Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

639. We Must Defeat the Evil Queen

639. We Must Defeat the Evil Queen

The phenomenon was like when Res swapped from [CENSORED] to the Black Dahlia. Only that this time, Frost’s theme did not change.

Her wrath had not yet been quenched. An unstable form of Frost stood idly. When one attempted to approach her, they were repelled by an overwhelming force.

This force was not a physical one.

Rather it was a living Will that threatened to devour them if they took a step closer. A strange, fairy-like entity emerged from the River, carrying a droplet. It dropped it onto her head, changing her appearance like the miracle a ‘Fairy Godmother’ from a tale would perform on the haggard soon-to-be princess.

“It never made sense to me.”


“Why things had to always be like this.”


“I just wanted to be Frost. The Princess wanted to be her own self. ‘Her’ as her.”


“When did it all get so convoluted?”


“I know what I am already.”


“But even so, I cannot stop this hatred towards you.”


“Can you hear them cry?”


“Are they sweet to you? Like the screams to the Maestros of Flesh? The agony of lost ones to the Blood Festivals? That we dance on this stage like the people forced into the roles of stories by the Librarians?”




“Enough of this nonsense.”


A flash of brilliant gold filled the world. The black forest remained, but this time the backdrop changed to a slight hue of orange as if nearing its edge.

The Frost that emerged was encased in a great suit of gold. In one hand was a golden apple, and in the other was a golden device that shone light like a lantern. Her hair had grown long and pale, fluttering like a solid cape behind her back.


< “Wicked Queen and her Huntsman.” >


< “You presented me the apple, Queen.”


< “And you tried to kill me, Black Haired Huntsman.” >


< “But I found salvation from a friend like me.” >


< “And they showed me how to properly pierce your heart.” >


< “All that is pale haunted us both. I will be enveloped in absolute gold to spite you, Mother.”


< “Dance in perpetuity in this tale as I rise from it.” >


< “Perhaps then you will listen to our cries.” >


//////// < WARNING > ////////






Snowfallen White and the Fruit of Everlasting Miracles

< An unpoisoned apple given by an unfamiliar stranger >


AFFINITY : Amalgamation

LEVEL : 260 ORIGIN : Folklore

HP : 25,000,000

ATT : 30,000 MAG ATT : 30,000
ATT DEF : 20,000 MAG DEF : 20,000

MP : 1,000,000

RESIST : 600 AGI : 100

Suddenly, a mantle of grey feathers burst from the back of the Arbiter.

//////// < WARNING > ////////


< The Arbiter’s Emotional State Has Risen to the First State >


She ran her bloodied hands along her locks. The blood dripped down her mantle which concealed her wings like they had retreated back into a disgusting cocoon.

“But I am, listening. I always have been. Though to you it may look that way, and I understand. My excuse as a Star no longer applies in this body of mine. Our agony goes both ways.”

< Borrowing the Active and Passive Skills from the Listening Bird >

She erected a monolith using the droplets of her blood. It did not take the form of the sinister ones found beforehand.

Rather, they simply took the form of the trunk of a tree. A sad, lonely tree that bled as if equally mourning and yearning for something.

“Back then I did not know how to punctuate my words. Because you and I were so completely different. Many came before you. Many pleaded for their lives. I heard them all. But I chose to ignore them.”

< The Arbiter has Manifested the Listening Bird as the First State >

And beating within the cavity of the newfound hole created by the Red Avenger was a golden apple.

“My guilt goes beyond just you. The sin of our vices began with me from this very same blood. Come, my child. There is not enough blood to overwhelm the River and paint this world picturesque in the image of our own story.”

It was not just the Arbiter who was now dragged into this fight.

“I suppose the Black-Haired Huntsman must be me.” Galia entered the fray, standing meters away from the Arbiter with her gun in hand. “O Archetypes. It’s only appropriate that I ask for permission before injuring the Head of the Nexus.”

“If it means we can get Frost back!” Nav yelled, expressing more emotion than she ever had. “I’m calculating the Conditions now! The voice is having trouble all of a sudden!”

“… I didn’t know we can manifest Corrupted too…” Anna uttered in a breathless whisper, holding her book tighter against her chest. “Does that mean… I can maybe… talk to Sinder again?”

She rubbed her cheeks against the fuzzy parts of the mantle the Crowned left behind. She was so lost in her own trance that she was nearly made the victim of an unexpected strike. Thorny vines appeared from the ground, trapping all those caught within.

Luckily, it stopped only just at the edge of where Anna and Nav stood. Both stumbled backwards, with Anna clumsily falling onto her bottom whereas Nav never broke focus for even a second.

The Arbiter wore a unique aura thanks to manifesting the Listening Bird. It was so unique in fact that Nav had never seen or heard of such an ability before.

Then she realized.

< PASSIVE: The Pale Cocoon >

< Something sits within. It hears us speak. Does it move? How can it show that it listens to what goes on within its kingdom of white? >

< EFFECT: Induce the ‘Pale Web’ Debuff on those that remain within proximity of your Unlying Markers. Increase all Stats of one chosen ally by 1.1x their current Emotional State. Maxes at Level 5 at 1.5x. They will be the Anointed Confessor >


These skills were completely different from the one Frost possessed, as well as what the Listening Bird had in the first place. The Arbiter wore it like it had always belonged to her, and with it, her shoulders slumped as if dragged down by the weight of her immeasurable sins.

Blood never stopped pouring. And from the rivers of her blood came forth more of the Unlying Markers, creating an emerging white forest within Snowfallen White’s very own.

The second phase of Frost’s Corruption Event began with Galia’s specialty, right as a golden badge shaped like a heart appeared on the left side of her chest.

|| Heaven’s Fall ||

< EFFECT: Bring down the stars from elsewhere. 1,000,000 ATT and MAG ATT damage for each streak of light. This Beholder Skill requires Nex >


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