Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 1085

Necromancer Academy’S Genius Summoner Chapter 1085

Episode 1085

‘Come out, Behemoth.’


Simon began preparing to take out Behemoth. The monument rose from the ground, and he quickly spread the summoning dragon sortie magic circle and the SS magic circle in the air.

“Simon! “The Death Knights are coming here!”

Meilin shouted, pouring out black magic. But Simon had no time to worry about defense.

“Hold on somehow! “It only takes 3 minutes!”

Then he turned his back and focused on the magic circle. Simon trusted Meilin completely.

Perhaps because of that belief, Meilin’s expression also became more determined. It was impossible because it couldn’t be done, so I didn’t have time to whine like that. All you have to do is give it a try.

Meirin quickly pulled out the Elemental Master’s magic circle, pulled out a few

strands of Aurora, and placed them on her head. The half-made witch’s hat made a buzzing sound and calculated the magic trick, and the jet black element

magic was prepared.

There are currently seven Death Knights of the 1st Corps approaching Meilin

and Simon. If you are allowed access, you die.

She spread both palms forward.


All kinds of black magic pours out like cannonballs from the magic circle spread out behind the back. The Death Knights approach wielding Auror blades.

While constantly calculating the formulas to create magic, she did not neglect

to analyze the opponent, as befits a necromancer.

‘It has a characteristic.’

Those Death Knights boldly approach things like fire and ice by just hitting them with their bodies. Since the 1st Legion’s unique armor is quite strong, such

an approach is the most threatening from the perspective of a jet-black element mage who must maintain a distance from the opponent.

However, the Death Knights reacted particularly actively to the wind-based blades that were sculpted in pitch black and sent flying. They were approaching,

striking down all the wind blades one by one with their swords.

‘This is it!’

Her eyes brightened.

The true essence of an Elemental Master is his ability to adapt to any battlefield and battle with any opponent. Meirin immediately closed her entrance to all

other magic circles such as fire and ice, and only concentrated on the jet-black

wind magic circle, shooting out countless blades of wind.

‘Of course! Even though I have become undead, my habits and tendencies from when I was a knight hundreds of years ago still remain strong!’

Knights of the Empire are systematically trained from the age of five, and undergo tens of thousands of rounds of interpersonal training in the process of honing their swordsmanship. Only those who reached the level of blocking an opponent’s sword with their eyes closed could become knights.

So, to the knights of those days, being cut by a sword even once meant defeat. There must have been an extreme aversion to being cut by a blade, and a compulsion to block any slashes.

‘We have to use that undead’s unique illusion!’

After completing the analysis, Meirin boldly lowered the power of the wind magic and increased the number of blades. The Death Knights, who had been advancing little by little, stopped walking and became busy throwing away their blades.

There are more blades of weakened wind, but their power is lower. The extent to which a Death Knight can just walk while being hit with his body.

But Meilin is confident that they won’t do that.

If they get hit even once, those undead will understand the situation and approach, but they cannot because they have the ability to block even a thousand sword strikes. It’s like having extremely good swordsmanship that’s holding you


In fact, it is the necromancer’s role to see and control things like that, but their ‘master’ is not here right now.

Calculating all of this, Meilin showed the judgment to boldly change her strategy even when her life was at stake.

‘You’re so good at blocking?’

Simon, who had made a few mistakes in his technique, became a little nervous and looked back to see Meilin blocking it so well that the word miracle came

to mind. Juul is still struggling, but holding on.

Now all I have to do is do it.

Now that he was mentally stable, Simon also became more confident and completed the magic circle and placed it on the grave.


Two more minutes pass by, and Meilin’s pitch blackness is now depleted. After Simon completed the last magic circle, he looked back and shouted.

“Bear! “I’ll leave now!”

[Hehehe! i get it!]

Peer, who was dealing with Hector, flew in with his original armor as if he had been waiting and clung to Simon’s body.

At this time, Meilin also lost her strength and was staggering. Elemental Master mode also disappeared.

[Good job, Maylin. Leave it to me from now on.]

Simone, wearing a piercer, came up behind her.

[Excuse me.]

“huh? for a moment…!”


Simon held Maylin’s body like a feather. She suddenly lifted her body and inhaled, her face turning red! He made a sound.


This time, instead of carrying it like a burden, I carried it with both arms.

Even in the midst of all this, Maylin was thrilled by this fact.


Simon held Meilin in his arms and lightly lowered his head to avoid the Death

Knight’s Auror Blade, then jumped forward and kicked the other Death Knight’s wrist with his toe. He threw his body at the same time, planted both feet on

the cave wall, jumped up with all his might, kicked off another helmet, and stood on the tombstone.

‘crazy! ‘You’re so cool!’

Meilin was in a state of shock that felt like her mind was paralyzed. Every time, the things she imagined in her head were actually happening.

Simon kicked the tombstone twice with his toe and then spoke.

[Behemoth battleship, sortie.]

No sooner had those words ended.


A door of smoke was created in the center of the monument, and an indescribable figure stretched forward, carrying the bodies of two people inside.

The shock wave and sonic boom caused by the ship’s sortie sent all the Death

Knights flying backwards. The Behemoth battleship penetrated the cave wall with its hull.


The vibration and shock were enough to make me faint. A frightened Maylin screamed, wrapping her arms around Simon’s body so tightly that it almost crushed him.

“Oh, Simeon! “Is this how you use the Behemoth battleship?”

[This is my first time trying this too.]


Simon burst out laughing and held her to safety.

[Please be patient just a little longer. now.]

Light finally began to appear at the end of the Behemoth battleship, which was advancing endlessly through the ground.

[It’s outside.]


Finally, by breaking through a corner of the ground, the Behemoth battleship

succeeded in escaping. The dazzling sun was visible beyond the falling huge rock walls.


Meilin let out an exclamation and opened her eyes.

I can see a clear blue sky. Has the sky I see every day ever looked so special as it does today?

of course.

This may be because when you look up, you see him within arm’s reach.

The boy pushed up Pier’s helmet with his fingertips, revealing his face and smiling handsomely. The sunlight falls, illuminating his face more clearly, and the

wind blows his blue bangs.

“I’m glad you’re safe, Meirin.”

Emotions and thoughts that are difficult to describe are swirling around.

She thought that she would probably never forget this sight until she died.

“I’ll drop you off.”

Simon bent his knees and carefully let Meilin’s legs touch the floor. For a moment, she felt a deep sense of regret that she didn’t want to go down, but she

wasn’t a kid anymore.

Meilin came down to the floor and stood, and Simon looked back. You can see a large hole in the floor made by a Behemoth battleship.


Simon waved the magic sword, holding it upright in its sheath.

“come here! “Can you feel the energy of the magic sword?”


Then, as if waiting, a red light flickered inside the hole.


Juul appeared with explosive energy. To be exact, it was not Juul, but a magic

sword that had completely taken over Juul’s body.


He flew through the sky scattering slashes and climbed onto the Behemoth battleship. Then he glared at Simon.

[You’re using us as bait. If I still had any strength left, I would have taken your

head off first.]

“I’m sorry. Just now, holding on in the center was the only thing Juul and you

could do.”

In the meantime, it was Simon who was calmly talking to the demon sword.

Jules’ magical eyes saw the demonic sword Simon was holding.

[And he is extremely dangerous. He better be careful.]

“Thank you for the advice.”

sssssAt that time, Jules’ magical eyes slowly closed and he fell to the deck. Simon and Maylin quickly came over and checked his condition.

“are you okay. “I just lost consciousness for a moment because I used too much force.”

Maylin said. Simon looked back.

“It looks like they don’t plan on letting us go any easier than that.”

Shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo!

Dozens of red, quivering lines began pouring out of the narrow hole.

Meilin, who came from an ivory tower and understood what the technology was, shouted loudly.

“Simon! “It’s magic with plaque!”

It was a technique that was also called the worst fire-type magic. It seemed like the lichs of the 1st Legion inside had used black magic.

The sight of the red lines coming out of the hole, scattering widely around, and quickly approaching the battleship as if it were forming gunpoint was quite terrifying.

“You can’t avoid or block that! Once the target is determined, follow it to the end and burn the opponent until they turn to ash!”

“okay? then-“

Simon raised his hand.

“Just give me a suitable target.”


The Skull Wings pouring out from inside the battleship turned emerald green

and were ejected at a frightening speed. One by one, they quickly dispersed towards the Plagro flocking from the sky.

Soon, the assault platform collided with Plagro and exploded.

“Come back!”

At the same time, Simon made a pulling motion with his hand.

While Plagro’s flames were burning the raiding party, skulls engraved with summoning magic circles made of small objects were returning from the bodies of dozens of raiding parties, wrapped in an emerald flash.

Meilin opened her mouth in surprise, and Simon smiled.



If you lose a magic circle made of small objects, you will permanently lose a raid group, so Simon and Benya put a lot of effort into creating an escape machine.

The small object’s magic circle returned safely, and all plaque was removed.


Hector’s cries full of anger were heard from inside the cave. Simon grinned and gave an absolute command.

[It paid off. The entire corps retreats. Take the evidence you obtained and leave the village with his companions.]

I did more than needed to be done. The post-processing can be left to Keygen

without consuming the army’s power.

Simon held up a new communication crystal ball.

“Kazanne, this is Simon. “Can I contact you, Nephthys?”

-…I can’t believe it.

There was confusion in Kazan’s voice after hearing Simon’s report.

That was natural. There was a tomb of one of the previous emperors in a rural village called Mahihalla, and there I heard that the 1st Legion was trying to resurrect the old emperor’s troops as undead.

Kazan immediately reported the situation to headquarters. Within the next few hours, the battle to conquer Mahihala, led directly from Kizen headquarters,

will begin.

And Simon was moving in a battleship in the distance. Meilin and Juul were lying down almost collapsing.

“How about Jules?”

Meilin shrugged her shoulders in response to Simon’s question.

“Still fainting. “You’re quite a weakling.”

The two people giggled.

“I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble again, Meirin.”


Maylin laughed.

“You saved me. Rather, Simon.”


Meilin said with a red face, flipping her long hair.

“When you get back to school, do you want to go to Rochester with me on the


Simon widened his eyes in surprise, but then smiled.


The sun was getting brighter, and Kizen’s teleportation magic circle was spreading across the sky across Mahihalla.

Simon, who looked at the scenery for a moment, lowered his head.



Manus’ skull lying on the deck was slowly moving.

It overlooked the cave where the emperor’s tomb had long been located.


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