Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 110: Safety

I moved cautiously through the streets, noticing that the number of civilians had significantly dwindled. It appeared that most of them had already evacuated the area. Along the way, I spotted discarded clothing on an abandoned stall and decided to change into a more inconspicuous attire.

I swapped my black jacket outfit for a white T-shirt, black pants, and put on a pair of eyeglasses. Now, I looked like an ordinary civilian, blending in with the crowd and making myself less conspicuous.

This new appearance would hopefully aid in my escape from the really weird situation at hand.

I checked my phone for signals, but to my dismay, there was none.

"Why did they cut off the signals?" I muttered to myself, growing increasingly suspicious that this was more than just a gang war. The lack of signal, the complete barricade of the area, and the absence of any ability to  communicate indicated that something much larger and more darker thing was at play.

But despite the alarming circumstances, my main concern was to blend in and go unnoticed. I noticed two elderly couples walking nearby and decided to join them.

"Let me carry this for you," I said, approaching them and offering to help the elderly lady with her bag.

"Oh, thank you, young man," she replied gratefully.

With this small gesture of assistance, I seamlessly integrated into their group, hoping to move without drawing any unwanted attention

"Hey, you! State your name and affiliation?"

I turned to see a group of people wearing armored clothing, with a logo in the middle that read "KSF" - Korean Special Force. It was evident that they had arrived on the scene after the recent massacre.

"My name is Zyn, I'm a teacher !" I raised my two hands only showing my two palms instead of my wounded knuckles faining that I was scared of the guns. Well I was scared of it to be honest , any person would be scared if a gun is pointed at them.

[Suggestion Success]

"Do you all have IDs?" one of the Korean Special Forces members asked. I knew I could only use my skills one at a time, so I needed to provide the person with an ID.

"Here it is," I said, offering them my Teacher ID as proof of my identity.

The two elderly individuals handed over their IDs as well, and they were asked if I was with them. They kindly assisted me by confirming that I was indeed with them.

"Where do you teach?" the officer inquired.


[Suggestion: Success]

"Alright, someone will assist you out of here," the officer assured me, instructing me to follow one of their team members.

I let out a sigh of relief, realizing that I was now safe.

That had been my expectation, but when we reached the location where we were being escorted, I was greeted by a chaotic crowd of people desperately trying to get out.

"Hey, let us out!" voices cried out.

"This is illegal! Why are you checking our phones before we can leave?" others protested, their frustration and anger clear on their voices .

The situation was clearly deteriorating, and I needed to figure out a way to navigate through this new obstacle and make my escape.The shouts and protests from the line of people ahead of me were enough to make it clear that they won't just let me leave without checking my identity first.

I carefully assessed my surroundings, searching for any potential escape routes. The crowd had become a disorganized mass of people, with some attempting to push their way past the authorities, while others engaged in heated arguments.

I spotted a narrow alleyway on the far side of the street, partially obscured by the commotion. It seemed like a potential escape route, and I decided to make my move.

Buy as I attempted to make my way to the narrow alley, the police officers quickly blocked off the area, preventing any potential escape routes.

I sighed in frustration, realizing that my options were dwindling rapidly. It was becoming evident that I had arrived at a highly inconvenient moment, and I had no choice but to go along with the unfolding process.

"You're name ?"

"Lee Zyn," I replied, handing her my fake teacher ID. Fortunately, the person conducting the interview was a woman. I could see that she was flustered the moment she saw my handsome face.

She was  just at level 6, which meant that my suggestion would likely work quite effectively on her.

"Alright, let me check it first in our database," she replied, beginning to type.

As she started searching, I realized that my use of a fake name might pose a problem. "

'Not good,' I thought, knowing that the name wouldn't show any legitimate records.

"No need for that, I just want to go home," I quickly added, trying to ease the situation. "How about you cut me some slack and give me your number instead," I teased, attempting to lighten the mood.

[Suggestion : Success ]

She began blushing and nervously looked around, attempting to divert her colleagues  attention by pretending to search for something on her laptop.

"Your name checks out," she replied with a friendly smile, handing me a release form.

I accepted the release form, and as expected , I noticed that there was another slip of paper with her phone number on it. It was a subtle display of the advantages my system had given me. While it might not work as effectively against high-level individuals, it was undeniably useful when dealing with low level individuals.

The next step in the process involved them checking my phone. To be honest, I was quite puzzled about why they needed to do this. It seemed like a mandatory routine procedure, and even if someone refused to cooperate, they would be forced to comply.

"Give me your phone," another personnel requested. This time, it was once again a woman. It appeared that luck was on my side right now.

"I lost my phone while running away," I replied, adding a touch of sadness to my tone to make my explanation more convincing.

[Suggestion: Success]

Normally, such an obvious lie might not have worked at all, but I had the system on my side. The moment I heard the notification, I knew I already have this mission on the bag.

[Mission: Complete + 1000EXP ]

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