Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 178: | 178 | Superhuman

As the golden sun steadily sets in the boundless lines of the horizon, Laplace tensely walked through the foliage, following the scent of her lover's blood. His crimson scent scattered throughout the air, old and new, signifying how grueling his training was.

The more the dragoness smelt it, the more she became worried for the life of her love. Her pace soon became hurried while echoes of something smashing into a rock wall resounded into her ears. Laplace stopped moving as her ears perked up. It might be a sign of her lover.


Without further hesitation or delay, she followed the banging sound and was soon met with a concealed area of the northern plateau. In it was her lover, his fist stained with blood from hours before. His face lacked any emotions as he kept punching the rock wall in front of him.


Laplace didn't know what horrifying state he was in. It was as if he was unconscious and kept doing what he was doing since the beginning of his so-called training. She wanted to go out and wake me him up from his state, somewhere in her heart felt that this was a training she shouldn't interrupt.


'I don't know why I am hesitating... Abraham is over there hurting himself like a goddamn puppet. I should have thrown myself at him in this very moment.' Laplace quietly thought to herself and was about to step forward.

But before she could reveal herself to the other side, she felt a hand on her shoulders. Laplace glanced at the hand and noticed that it came from Charlotte, who recently just arrive after trekking through an entire mountain trying to find the problem dragon.

"Don't just leave me after bringing me with you, Laplace." Charlotte sighed while panting for her breathe. Afterward, she turned her attention to the fleet admiral punching the rock wall with no hesitance, like a puppet controlled by a string.


Blood splattered throughout the air and the surroundings, but the fleet admiral stood without showing a single hint of reaction in his face. The pain has been all too familiar to him now. It was of no use against him.

"Charlotte, we need to wake him up from this madness. Otherwise, who knows what could happen." Laplace muttered to the vice admiral, wanting her agreement in the matter. After all, Charlotte had always been the rational side between herself and Abraham.


Charlotte kept gazing at Abraham, who continued punching at the wall without an ounce of hesitation. She trusted him enough to not do something stupid. If he was punching a wall for a couple of days straight, then there had to be a reason why he was doing so.

"Laplace, did the fleet admiral ask you to not disturb him in his training?" She questioned the problem dragon, who raised an eyebrow after hearing her. The dragoness had previously thought that Charlotte would agree to her words without a doubt.


"I remembered him asking me a favor. He wanted nothing and no one to disturb his training. I thought he merely wished to concentrate in honing his strength. I didn't expect it to be so maddening."

"Even dragons don't injure their claws or fangs to become stronger, so it's difficult for me to understand." Laplace finally decided to hold back in her decision of trying to wake Abraham up from his unconscious yet moving state.

"I see... I don't know what Abraham is trying to accomplish, but it seems that it is incredibly important. Otherwise, his body wouldn't have been moving on its own trying to keep punching the rock wall before it." Charlotte's words made sense to the dragoness.


"So, you're telling me to watch while he destroys his body in front of me?" However, it was difficult to accept, especially when their own lover was hurting themselves. There was no way she wouldn't do anything against it.

"Yes, that is what I'm trying to tell you. This is what Abraham chose and determined himself to accomplish. It isn't something we can take away from him." Charlotte understood how difficult it was to pretend as if everything was okay.


Even she herself wondered if her words were correct, doubts begin to shroud her mind, yet she remained firmed to the decisions that Abraham made. She trusted him to know what he was doing in this grueling training of his.

Laplace's golden irises lightly glowed, but soon dimmed. She glanced at Abraham in the distance and trusted his words when he told her that he was returning back safely. She took a deep breath, calming her stormy heart.


"The only thing we can do is watch, Laplace. No matter how painful it is. We must watch him see this through." Charlotte uttered, staring at Abraham, who kept punching the rock wall brimming with all kinds of cracks.


Each punch echoed in their hearts while some of his blood would splatter throughout the surroundings. It was the reason why Laplace could smell him from far away.


He maintained his stance, unmoving like a mountain he stood on. With no hesitation or delay, he threw another punch with his bloodied yet perfectly fine knuckles.


Abraham was in a state between conscious and unconscious. His body was moving on its own, like it was its instinct to punch the rock wall until the end of time. On the other hand, his mind was stuck somewhere between his thoughts and perception.


He didn't know if he had lost himself after punching the rock wall for the past few days. Had he become maddened and turn into nothing but an automatic rock wall punching machine? Was his mind really that weak?

Abraham couldn't help but question somewhere in his confusing state of mind. Though, his inquiry didn't matter since his body kept doing it was last told, which was punching the rock wall in front of him.


Becoming numb of pain wasn't something he expected to get from this training. He wondered if this was the power that Systema talked about. He hoped it wouldn't be as not feeling pain didn't do him that much justice against his enemies.

'Perhaps, I should return.' Abraham regain a trace of clarity, and remembered the challenge he had faced. It was to punch the rock wall a hundred thousand times. It has been days since he checked how much he had punched the rock wall.

'Systema, what's the status of the challenge?' He questioned inside his mind, which was followed by the usual ring of the mechanical bell.


| The Fleet Admiral has punched the wall 99,997 times. |

| 3 Punches remained for challenge completion...|

When Abraham heard the words of Systema, his lax mind was jolted awake, returning its control over his body. The fleet admiral found himself staring at the rock wall, devastated and cracked from thousands upon thousands of his punches.

He observed his surroundings darkening by the moment, signifying that evening was about to come. Though, his attention was completing the last three punches of the challenge.


Out of nowhere, an acute pain echoed throughout his body, which was amplified for some reason. It felt like he was punching the rock wall for the first time. Not through his current body, but his former one.


But Abraham didn't stop punching as the challenge was almost reaching its conclusion. It would be too foolish to give up now when victory was attainable within his very eyes.

Meanwhile, Charlotte and Laplace noticed the change in Abraham's attitude. The former blank expression faded and was replaced with a frown. The edges of their lips rose while Laplace couldn't help but mutter. "Did something wake him up?"

"Perhaps, but if he's awake. It means that he's about to finish his training." Charlotte quietly stated to the dragoness, since the whole debacle of his body moving on its own was the best way for the fleet admiral to maintain his sanity.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have lasted long in this grueling training of his.


After one punch that shook the surrounding area, Abraham took a deep breath and turned his gaze upward to the darkening skies. How long has it been since he had looked up? His sight had been to preoccupied with the wall in front of him, that he had forgotten the beauty of the world around him.

"At the very least, I'm back with my sanity intact." He moved every limb of his body, which tensed up in pain. Perhaps, it might take a while for his body to completely heal from the grueling training session given by Systema. Or, it might take no longer than a moment.

A mechanical bell once again rang inside his mind.


| Congratulations, Fleet Admiral. You have completed the brutal challenge imposed by the Naval Gacha System. You have punched a hard wall for a hundred thousand times. |

| Because of your unprecedented victory attained by your determination and desire for power, you have been given a Random Personal-Power. |

| Once again, Fleet Admiral... Congratulations, you have received the Personal-Power. |

| Superhuman. |

In a mere instant, Abraham's severely injured body instantly healed in a single moment. An imposing aura escaped his body while his muscles became firmer than ever before. His body was evolving to accept the Personal-Power of the Naval Gacha System.

Laplace felt the hair of her skin stand up as though a somewhat significant enemy had appeared before her. The only time it happened was when she had faced a Sovereign for the first time. Because of this, a child-like astounded expression remained on her face.

On the other hand, Charlotte was nothing more than confused of the situation.

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