Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 1039

Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Episode 1039

The bowstring is pulled taut.

As if testing the limits of tension, a demonstration made from the intestines of an animal trembles precariously.

However, there is no movement in the body of the user holding the bow.

The target is a rabbit hiding in the grass and grazing.

Gradually, the strength in the hand holding the string is released, and the arrow stretches out in a straight line without a sound. The rabbit reacted with shock, but the arrow had already pierced the rabbit’s vital spot.


Next, a breathing sound is heard as if the tension is being released.

Clap clap clap.

The rabbit fell down, and Simon, who was watching from the side, clapped his hands with a smile.

“congratulations! “You’re really good with a bow.”


Alita, a native of Chosung Island, glared lightly at Simon and then stood up.

Then he walked towards the rabbit he had caught, and Simon followed along.

“But why is it hunting all of a sudden?”

Simon asked.

“I brought plenty of food. Enough for all the residents to share together….”

“We don’t depend on food given by outsiders! “I came here to hunt in the first place!”

Alita shouted like that and took a bite of the chocolate bar in her hand. His expression changed to ecstasy for a moment, but he returned to a stern expression, probably because he felt Simon’s gaze.

“Hunting is an important ritual to welcome God.”

“I see.”

Simon agreed without commenting.

Perhaps because it is a neutral zone, there seems to be some indigenous beliefs. I just kept that much information in my head. Then he looked at Alita with curious eyes.

“I realize once again that you are really good at continental language. “When did you learn it?”

“When I was young.”

Alita continued speaking in a blunt tone.

“In those days, we were also allowed to have contact with outsiders who came to this island. “They taught me.”

‘I guess not now.’

Simon thought for a moment of Alita desperately running away, and then continued.

“Was it the ‘pledge of inclusion’ you mentioned earlier? Is that what allows you to talk to me? “The condition for activating the oath is to save one’s life.”

Alita stopped for a moment and looked at Simon.

“What are you, a scholar studying our clan?”

“No, I just think so.”

As a corps commander, the experience of traveling around the continent and encountering various people and cultures did not go anywhere. Simon’s mind was wide open when meeting new people.

As we chatted, we arrived in front of the rabbit we had just caught. Alita put down her bow, pulled out the arrow stuck in the rabbit, then knelt down and prayed.

Simon also quietly waited for Alita to finish praying and then opened his mouth.

“You prayed to your god that the hunt was successful, right?”


Alita suddenly opened her eyes and pointed at the dead rabbit.

“This person here is God.”

The indigenous people of Choseung Island had unique beliefs and customs. They believed that God himself transformed into birds or animals and caught humans and gave them meat.

In other words, the dead rabbit here is also a god.

“I see.”

Simon also spoke to the rabbit, pretending to pray.

“Thank you for getting caught.”

“…You have no prejudice against outsiders.”

She let out an awkward laugh and slowly got up.

“As much as God gives us meat to eat-”

Alita’s voice trailed off for a moment.

“One day, we too will have to be prepared to become meat and be eaten by God.”


Simon finished praying and looked at her.

“What did you just say?”



Alita put the freshly caught rabbit into a bag made of animal skin and turned her head.

“So, Simon Pollentia, my pledge of tolerance. “What do you want from me?”

Simon’s eyes sparkled.

It looks like things are starting to settle down a bit now.

“What I want is information. Have you ever heard of a group called a gang?”

Alita tilted her head.

“Is it the name of a food?”


How do I explain this?

Simon crossed his arms, thought for a moment, and then spoke.

“Were there any suspicious people among the outsiders who came to this island?”

Alita put her hands on her hips and spoke confidently.

“All outsiders are suspicious!”

“I’m sorry. Let me change the question. Do you remember all the outsiders who have come to this island recently?”

She frowned and thought.

“I don’t know everything, but I remember the people I saw. “There’s also a man who cleans those strange houses.”

Villa manager.

I think I’m referring to that dark-skinned man who speaks a continental language well.

“yes. “What else?”

“There were three people who came to that strange house. “It was annoying that he sometimes wandered into the forest we were in.”

Simon took out his notebook and quill at the speed of light.

“Can you explain in detail what it looks like?”

Simon recorded a description of Alita.

Of course, since Alita is an indigenous person, she was not familiar with the clothing or culture of this country, so when she saw that she wore a hat with a colorful jellyfish with a protruding mouth on her head, and that she had a piercing on her nose, she thought that only her nose was not yet human. He gave a strange answer, saying that his nose was silver, but it was roughly understandable.

‘Okay, I guess I’ll have to cross-check this. But this isn’t enough information.’

Simon put down his notebook.

“As a pledge of your inclusiveness, I have an earnest request to make.”

Alita let out a laugh.

“…For an outsider to flout our clan’s rules. Okay, tell me.”

“I want to go to your village!”

Simon’s eyes sparkled.

“Oh, of course there is no other reason. As I said at the beginning, all I want is information. “I wanted to ask the people in your village if they saw anyone suspicious…”

Alita closed her eyes with a troubled expression.

Simon said, ‘Please!’ As I kept begging him, he soon sighed once.

“You probably brought plenty of food from outside to give to the villagers, right?”

“of course! thank you!”

Alita turned and walked away, and Simon followed her with a grin.

“Oh, and this is just a personal question, can I ask it?”


Simon looked at Alita’s slender arms for a moment and then said.

“Are you a boy? “Is it a girl?”

“That’s rude! this guy!”

Seeing that she was angry, I thought it was a girl.

* * *

So Simon walked along with Alita towards the village of the indigenous people of Chosung Island.

I thought I was going deep into the forest of Choseungseom Island, but at some point the surrounding scenery changed.

‘What is all this?’

All the trees around were strangely bent or twisted. A scene like a crowded vine forest. These vine-like trees filled the surrounding area and even covered the sky, making it dark. The trees were bare without any leaves.

“this way.”

In the meantime, Alita found her way well. The empty direction with no trees growing naturally became the road to the village.

“Be careful not to hit your head.”


When Simon put his hands on the tree and lowered his body to get out, Alita screamed.

“Don’t touch me! “What are you doing so shamelessly to our God?”

Simon blinked.

“Is this tree also a god?”


‘Wait a minute, now that I think about it.’

Simon lowered his head. The trees that were tangled like vines around me turned out to be derived from one tree, not several trees.

It may have come up from the ground or become entangled, but it was unmistakable.

‘The texture of all the trees I touched was the same. This sturdy texture. I don’t think I can cut it easily with a blade or a saw.’

When Simone looked at Alita as if asking for an explanation, she sighed and said.

“He is the ‘tree that never falls’ that has existed on this island for a long time.”

According to her clan’s legend, a huge tree grew on this island.

However, lightning struck the tree that was soaring in the sky, causing the tree to split and break sharply.

However, the thunderbolt was a ‘god’, and the tree did not die because the god inhabited the tree. Instead, rather than building trunks and branches in the sky, they continued to expand by sending tree trunks to the ground.

So it is said that it took this form.

‘Rabbit is God, Lightning is God, Tree is God too. ‘It’s confusing.’

Simon closed his eyes and was lost in thought.

‘From the point of view of the people of the continent, it seems strange that everything has a god attached to it, but since it is the culture of the people of this island, we should respect it.’

“It’s all there now. “This way.”

She pointed ahead.

It was true.

A small village was formed under the tree. The scale was not very large, and the house was crude and made of mud and straw.

At that time, a middle-aged woman who was sitting and pounding something in an earthenware bowl discovered Alita. She spoke in the native language.

“(Alita! Did God give you meat?)”

“(Of course!)”

She ran over and put down the rabbit she had just killed in front of the altar in the center of the village. Then the nearby residents came running in, making noise.


Everyone bows their heads and prays to the dead rabbit.

Simon was scratching his cheek from behind because he wanted to disturb something.


Finally, one of the natives found Simon.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

Soon, the natives of Choseung Island began to murmur, pointing at Simon.

‘Let’s be prepared.’

Simon made up his mind.

The indigenous people of Choseung Island have a closed culture.

You will definitely reject yourself and be wary of it. I was ready to hit even a flying stone, but I was confident that I would endure anything if I could get information about the organization.

“(Alita brought an outsider! A pledge of your embrace! Right?)” “(

Thank you for saving Alita! Welcome!)”



The welcome was unexpected.

Among them, there were a few people like Alita who could use continental languages. Simon blinked, then smiled and accepted their greeting.

“don’t worry. “Because I said you were a pledge of my embrace.”

“That’s why you welcome me.”

We greeted the natives by shaking hands or hugging them. Meanwhile, Simon was busy taking in the sights of this village.

‘Everyone is young.’

Strangely, the older people were around 30 years old, and most of them were in their teens or 20s like Alita. There were a lot of children too.

There seemed to be a few people who looked like they were middle-aged.



When they came to greet Simon, the young men of the clan got angry, as if they were interfering somewhere. It seemed that people in their late teens were the key figures in power in this village.

On the other hand, the older one was, the worse the treatment was. They treated him as if he were an enemy of the clan, and even the older people took it for granted. Everyone who looked a little older was just looking at them like they were criminals.

“Nice to meet you.”

At that time, a person who could speak a continental language approached me.

It was a woman who appeared to be in her early 20s.

“Thank you for saving Alita, but I would like you to return today.”


“Our clan’s exalted chieftain, Bibron, is coming. “He doesn’t look very kindly on outsiders.”

Simon’s eyes brightened sharply when he heard the word ‘chief’.

At that time, Alita tilted her head.

“Didn’t the Chief go to the ‘God Realm’?”

“Yes, but I just got a call from the God Realm… Ah!”

A rumbling sound came from afar. The villagers all knelt on the ground and bowed their heads.

The woman who was talking to Simon told him to move away, but Simon quietly retreated and waited behind the villagers in the same low posture.



With the sound of menacing footsteps echoing around the area, a man wrapped in fur was walking out.

Simon raised his head.

‘That person is the chieftain, Bibron.’

As expected from this clan, he didn’t seem that old, around Simon’s age.

Geometric patterns were drawn on the well-trained body. He wore black animal fur around his shoulders and loose-fitting pants. He was wearing unusual accessories all over his body.


Then the chief stopped.

“It smells like an outsider. “Who let outsiders into our village?”

The sounds of people shouting rang out.

Alita stood up with a pale face.

“Chief! He is a pledge of my embrace…!”

“nice to see you.”

At that time, Simon got up from his seat and walked away. Soon, he passed through the crowd and appeared in front of the chieftain.

“You can speak continental languages, so you’ll be able to talk quickly.”


The chief’s eyes narrowed.

“What are you?”

“I came from Kizen of the Dark Alliance. Since this has already come to an end, I will ask you directly.”

Simon took a deep breath and looked the chieftain in the eye.

“What is your relationship with the organization?”

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