Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 121: Payback

The room was engulfed in a chilling silence, broken only by the sinister sound of brutality that played out within the locker room. The sickening thud of fists connecting with vulnerable flesh echoed through the air, each blow sounded painful .


The first strike landed in the stomach a burst of raw violence that seemed to shake the very foundation of his pitiful body


The second blow followed suit, the sound of knuckles colliding with flesh like a cruel joke, a relentless rhythm of paint that reverberated painful groan .


And then another punch on the solar plexus .The impact was ferocious, a targeted assault that seemed to steal the very breath from his own lungs. The force was enough to make even the strongest soul wretch and retch,

But despite all of this violence ,my face remained impassive as I administered my own brand of punishment.

Guk Kwan's pleas for mercy and his cries of pain fell on deaf ears. This was my revenge, a long-awaited settling of the score, and I wasn't about to show him any leniency.

I also noticed that the system was giving me more EXP when I felt stronger negative emotions towards my target. It's as if the more I disliked this person, the more benefits I received from the system. This new update is really amazing. I just realized that the official system is really the best.


I decided to continue with the punishment, but this time I was more deliberate with my actions. I controlled my punches, ensuring that I didn't inflict too much damage too quickly. It was important to me that he didn't lose consciousness just yet.

"I want you to do your best to stay conscious, no matter what." I issued a stern command, making it clear that, regardless of the circumstances, he was to do his utmost to stay awake and endure the pain.

[Suggestion: Success ]

His eyes started tearing up even more after I said those words, and his expression became even more pitiful.



Minutes passed, and Guk Kwan's body was bruised and battered. He was a broken shell of the arrogant bully he once was.

I had been careful to target only his body, leaving no visible evidence of the painful beating I had subjected him to. It was important to ensure that no one could see the extent of the pain I had inflicted on him.

Then , I gripped his hair firmly and activated my faker ability. My tone turned icy, conveying a deadly seriousness as I asked, "Hey, do you still remember me?"

Guk Kwan's eyes filled with confusion, clearly struggling to connect my current appearance with the memory of the person I used to be. He was at a loss, unable to grasp the transformation I had undergone.

I leaned in closer, my presence looming over him like a dark shadow.

"You don't recognize me, do you?" I taunted. "Well, I've changed, Guk Kwan. I'm not the same person you used to know. But don't worry, I'll make sure you remember my name."

I grabbed his shoulder firmly, my grip like a vise, and delivered a punishing blow to his abdomen.

"ARGH" He whimpered in pain, biting down on the cloth I had stuffed into his mouth to stifle his cries. The suffering he was enduring was just the beginning of my revenge.

"HMM, HMMM, HMMM," he started mumbling something, but his words were unintelligible..

"I can't understand you, stupid," I chuckled sadistically as I delivered another, even more powerful punch to his abdomen. His feeble attempts at communication only fueled my desire to make him suffer. εхϲʟυѕι√ε-%то$-&


I leaned in closer, my voice cold and merciless.

"You remember the name now, don't you?" I asked again.

"NO…HMMMM.HHHM" He shook his head , still trying to deny it.

"You don't really learn, do you?" I sighed and delivered a sharp slap to his face.

My hand met his face with a resounding slap, and the force of the blow sent him reeling.

Guk Kwan's head snapped to the side from the force of the slap, and a red handprint marked his cheek.  His face was swollen, and blood trickled from his split lip. The sound of my slap still hung in the air, a stark reminder of the pain he was enduring.

"Do you remember me now?" I asked again with a menacing grin. I'm enjoying torturing me so much.

'I better control my grin or I might end up going to the doctor for surgery because of how wide it is,' I chuckled to myself.

"UHHHMM…UMMMM." This time, it seemed he had learned his lesson, and he started nodding frantically. At this rate, he would even say he knew the answer if I asked him which comes first, the chicken or the egg.

"Good, good. It seems slapping you fixed that stupid head of yours," I laughed out loud as I pulled the cloth out of his mouth.

"If you shout, I will kill you," I warned.

[Suggestion: Success]

He abruptly paused after my warning .

"Now tell me my name. Every time you mess up, I will punch you," I taunted him, raising my fist to show him the punishment he will get if he mess up.

I could see the confusion swirling in his eyes as he struggled to piece everything together, but it was evident that connecting the dots to my identity was a challenging task for him.



"My name is not Please," I sneered in contempt after hitting him in the face.

"What's my name?" I stretched my knuckles, trying to intimidate him further. This time he didn't speak immediately; the threat of me hurting him again had him too conscious.


"My name is not Silence either," I slapped him again.

"You're really hopeless, why can't you remember a simple name?" I shook my head in disappointment.

"I don't want to keep hitting you, so just think, Guk Kwan, think." I offered some words of encouragement, but instead of showing gratitude, he began crying. What a crybaby.

"Alright, I'll give you a hint," I said, trying to jog his memory.

"Does toilet water taste good?" I asked sarcastically.

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