Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 39: | 039 | Eastern Dragon Versus Elder Leviathan

Combat Information Center, UNS Light Bringer.

"Designating radar targets. Alpha Target: Leviathan Alpha. Bravo Target: Whiskey Dragon. Designation Confirmed, sending intel to the data link." An intelligence officer reported.

"Target designation sent. Data link confirmed." Another one followed.

"Target Leviathan Alpha. Distance 2,000 meters. Depth 2,556 and rapidly rising. Speed 45 knots. Commencing torpedo strike operation?" A naval personnel calmly inquired.

"Negative, operation armaments are air-to-surface missiles and turret batteries. Await for Leviathan Alpha to resurface before ordered striking." Abraham struck down the naval personnel's question.

"Maintain a distance of 2 clicks from the targets. We will be using precision strikes against Leviathan Alpha. Avoid attacking or harming Whiskey Dragon."

He uttered an order, to which his naval personnel responded with a nod. This battle would be intricate as it would be comparable to them shooting one guy while it brawls their ally.

"Affirmative, orders sent to the data link. Bridge has also been relayed with the orders." A communication operator disclosed while navigating through the complex equipment of the CIC.

Time then passed by for the naval personnel inside the Combat Information Center. Most of them were concentrated on their duties, awaiting the official start of the battle operation.

"Target Leviathan Alpha. Current status… Distance 1,950 meters. Depth 1,431 and rising. Speed 42 knots." The intelligence officer sent another report.

"Give me the status of Whiskey Dragon." Abraham inquired since he wanted to know the current situation of Laplace.

"Target Whiskey Dragon. Status… Distance 1,915 meters. Depth 952 and swiftly rising. Speed 50 knots. It seems to maintain an appropriate distance between itself and Leviathan Alpha, Sir."

One of the naval personnel answered and reported the situation to the Fleet Admiral. Abraham nodded in satisfaction as he wouldn't want something bad to happen to his dragoness.

"Estimated time of arrival?" He asked as his patience was barely holding out as a lot of things had occurred on his first day on the maritime security mission.

"ETA 3 minutes, Fleet Admiral." An intelligence officer humbly responded.

"Good, prepare for their arrival to the surface." Abraham took a deep breath and watched the monitor screens relaying the status of the oceanic depths below them.

Seconds went by as the middle-aged man saw the two blinking dots get closer to them and the surface.

"Maintain linear formation, and prepare for our turret battery. I want them pointed at our target." Abraham sternly ordered and his naval personnel immediately complied.

"Turret batteries from UNS Light Bringer, UNS Zarya, UNS Guardian of the High Seas, pointing to 123 degrees." One of the intelligence officers reported.

"Seahawk is armed, Fleet Admiral. Do you want them to be up in the air?" His communication operator relayed and asked for their launch.

"Clear the airspace. The battle will be difficult and hazardous. I don't want to have my bird sink into the depths of the high seas." Abraham shook his head and rejected.

Their upcoming monster brawl would make it hard for a helicopter to maintain its support. It might even be destroyed as collateral damage from the fight.

"Understood, sending rejection to the hangar deck." The communication operator who asked for the bird's launch didn't have that much opinion and sent the rejection into the hangar.

"Sir! Target Whiskey Dragon is on the surface!"


The rough waters erupted into oceanic mist as a pitch-black eastern dragon escaped from its vicious grasp. The dragon slithered into the heavens and roared towards the sea.



What responded to its thunderous roar was the Elder Leviathan launching itself from the deep water and into the heavens, trying to chomp the dragon in half.

But the eastern dragon easily dodged its assault and bit its tentacle instead.


An echoing cry resounded throughout the heavens and earth. Sadly for the Elder Leviathan, it didn't end there.

"Turret Batteries, Fire!" Following such orders from the Fleet Admiral, the 5-inch turrets of the UNS Light Bringer and UNS Zarya immediately followed afterward.

*BANG!!!* *BANG!!!* *BANG!!!* *BANG!!!* *BANG!!!* *BANG!!!*

Various shells exploded from the side of the Elder Leviathan causing its fleshy bits to be charred. It glared at the armada and returned to the rough waters.

However, instead of trying to square up against the eastern dragon for a second bout. The Elder Leviathan changed its course and target.

It was swimming towards the United Navy's armada.

"Prepare for 10 tomahawk launches!" Abraham ordered with his grim voice. The naval personnel inside the Combat Information Center swiftly prepared for the missile launch.

"Locking into Leviathan Alpha."

"Leviathan Alpha Locked! Awaiting for weapons' release." With the confirmation of his naval personnel, the Fleet Admiral ordered their launch.

"Fry the fish!" Through Abraham's order, the tomahawks were free for launch. The naval personnel swiftly facilitated the launch, which didn't take more than ten seconds.

"10 VLS Door Cells Unlatched, Foxes are open!" One of the weapon officers relayed, and after his relay was a stimulated voice from a partner naval personnel.

"Tomahawks ready! Launching in 3…2…1…"

Accompanying the launch sequence was the juddering of the entirety of the UNS Light Bringer. It quivered for a moment before the tomahawk missiles reverberated like thunderclaps.


The tomahawk missiles thrust forward, deserving of their titles as freedom warheads. White smoke shrouded the deck upon their launch as they pierced through the sky and headed down to the incoming Elder Leviathan.

It wasn't only the UNS Light Bringer that launched its barrage of tomahawk missiles. The UNS Zarya and UNS Guardian of the High Seas also followed the attack order.


The tomahawks pierced through the azure skies with gleaming lights. It didn't take a second for them to crash down into their target, bringing about deafening explosions.

*BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!*

They reverberated throughout the high seas and the heavens above it. The radiant lights brought about by the explosions overshone the sun's light for a moment.


A piercing screech followed the explosions as the Alpha Leviathan turned away from the armada, fearing another barrage of tomahawk missiles.

Unfortunately for the Elder Leviathan, though… The eastern dragon behind it wasn't finished.

After the deafening explosions caused by the United Navy, the golden and dominating eyes of the pitch-black eastern dragon dawned upon the Elder Leviathan.

Without any hesitation or delay, it swooped into the rough waters and bit into the sea monster's head with its sharp fangs.

*SCREECCH-* Before the Elder Leviathan could continue screeching, it was forced into the water while the eastern dragon bit deeper into its head.

It swam wildly from its pain and tried to shake the eastern dragon off from its fishy body. But the eastern dragon was proven to be a good hunter as it never freed its prey from its fangs.

"Sir, the Leviathan Alpha is heavily injured from the tomahawk barrage." An intelligence officer calmly reported the Elder Leviathan's status.

Its defeat served a greater purpose for the United Navy since it would make them a bit more confident in treading the rough waters of the high seas.

"Good, maintain distance from the target and assist Whiskey Dragon if the situation requires it," Abraham responded with a nod and gave another order to his naval personnel.

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