Netori King: I Will NTR Everyone!

Chapter 144: Chapter144

Gathering my thoughts, I asked one of the very important questions, "Why did you bring me into this world at this particular time? Why not earlier or later?"

Nero's presence pulsed with strange energy as he answered, "The timing is linked to a rare occurrence in the fabric of space and time. A rift, a crack that allowed me to reach out to you.

The alignment of these cosmic forces is what brought you here now, and it was the ideal moment to give you a fresh start."

My mind raced with a mix of emotions - fear, curiosity, and a strange sense of gratitude.

Nero's answers didn't clarify all the mysteries, but they offered a glimpse into his motives.

It was as if he were an opportunity, a second chance, born from my inner desires and the peculiarities of the universe.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with him, despite the eerie circumstances.

With the mysteries of my new reality beginning to unravel, I continued to ask questions, seeking more understanding. "Nero," I inquired, "what are the limits of your abilities in this world?"

Nero's response came with an air of certainty, "My abilities are linked to your desires and ambitions, Alex. As long as they align with what you truly want, I can help you achieve them. However, I cannot alter the fundamental laws of this world, and there are limits to what even I can do."

I nodded, absorbing his words, and then asked, "What about the consequences of our actions in this world? Are there repercussions for the changes we make?"

"Good question. " (Nero)

Nero replied, "Yes, Alex, there will be consequences, both positive and negative. Every choice you make will have a ripple effect in this world, just as it did in your previous life. I'm here to assist, but the outcomes are still influenced by the choices you make."

These answers provided some clarity but also raised more questions.

I continued, "Is there a way for me to return to my previous life, or is this world my new reality?"

Nero's voice remained calm as he answered, "Returning to your previous life is not within my power. This world is where you now exist, and it's up to you to make the most of it."

Each response added layers of understanding, but my curiosity still burned.

As I continued to seek answers, I asked Nero with a glimmer of hope, "Will you keep assisting me in this world?"

Nero's response was direct and unwavering. He simply stated, "No, Alex."

I was taken aback by his sudden refusal, and I couldn't help but ask, "But why not? You brought me here, and we've been discussing my desires and dreams. Why stop now?"

Nero's tone remained calm but resolute as he replied, "I have brought you to this world and shared insights into your inner self, but from this point forward, it is your journey to navigate. I can guide you, but I cannot live your life for you. It's time for you to take control and shape your destiny."

His answer left me with a mix of emotions, a sense of freshly obtained independence tinged with a touch of uncertainty.

He continued, "No, Alex, but I haven't left you entirely alone. Besides my guidance, I've granted you a system that will help you achieve your desires."

I was perplexed by his mention of a system and asked, "Huh, What system are you talking about?"

Nero seemed surprised by my confusion and countered, "Have you not received any form of a system?"

"Hmm, No I don't think so I hav-"

I furrowed my brow, trying to recall the moments since my transmigration, and then it hit me.

"Ah, wait, wait, wait. " (Alex)

I finally remembered and said, "Yes, yes, I did receive a system. I think its name was the Devil System."

With the mention of the Devil System, a flood of questions rushed to my mind.

I turned my attention back to Nero, eager to understand this newfound element of my existence.

"Nero," I began, "tell me more about the Devil System. What is its purpose and how does it work?"

Nero's response was concise, "The Devil System is a tool that will help you achieve your desires and ambitions. It grants you abilities, provides information, and assists you in various ways. Its function is closely tied to your deepest desires, and it can evolve as you progress."

I nodded, absorbing the information, and then delved further, "What are the different types of abilities or powers that the Devil System can grant me?"

Nero listed them briefly, "The Devil System can grant you abilities related to combat, knowledge, communication, and more. It adapts to your desires and offers powers that align with your goals."

Eager to explore the possibilities, I asked, "How can I access and activate these abilities, and quest within the Devil System?"

Nero replied, "You can access and activate your abilities through your thoughts and intentions. It's a mental process; simply focus on the ability you want to use, and the system will respond and as for the quest it will be decided by the system."

I appreciated the simplicity of his answers, and then curiosity led me to inquire, "Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using the Devil System's abilities?"

Nero cautioned, "While the Devil System is a powerful tool, it's not without limitations. Some abilities may have usage restrictions, and there can be consequences for overuse or misuse. It's essential to use them wisely."

Continuing my exploration, I asked, "Can I customize or upgrade the abilities granted by the Devil System?"

Nero explained, "Yes, you can customize and upgrade your abilities over time. The system adapts to your growth and can enhance your powers as you work towards your goals."

My mind was buzzing with possibilities, and I sought clarification, "Is there a way to communicate with the Devil System, to understand its workings better?"

Nero responded, "Yes, you can establish a mental connection with the system. It can provide insights, guidance, and information about your progress and the world you now inhabit."

As I pondered the potential of the Devil System, I wondered about its origins, asking, "Who created the Devil System, and how did it come to be associated with me?"

Nero's answer hinted at a deeper connection, "The Devil System's origins are intertwined with your own desires and the cosmic forces that brought you here. It was created to serve your journey in this world."

My next question was a more personal one, "Nero, can you tell me how the Devil System aligns with my deepest desires and aspirations?"

Nero replied, "The system is a reflection of your innermost desires. It interprets your wishes and offers you the tools, Quests, and abilities needed to fulfill them. It's intricately linked to your personal aspirations."

I couldn't help but wonder about the risks involved, so I asked, "Are there any dangers or challenges associated with using the Devil System?"

Nero warned, "Using the system may bring challenges and adversaries, especially if your desires lead you down a difficult path. It's crucial to be prepared for the obstacles that may arise."

Seeking guidance on where to begin, I inquired, "Nero, what should be my first step in utilizing the Devil System effectively?"

Nero advised, "Start by understanding your goals. Once you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, the system will guide you towards your initial steps."

With newfound knowledge about the Devil System and its potential, I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation.

It could be my golden finger that could help me achieve success in this Demon world.

As the conversation with Nero continued, I couldn't help but feel a lingering unease. He had provided me with valuable information about the Devil System, but there were pressing questions that had been gnawing at me since I first encountered Lisa and the mysterious kiss that had left me feeling like I was cheating.

I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts before finally expressing my concerns. "Nero," I began, "I appreciate the information you've given me about the Devil System, but there are still some burning questions I need answers to."

Nero, with a hint of frustration, responded, "What now? I thought I had addressed all your doubts."

I shook my head, determination in my voice. "No, no. There's something I need to know. Who is Lisa truly? Why does she claim to be my wife? Why did you possess my body and kiss her just a few minutes ago? It feels like I'm cheating with her."

Nero's expression seemed to change, and he paused for a moment before replying. "Lisa is indeed your wife, but it's essential to understand that this is a parallel world. The dynamics and relationships here may differ from what you know."

I was taken aback by this revelation. "A parallel world? So, you're saying she is my wife in this world, but not in the world I came from?"

Nero nodded. "Exactly. In this world, she is your wife, and the context is different. As for the possession and the kiss, I did not possess your body. That was you, acting upon your desires in this unique reality."

"You are sure? Right?" (Alex)

"No!" (Nero)

"But, But, you just-" (Alex)

"I am just joking... she is truly and only your wife, and you don't need to worry, I don't like girls." (Nero)

I said in a hurried tone, "Don't tell me, you are gay?"

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Nero's expression seemed to change, and he paused for a moment before replying. "Lisa is indeed your wife, but it's essential to understand that this is a parallel world. The dynamics and re

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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