New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 155 - Sam’s Initiation Day

Sam spent about an hour or so, showing Betty around the stalls personally. He was patient as he observed her going about excitedly, asking questions and skipping about. He had never seen anyone skip so much. She hardly walked. She skipped.

There was such an abundance of energy around her that it was hard not to keep looking at her. She was full of sunshine as well, always cheerful and have a good word for everyone The one person she kept talking about was Beatrice.

Sam didn't find that weird at all, for he could tell how close she was to Beatrice.

"Beatrice is fortunate to have a friend like you," Sam commented after a whole tirade of 'what is great about Beatrice' from Betty.

"No, I am the fortunate one," Betty said with a smile, "And thank you, Senior Sam for helping me today. I have made my choices already."

Sam smiled and nodded, then said, "I'll be going now. You know how to get back to your dorm?"

Bettty gave an enthusiastic nod and gave him a bow, "Yes, no problem. Thank you once again, Senior Sam!"

With that, she skipped away.

Sam wondered idly how so much energy existed in such a little body.

?? ?? ??

Student Council Office, 5pm

Sam groaned as he looked at the three of them, who were standing in front of him with their arms crossed in front of their chest. Kyle was in the middle while Xing Han was to his right and Ali to his left. Xing Han was even tapping his foot impatiently.

"Well, we're waiting," Xing Han said, clapping his hands together, "Chop chop!"

Sam took out his notebook from his back pocket and tore out a page, giving it to Kyle, "Here. This should do."

Kyle took the piece of paper and the other two peered at him from his side. It was a crude sketch of the outer male genitalia i.e. the p*nis and b*lls. There was no title to it, but one knew whose it was supposed to be. It was complete with measurements of length, diameter and at the asterisk next to its length, was the note:

* size when erect is unknown due to lack of stimulants. Will update accordingly.

In unison, the three of them stared at Sam. Xing Han took the paper and waved it at him, "This is cheating!! NOT COUNTED!"

He put the paper, with the sketch facing Sam, next to his own crotch and said indignantly, "Look, at the very least, it should have been lifesize. Not all these measurements written down. How am I supposed to compare?!"

"Xing Han, what's this fascination you have to compare d*cks anyway?" Kyle asked.

Xing Han gave stuffed the paper into his pocket while saying in a huff, "Everyone knows the saying, right? That men with the smallest d*cks are from my part of the world. I just want to make sure!"

Kyle's mouth twitched.

In his past life, his husband had been from the same country as Xing Han, so he knew what Xing Han was referring to. His husband has been his one and only, so he never did have any comparison as to what was the 'normal' length though he did think it appeared rather smaller than what he had expected.

In this life, he discovered that his own was actually much bigger. It wasn't at first, even after hitting puberty but as it kept on growing ... Kyle started to feel a bit weird. He clearly remembered how his husband's d*ck had been and looking at his own, it didn't quite match. Even thinking about it right now made his mind twist about.

Kyle put his hand on Xing Han's shoulders and said, "Remember what Sam said when it was my Initiation Day? Size doesn't really matter, for once it's erect, it's more or less the same."

With a smirk, Kyle said, his mouth close to Xing Han's ears, "Anyway, it's how you use it is what really matters. The technique, brother. Foreplay, positions and hip movements are all important."

That was something Kyle truly believed in.

He didn't have any experience with various sexual partners so he couldn't say confidently whether a 'bigger' size was necessarily better. He could, however, say that he had never been dissatisfied with his husband then. The sex was great - the frequency was not.

Kyle shook his head at the thought. That was the past. In this life, he hadn't tasted the 'forbidden fruit' yet.

Xing Han spluttered at what Kyle was saying and he pushed Kyle away, saying, "How would you know about it anyway? You're still a virgin!!"

He turned to face Sam, pointing a finger at him while saying, "I don't care! Sam still has to show it!! We all did. Either you pull down your pants or I'll do it for you!"

Sam groaned.

He knew the likelihood of the sketch wouldn't work but he still dared to dream and hope. His hands went to his belt buckle, and he found that it was really hard to do it with all of them just staring at him.

"Look, can you guys turn around first at least?" Sam asked.

"No," Ali said, "Just strip!"

"I'll still strip even if you turn around. It's the same thing!" Sam said.

Kyle shook his head, "No, it isn't. Ali and I had our pants pulled down with the others looking - we don't even need to mention about Xing Han. It's part of the Initiation."

He grinned, "You guys started it."

Sam gritted his teeth. "Fine."

To him, there as a whole lot of difference between having the pants pulled off and doing a striptease in front of an audience. It was nerve-racking.

With trembling hands, he unbuckled his belt, unzipped his jeans and in one fluid motion, pulled it down.

All three started crowding around Sam.

"Your shirt is blocking it!" Xing Han complained and Sam dutifully lifted up his shirt to expose the shy Sam Jr.

"This is unfair. Why are his legs still hairless?" Ali muttered, "Smooth like a baby's bottom, it is. Aren't there supposed to be hair growing there?!"

"There's some around his d*ck and b*alls though," pointed out Xing Han.

"Do you seriously count those? It's so sparse and fine. Heck, Sam, do you even have armpit hair?" Ali demanded as he looked up at Sam.

Sam wasn't looking at any of them, as he stared at the ceiling and trying very hard not to pay any attention to three guys staring at his d*ck intently.

"Yes, I do," Sam muttered.

"You think he'll grow more hair? It's a serious pain when you have them in-between," Ali said while adjusting his 'parking'.

"Are you guys done yet?!" Sam asked through clenched teeth.

Kyle grinned, "I seem to remember someone paying really close attention to my d*ck the last time. This is nothing."

Sam rolled his eyes.

Xing Han measured Sam Jr with his forefinger and thumb, without actually touching it. He frowned and sighed while looking at his own.

"You sure it's the technique that matters?" Xing Han asked worriedly.

Kyle patted his shoulders, "Yes, Xing Han, I'm sure."

"How big are you now?" he asked Kyle.

"It's not my Initiation Day," Kyle pointed out, "It's Sam's. Mine has long passed as well as the window to study my d*ck."

"True, but it's been three years now. We should compare how it's grown, right?" Xing Han insisted.

Sam pulled up his pants, in relief and said automatically, "The size is supposed to stablise when we reach 17. There's no point comparing it now since it's still growing."

"Great! That means we compare when we reach 17 then. It's set," Xing Han said.

All of them looked at Xing Han.

"What?" he asked innocently.

Ignoring the statement, they all proceeded to the sofa set while Kyle went to the filing cabinet. He reached down to the compartment below it and opened it, saying, "Ta-DA!"

He proceeded to take out several boxes of pizza and placed them on the conference table.

"When did you get these?" Xing Han asked as he opened up the boxes.

"Right after I got Master Xin settled," Kyle said, "It's not hot anymore but who cares?"

"You and Xing Han have curfew later, right?" Sam asked.

"Nope," Kyle answered, placing the last box of pizza on the table, "I got special permission to stay out late tonight if need be."

"I still have to go back, though" Sam pointed out.

Kyle grinned and said, "Nope as well. I told your parents that you're not going back tonight as you have work at Student Council and they're fine with it."

Sam turned to Ali, who shrugged and said, "I already went to your house and got your uniform. We're staying the night."

"This is ridiculous," Sam said as he sat at the conference table, "We have school tomorrow, you know. You expect us to be sleeping in here?"

"No, not here," Xing Han said, "Our dorm room. There's more than enough space. We just needed this place to see your d*ck and have dinner. We continue this in our dorm."

Kyle looked at his watch, "Looks like we're not going to be late so might as well head there after eating. It's more comfortable anyway."

"Yes," Ali said, "After all, this is just the beginning."

Sam nodded, understanding. His mind was working furiously as to think of what he wanted to ask later as well.

"I just wanna know more about this Bet-ty," Xing Han said with a smile, "She's cute."

Sam chewed on his pizza with more force than necessary.

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