thoughts on what it feels like to be here and why you specifically chose the Imperial Academy?" he inquired, his tone reflecting genuine curiosity and interest. He adeptly masked any personal connection, keeping the fact that Helga had once confessed to him under wraps.

His question was met with a brief moment of silence, as Helga gathered her thoughts. Then, with a composed smile, she addressed the audience.

"As for why I chose the Imperial Academy," she continued, her tone contemplative, then took a step back, her eyes locking onto Adam. Adam's puzzled expression shifted to surprise when--

"And here she goes," I remarked, remembering this to be one of the humorous parts in the game.

Suddenly, Helga advanced with graceful fluidity, and the atmosphere shifted drastically. She leaned in, her lips meeting Adam's in a kiss that caught everyone off guard. As she pulled back slightly, a confident smile graced her features, and she said, "This is the reason I chose the Imperial Academy," punctuating her statement with a playful point towards Adam.

'What's so funny about this? It's much of a gross in my opinion,ugh incest....yuck' Blaze's reaction to my unspoken thought made me chuckle inwardly, though I clarified, "I didn't say this is funny, but the situation that'll unfold after this is."

And true to my prediction--

"Stay the fuck away from him!"

A powerful gust of wind struck Helga from her left with a resounding whoosh, she was sent hurtling through the auditorium, her form carried by the ferocious wind. 

The sound of her startled gasp mingled with the gust's mighty roar as she flew backward, a swift and astonishing trajectory that ended with her colliding against the back wall of the auditorium.

The suddenness of the spell's execution and the subsequent spectacle left the audience in stunned disbelief. 

Eyes widened in shock, jaws agape, they watched as Helga's form collided with the wall, her figure momentarily outlined by the magical luminescence of the wind's energy.

All eyes in the auditorium snapped towards the stage, the source of the sudden and powerful attack. Amid the hushed whispers that spread like wildfire, a figure emerged from the spotlight.

"Student Council President?" The collective murmurings intensified as the realization set in.

As everyone's gaze centered on the stage, Adam remained rooted in place, seemingly lost in a trance induced by the unexpected kiss. His dazed expression only added to the astonishment of the moment.

Mary, similarly bewildered, looked on in surprise, her confusion mirroring that of the rest of the audience. Meanwhile, the principal could be seen facepalming, a testament to his inability to control the actions of his great-great-great-granddaughter.

The spotlight was now on Isolde Halloway, a character who had often taken on the role of an obsessive side heroine in the game. The expressions of anger and frustration that marred her features were evident, signaling a shift from her typical behavior. 

"Agh, and this is where I take my leave," I announced, rising from my seat and making my way towards the exit of the auditorium.

"Don't wanna watch?" Blaze inquired.

"Nah, this auditorium is bound to get noisy, and the wind tends to pick up in places like these. Let's go, Smokeball. They might have started giving out the form keys, and the ones who get there first secure the better rooms," I explained, scooping him up and holding him close as I headed out of the auditorium.

As I stepped out, I couldn't help but feel the anticipation of what this year at the academy would bring. It promised to be both hectic and interesting.


A few minutes later.

"What?" I asked.

"Hmm....You talking to me?" The girl in front of me asked.

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