Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 152

Chapter 152

The monsters of the Prima Materia were invading all over the Kizen campus.

They looked to be merely 'created'. The air shook, and white masses fell.

Seeing monsters that appeared without cause, the necromancers of 100-years-ago called them miracles, and the priests called them an excretion.

"Hurry, run!"

The entire campus fell into a state of chaos with the monster attack.

A school building collapsed as the 20-meter-tall monster rampaged alongside the rest of the large monsters. Students were screaming as they evacuated it.

"Ah, there's no time to gawk! Move quickly!"

"I heard that there's a bunker in the Learning Center! Let's go there!"

But thanks to Meilyn's broadcast, the worst-case was prevented. If the building had collapsed while students cluelessly attended classes, many students could've died.

The students who blindly rushed out of the building now witnessed 'them'.

Monsters of many different shapes but all having that white body with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth all made from black. They looked like the drawings of a deranged child.


"Something's coming!"

White, medium in size, and quadrupedal, a gaunt monster was climbing the walls of a building, aiming at the students.

When the students quickly went to prepare magic circles


The sound of a cannon pierced the air, and an explosion erupted in the monster's face. The monster's head crashed into a lecture room, and the ensuing explosion ripped a hole right through it.

'A cannon?'

The students raised their heads. Four sailboats were floating in the sky, glowing a light green.


"It's Elissa! It's Elissa's phantom ships!"

As they said, Elissathe Special Admission No.7had entered the battlefield, her uniforms coat slung over her shoulder.

The phantom ship as she beckoned, and it unleashed a barrage of cannon fire. The white monsters entering the campus quickly turned to dust and disappeared.


Her gaze shifted. A monster taller than the buildings was approaching the ships.

The moment she was about to order the ships to turn and fire

'Huh? Who's that?'

Someone else had appeared.

A blonde student had climbed the monster. He clung to the monster's face and activated the liquid bomb he was carrying.


A gray explosion erupted with a loud roar. Elissa braced herself against the rough winds and clutched her coat.

After a while, the smoke from the explosion cleared out, and the monster's head and the male student disappeared entirely. The monster, with only its torso remaining, collapsed as it was.

"Ugh, I was having a great nap. Whats all the commotion?"

Elissa turned her head. The same guy who had self-destructed with the monster while holding a liquid bomb was calmly walking in.

"You're Special Admission No.10, Malcolm, right? Even a dog with its tail between its legs can be useful sometimes, huh?"

"I'll seriously kill you. Try blabbering that after winning against the Special Admission No.1 or something."


Malcolm hammered his rod into the ground. Doppelgangers slunk out of the magic circle, and Malcolm threw a few bombs to them.

The doppelgangers grabbed them, ran over to where the monsters were concentrated, and exploded one after another. In addition, with Elissa's bombardment, the small monsters were swept away.

[Mic test.]

Elissa held a magic loudspeaker.

[From now on, I, Elissa, will organize an all-or-nothing squad to stop the monsters. Us Kizen shouldn't run away from threats but stand against them! If you want to fight, come to the empty lot in front of the Magic Technology Academy.]

Malcolm laughed.

'She's all about wanting to command even in a situation like this, huh?'

Elissa then took away the magic loudspeaker from her mouth before saying,

"You're coming too, right, last-bus-boarder?"

"Piss off, you powerfreak Karen."

This kind of thing was happening all over Kizen. Even though they were taken aback by the sudden attack, Kizen students gathered together to launch counterattacks.

"Disease-based curses and hemomancy won't work against them!"

"Share the information quickly! Curse the big ones to weaken them and wipe out the small fry with firepower!"

"Front-liners, move! I'll set-up some obstacles."

A student swung his arms, and the windows of the building next door shattered as desks and chairs poured out from the lecture hall, forming a large hill.

Students took the fortified position and knocked down any monsters who tried to come up, or just wiped them out with area-of-effect attacks. Curses aspirants weakened any of the large monsters, preventing them from attacking the buildings.

"Are there any more Combat Dark Magic students? Send more of them to the front!"

"Pull out all your skeletons! Walls! Build more walls!"

The responses of the Kizen students who had been thrown into tough competition several times over were certainly swift. Even while evacuating, they naturally switched to a counterattack and began stabilizing.

"Super-large one at 6 o'clock! Its coming over!"

The problem was the huge ones. A gigantic monster taller than even the 20-meter behemoth was entering the vacant lot, easily crossing the obstacles the students built.

It shrugged off the dark spells and curses from the students, and it was destroying the mounds with just a single kick each.


"This is dangerou!"

Five flashes of light struck the monster at the same time.

The body of the gigantic monster was torn into several pieces, and students exclaimed,

"The assistant teachers!"

After easily clearing the monsters and coming back down, Brett, the assistant teacher of Combat Dark Magic, looked at the communication crystal ball with a long sigh. It was no use, no matter how much he tried.

He threw the crystal ball on the ground in anger and scratched his head.

"Maybe I shouldve prayed a bit."

Muttered a co-assistant teacher.

"Looking at it objectively, we're doomed, right?"

* * *

* * *

Due to Lang's funeral, all the professors and chief assistant teachers were away. In other words, the actually experienced assistant teachers all went to the mausoleum.

The ones left behind were the assistant teachers with insufficient experience in charge of observing the students doing self-studies.

"Agh, shut up. It's better this way."

Brett took off his outer garments and threw them aside before channeling his jet-black. A black robe, the symbol of combat dark magic, covered his body.

"If even one student dies, we may as well get our letters of resignation ready. If you still want to stay in Kizen, prepare your resume to be a Keeper or something."

He had to deal with Simon for the next 3 years, and now this happened? Brett was feeling hopeless. He thought of giving up being an assistant teacher and working freelance.


However, the junior assistant teachers were moved by Brett.

"I thought your brain was also just muscle, but you can say cool things too, Senior!"

"He's right."

"Since the other seniors went to the mausoleum, let's focus on protecting the students!"

The assistant teachers jumped in, their morale more than recovered.


Brett wondered what was wrong with them, but followed soon after.

And so, large-scale counterattacks centered on the assistant teachers and well-known students began. However, stamina and jet-black deplete eventually, whereas the monsters created with the Prima Materia were endless.

"Four gigantic ones!"

"Dodge them!"

In the end, the western frontwhere Elissa responded firstcollapsed. She hurriedly took on her phantom ships and retreated, but she saw the gigantic white monsters trying to catch her ships.

'Ah, I'm getting tired.'

It was a mistake to overdo things in the beginning and expend a lot of jet-black. Making even the shells cost a lot of jet-black, let alone keeping the four phantom ships floating.

"Theyre gonna catch us!"

"Speed up!"

The students who didn't know Elissa's state pounded on the railing of the phantom ships and pestered her.

Just as she was seriously contemplating dropping them, she saw a boy in a Kizen uniform flying up to the monsters.


The boy's punch left a huge hole in a monster's cheek. He stepped on the head of that falling monster and jumped off it again.

Wham! Wham! Thud! Pow!

The rest of the monsters fell like dominoes at the boy's punches.

Elissa's eyes, watching while holding on to the railing of the phantom ship, widened. So had the other students.

"Why is he so strong? Is he an assistant teacher?"

"But he's wearing a uniform!"

As the five monsters fell, kicking up a thick cloud of dust, Prince came down to the ground with ease.

[Gosh, I'm getting tired of taking care of these kids.]

Grumbled Prince to himself, scratching his head as he watched the departing ships.

[What is that bastard Simon doing?]

* * *

Back at the command and control room.

The battle was one-sided. Simon tried jumping off the wall and slashing his Greatsword of Destruction at Flema with all his might, but


The moment the sword was about to hit her forehead, a White Flame enveloped the saintess and formed a protective shield. The greatsword bounced off it in vain, and she could be seen smiling and wagging her finger.

White Flame was rising up close to Simon's stomach.


The flames exploded, and Simon flew dozens of meters into the wall. Pier's pained cry filled his mind now that he had touched the White Flame.

Simon slid down the wall and fell to his knees.


Then, he trembled as he hugged his stomach, which had just been touched by the White Flame. His eyes shook with pain, and spittle ran down his chin.

Seeing this, Flema smiled in satisfaction.

[It hurts, doesn't it?]

She said,

[This flame is the power of the Goddess to cleanse impure beings. It's lethal for undead and necromancers just at a light touch. The pain is like a taste of the afterlife that awaits them.]

She opened her arms.

[This is proof that you all are fundamentally impure. The White Flame heals the wounds of those who worship the Goddess but scorches those who worship evil. Can you really deny the Goddess even after seeing this power with your own two eyes?]


Simon silently drove his greatsword into the ground and struggled his way up. She arched her fingers and was about to shoot another White Flame, when


Her eyes turned back. Kajann had rushed forward and punched her from behind. Of course, this time again, it was blocked by the White Flame protecting her.


Kajann's face was distorted with excruciating pain. The mere touch of the White Flame on his fist almost made him lose his mind.

[How desperate. You can't really be thinking of it, can you?]

She smirked and faced her hands at Kajann.

[The image of you winning against me?]


This time, the White Flame exploded directly on Kajann.


Kajann, who had been launched away, rolled on the ground in agony now that the White Flame had spread to his body, then banged his head against the wall, coughing blood.

Flema smiled as if funding this fun.

[I do recognise your efforts in stopping the desolators. However]

Her gaze turned to the screens. Kizen students were fighting hard against the monsters of the Prima Materia, but the front line was being pushed back. They were slowly running out of resources.

[You only delayed the inevitable. No one can stop this 'great purification'.]


Simon fixed his grip on the greatsword stuck in the floor and mustered up more jet-black while gasping for breath.

Pier's Bone Armor, having received more damage than it could withstand, was forcibly released before rolling across the floor. The only thing that remained was the bone of the right hand holding the greatsword.

[Your willpower is commendable, but you are much too far beneath me for mere will to be the decider. Farewell.]


She frowned as if disturbed. Without anyone noticing, strange feathers had stuck themselves in the center of the White Flame that protected her.

The feathers didn't burn away despite managing to pierce more than halfway through the fiery shield.

[Who are you?!!]


She increased the intensity of the White Flame to the extreme and burned the feathers.


Soft footsteps could be heard pacing down the hallway leading to the command and control room, and an ivory-haired girl entered with her arms behind her back.

"Hello, Simon. You seem to be struggling?"

"How are you here?!"


Serenes dazzling wings on her right unfurled behind her back.

"I'm here to get my third stamp on the coupon."

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