Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

They passed through the Gate of Divinity safely.

However, the inspection still remained. Impure beings are detected by the Gate of Divinity, but checking for prohibited goodsdrugs, banned books, etc.must be done manually.

Of course, the inspectors would come to search the caravans themselves, but they had devised a way out.


Simon heard the broker covering the caravan with blue cloth. Soon, the broker tapped the caravan twice, signaling that the coast was clear.

The blue cloth muffled mana flow. They would escape by activating the teleportation circle drawn on the bottom of the box after putting on the blue cloth.

'We just needed to enter the Holy Federation.'

A barrier spread around the Holy Federation prevented unauthorized teleportation, but only when coming from outside the border.

"Now, let's get ready."

The two shuffled their ways into the teleport magic circle, having to hug each other to fit.

Simon was scared of how Rete might react, but she simply activated the magic circle.

"Well be randomly teleporting a set distance from here. If we're unlucky, we could fall into water or the middle of an abbey. Are you ready?"

"Huh? Yeah. I'm ready."

She muttered, "Here we go," and activated the teleportation circle.


Simon felt his body begin to float.


He was moving at an incredible speed, and he couldn't tell what was happening.

It felt like he was being squeezed through a narrow pipe. He once again missed Kizen's teleportations handled by experts.

The world spun, and nausea overcame him. Just as he was about to vomit


The spinning stopped and he was lying on bumpy ground. He took a moment to pull himself together before slowly raising his head and looking around.


The surroundings were dyed hues of gold, and he could see a cloudless blue sky. They had fallen in the middle of a wheat field.

"Dear Goddess"

Rete's voice was heard from beneath him.

"Grant me patience, lest I murder him in the midst of my punishment; grant me patience, lest I bathe in his blood."


Looking down, Simon was laying on top of her. He quickly jumped off and apologized.

"Just now"

She glowered while sitting up.

"You died in my head 500 times over. Thank the Goddess for granting me patience."

"It can't be helped with how we were standing when we teleported."

"Shut your mouth."

The two stood up slowly.

The wheat was much taller that Simon was used to, coming all the way up to his neck. For Rete, only the very top of her head poked out.

"It looks like a wheat grown with divinity farming methods."

She said as she brushed off her clothes. She especially concentrated on the areas Simon touched.

"Divinity farming methods?"

"Yes. Before planting seeds, if you call a priest to worship and pour divinity into the ground, the crops grow well. It's a blessing from the Goddess."

"There's all sorts of uses, huh?"

She folded her arms with a gloating smile.

"All sorts of uses? That's not the end of it. The crop yield is astronomical, and ready access to food is what makes a kingdom an empire, you know? How does the Dark Alliance do it?"

"We just spread manure to increase the soils fertility, occasionally give the land time without crops to recover, and sometimes Father goes to the city to buy fertilizers."

Rete clicked her tongue.

"Spreading shit on your fields is why I call you all barbaric. How's that any different from eating what you crap out?"

"It's completely different! Do you not know what fertilizer?"

"Anyway! Be prepared because I'll be demonstrating the superiority of the Holy Federation often."

She turned on her heel and strode off. Seeing the way she laughed as she walked, being back home seemed to have done wonders for her mood.


"The wheat thief!"

Farmers with weaponsno, farming toolssuddenly came rushing in from all over.

"I was wondering when you gonna come 'round here again. You finally showed up, 'ey?!"

"Everyone, they're over 'ere!"

Things had turned bloody. Rete tugged the hem of Simon's shirt.

"What are you spacing out for? Run!"

A random chase had unfolded. Farmers flocked to the wheat fields.

Seeing only the parting of wheat and the flash of sharpened iron was terrifying. They seemed like they'd strike first and ask questions later, so it was best to avoid them.

Rete and Simon sprinted across the wheat fields into a small shed they saw nearby. Various farming tools cluttered the walls and piles of hay covered the ground.

Moments after Rete locked the door, the farmers had arrived. They knew that from the bang, bang, bang of them trying to kick the door down.

"They're here!"

"Hey, open the door! Come on, open the bloody door!"

The hinges threatened to break at any moment. Simon was pushing against the door and asked,

"What do you plan on doing now?"

"We can't say that we teleported in. There's no need to reveal ourselves like that."

Before he knew it, Rete was taking out her Efnel uniform. She took off her shoes and started putting on the stockings.

"I'll take 5 minutes to change into my uniform. Please hold them off till then."

"What do you mean 5 minutes?! Do it in 2! Forget the stockings, clothes first!"

"I got it, I got it! Look away, you crazy bastard! Let me get dressed!"


Small windows were broken through, rakes and pitchforks being waved around blindly. Simon had to squat down to avoid getting cut.


Moments later, a shovel burst through the door right where his head used to be. Frightened, Simon put his left hand on the door and drew a magic circle.

{Shield of Protection}

A pure white wall of divinity blocked the door. The door was smashed by the concentrated attacks of angry farmers, and they started banging on the shield directly.

"Rete! Quickly!"

Shouted Simon, pressing against the shield.

"If you take even a glance, I'll kill you and go to heaven for it."

"I won't!"

Finally, after buttoning up her shirt, Rete drew a magic circle in the air. Then, she snapped her fingers.



A dazzling light swallowed Simon and Rete. It shattered the warehouse and scattered in all directions.

"What is that?!"

The farmers were frightened by the huge flow of divinity and backed off.

After the flash of light, a girl in a white school uniform and a boy who had fallen on the floor could be seen through the shattered warehouse door.

As Rete untied her hair, her snow-white hair swayed and fluttered in the wind. The farmers' eyes widened.

It was undoubtedly the Efnel uniform.

Rete's cold voice then echoed across the fields.

"Still can't figure out what's going on?"

* * *

* * *

Clank! Thud!

The farmers dropped their tools at once and prostrated.

"We have been graced with the presence of a priest of Efnel!"

Simon was dumbfounded by the sudden change in atmosphere. Meanwhile Rete just snorted at the farmers lying prone.

"We came down in admiration after seeing the beautiful grains bestowed to you all by the great Goddess, and then you people threatened our lives? Are you all trying to die?"

In unison, the farmers bowed their heads and shouted,

"We have committed a great sin!!"

Simon blinked at the strange scene. The caste system really was strong in the Holy Federation.

"If you committed a sin, as you said, then you should be punished. Am I mistaken?"

Rete spread her fingers in a cold voice.


"Dear priest,"

Simon got up from the floor and bowed his head sternly. He drew the sign of the cross, selling the act of him being a holy man.

Simon said, putting his palms together,

"It is a great sin that the believers did not recognize you, dear priest. However, please take pity on them. They were simply bent on catching the thief who damaged the Goddess wheat fields. I ask for absolution."

The horrified, bowing farmers looked up at Simon with widened eyes. They didn't expect him to take their side.

"Absolution? I let you follow me around for a few days, and now you act against me? How dare you rebuke a priest's decision as a lowly apprentice priest!"

"Even you spoke admirations for this bountiful, golden wheat field, dear priest, and it is the farmers who protect this wheat graced by the Goddess. They made a mistake while trying to protect the grace of the Goddess, but it was done out of pure faith. I beg of you to see that and absolve them of their sins."

'Wow, this bastard.'

Rete feigned a laugh inwardly. This guy had a silver tongue.

She had tried to punish the farmers who threatened her safety.

However, it was a mistake while trying to carry out the will of the Goddess, so a priest who serves the same will should forgive them. If you weigh the will of the Goddess and a priest's safety, the will of the Goddess would inevitably be higher.

In addition, she just explained the divinity farming method. Simon smoothly incorporating that in a way the locals couldn't notice was commendable.

"Alright. Raise your heads, farmers. You have been forgiven."

Said Rete.

Seeing the farmers bowing and expressing their gratitude, he could see how powerful the priests and Efnel were in the Holy Federation.

The field was a little far from the city they were heading for, but the farmers took the initiative to prepare a carriage immediately.

While the two of them sat back and waited for a while, all sorts of foods were prepared on the table.

'I feel like I'm at my house.'

They were staying only for 30 or so minutes until the carriage arrived, but the farmers were constantly bringing food. Simon felt bad because it was free food, but Rete started eating as if it were natural.

"Just help yourself."

Said Rete.

"It's natural to serve food when apprentice priests or priests visit. In particular, there's a story that the Goddess curses families who don't feed apprentice priests undergoing the 19 penances."

"What a unique culture."

"And well, it's not free food, so eat as much as you want. I'm going to pay for it later."

Certainly, it was rude not to eat what they'd prepared. Simon used his chopsticks to scoop up wheat noodles, a delicacy unique to the Holy Federation.

"It's delicious!"

"Hmph, of course."

Compared to the food of the Dark Territory, it was less seasoned, but it was still pretty good.

Rete went with the farmers for a while, only returning after sprinkling divinity on the fields they were preparing for farming. The farmers rejoiced, bowing so greatly one may think the Goddess had descended.

She trudged back to her seat, sat next to Simon, and resumed eating wheat noodles.

"It must be nice being a priest. You'll never go hungry."

"Become one, then."

She smirked.

"By the way, have you ever ridden a train?"

"A train?"

* * *

Choo, chooooo!

As soon as the two arrived in the city by carriage, they stopped at the train station.

Simon's eyes widened to the point of almost popping out. He was a country boy, even in the Dark Territory.

"Wh-What is this?"

A wheeled mass of iron spewed white steam mixed with divinity as it approached the station. It traveled across rails laid on the ground.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

That train didn't seem to stop at this station. It rushed past, and Simon watched it wide-eyed.

"Five days."

Rete smiled as she placed her hands on her hips.

"We'll take a divine train that crosses the Holy Federation over the course of five days. Be prepared, it'll be swarming with inquisitors."

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