Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 108: Ruthless

One of them, the apparent leader, stepped forward, cracking his knuckles.

"You've got guts, I'll give you that," he sneered, sizing me up. "Let's do it your way."

He was confident, but what he didn't realize was that I had already used my Mind Eye.It showed that he was only at Level 11, greatly overestimating his abilities.


With a burst of confidence, he charged towards me, throwing a wide hook in my direction. My passive skill kicked in, and I instantly calculated that I could easily dodge his attack. But instead of opting for the predictable move, I decided to let him hit me.


His fist connected with my cheek, but the impact barely registered. I sneered inwardly, knowing that my endurance was 9 points.

His eyes on the other hand widened in shock as his punch connected with my cheek, and he realized too late that I hadn't flinched or even felt the blow.

"Fool," I spat as I seized the opportunity.


In one fluid motion, I retaliated with a powerful uppercut, lifting him off the ground and sending him tumbling backward through the air.

The other rival gang member gasped in astonishment as his flight defied gravity for a split second, and then gravity took hold once more dropping him to the ground.


I stood there, my stance firm and my confidence at all time high.

"Get him!"

They charged at me, believing that overwhelming me with their sheer numbers would improve their odds of winning.

In the midst of the chaotic fight, I relied on my heightened combat instincts, which were now supplemented with my passive skills. As they closed in on me, I moved skillfully, dodging their wild punches and kicks with ease. Their attacks lacked coordination, and their desperation was evident.

I decided to demonstrate my superior fighting abilities. I quickly disabled one gang member with a powerful low kick, causing him to collapse in pain, clutching his injured leg.

Another gangster attempted to grab me from behind, but I reacted swiftly. I countered by delivering an elbow strike to his ribs, making him release his hold and stumble away.

Now they were growing increasingly frustrated as their attacks failed to land on me effectively. Their anger and helplessness were visible in their eyes as they realized that their numerical advantage didn't matter much against my superior skills.

I taunted them, trying to provoke mistakes.

"Is that the best you can do?" I chuckled confidently.

After 3 minutes

"Please, I give up,"

I paused, my fists raised, as I looked down at the gangster with the battered face who had finally pleaded for mercy. The sound of his plea echoed in my ear, and for a moment, the world seemed to grow quieter.

"Thank you," he mumbled, his words difficult to understand due to his bleeding mouth.

I sighed and pulled up his hair and continued my assault.



"It's not like I'm enjoying this; I'm being forced to beat you up. I'm not doing this because I'm a sicko," I apologized, waiting for the familiar sound.


[Mission Complete + 1 Skill Point]

I let him go after hearing the sound.

"Boss, you're quite ruthless," Rak commented, his eyes scanning the beat up bodies.

"I need to teach these guys a lesson so they can take a step forward in life. They should actually be thanking me for giving them a free life lesson," I replied, my tone making it seem as though I were some sort of justice-seeking hero.

Rak didn't reply; he simply scratched his head .

"Boss, your knuckles are bleeding!" he exclaimed.

"Eh?" I quickly raised my hands and noticed that my gloves had been shredded. I had been so focused on gaining skill points that I had completely forgotten about it.

As I examined my shredded gloves and the small cuts on my knuckles, I realized that I had been so absorbed in the intensity of the battle and my pursuit of skill points that I hadn't even noticed the damage to my own hands.

"Guess I got carried away," I admitted, shaking my head. "Let's find a place to patch up these gloves and rest before we get back in the action."

"Okay, boss" he replied and followed me.

But as Rak and I tried to move away from the scene, a sudden, piercing scream of pain rang out from behind me. Startled, I quickly turn around to see what had happened.

To my shock, I found Rak in agonizing pain. A knife was lodged in his neck, and blood was spilling from the wound as he collapsed to the ground.


[Mission Complete : +2 skill points]

"Eh," I gasped, my blood running cold as I looked down at his corpse lying on the ground. It felt surreal; just a few hours ago, he had been alive and full of life, and now he was gone, a life snuffed out in an instant.

"That idiot saved you. I was aiming for you, but that idiot took the hit. Hahaha," a man with long black hair and a tall stature laughed cruelly. He then proceeded to lick the blade he had just used to kill my loyal follower.

"Oh, are you sad that your friend is dead? Don't worry, I will send you to him," he said with a sinister grin, his laughter turning manic and chilling.


Something inside me snapped, and my emotions turned cold in an instant. An overwhelming urge to unleash my fury and kill the man in front of me consumed my thoughts.


My body moved instinctively, closing the gap between us in the blink of an eye. I found myself within striking distance before I even fully comprehended the speed of my own actions.

"Idiot!" he insulted as he tried to stab me in the face with his knife.

But I quickly sidestepped, letting the blade miss me completely. With a well-timed move, I grabbed his arm and performed a sweep kick, using a technique I had learned after seeing Ije do it. This move left him unsteady and open for a counterattack.


He dropped the knife and tumbled to the ground.

But I wasn't finished yet. Raising my leg, I aimed my heel at his skull, delivering a fatal blow.


My heel struck his skull cleanly, and I could feel his bones cracking. I followed it up with a high kick to his jaw.


Then came another kick to his face, and another, and another, and another.




[Mission Success: +2 skill points]

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