Naruto- Secret Sage

Explaining armor

Explaining armor

"As I've told Shikamaru before, they are free to try and figure out how Kuma's ability works if they want it so badly. I'm at a crucial part of the development of my chakra armor at the moment and have no time to waste doing that sort of work." I said and my sensei looked interested.

"You keep mentioning this chakra armor technique of yours being in development but I find it hard to imagine that you of all people would struggle to develop a technique so much. It's been what, a year and a half?" she asked and I nodded.

"One year, seven months and fifteen days in truth. This technique is on a higher level than even the [rasengan] so naturally having created it from scratch means development on it is not a speedy endeavor. I don't even have a timeframe for when it may be complete due to currently being stuck at a key point." I said slightly annoyed about the matter.

"Higher than the [rasengan], the technique considered the pinnacle of chakra shape transformation and control, that [rasengan]?" she asked incredulously.

"Ah I suppose I should clarify, see when I say that I am not referring to on a conceptual basis but purely in terms of the actually difficulty in pulling both techniques off. The [rasengan] is a far easier technique to utilize because it is the vastly more stable and less demanding of the two. To even begin learning my chakra armor you need to be able to utilize all of your chakra points equally well while simultaneously having a level of control with your chakra that I have only seen you and the the third Hokage replicate. Naturally this makes my technique a higher tier than the rasengan in terms of difficulty." I said seriously.

"This technique sounds oddly suitable for a Hyuga to learn." my sensei commented in deep thought after my explanation.

"I had a similar thought at first but from what I have seen of the clan they'd never learn it as it would hinder their precious gentle fist until fully mastered." I said with a shrug.

"I don't understand how your technique would interfere with their gentle fist." she said honestly.

"It's a matter of mobility, while the way they exert chakra from their network seems similar to how you would create my chakra armor the true case is quite the opposite. Creating the chakra armor puts a heavy pressure on the body based on where it's located, like a sort of increased weight if you would. This means fast precise movements become very difficult to use which effectively handicaps or even cripples the gentle fist style that traded force for precision and lethality. On the opposite spectrum however brute force styles of taijutsu such as yours, mine and Guy's would be like adding wings and tripling the size of a tiger when we utilized the chakra armor." I explained seriously.

"Surely it's not that excessive right?" she asked astonished.

I shook my head "On the contrary that was the minimum boost it would give at even the basic level of merely covering a single hand. Watch and you should understand." I said before holding up my right hand.

Immediately bright blue chakra like flames visibly flared up to coat my hand and under her astonished gaze darkened and seemed to solidify like a deep blue crystal gauntlet covering my hand. I then started changing the shape of the solidified chakra into sharp blades, knuckles, hammers, claws and even webbed wings.-

I then returned it to the standard configuration before holding my hand out flat. "Punch it as hard as you can." I said and she ignored where we were and stood up before throwing her hardest punch square at the center of my palm.

Her eyes bulged in shock when all that force seemed to vanish into my palm without a trace though the coloration of the "crystal" darkened drastically to an almost black blue. I gave her a hand motion that meant "wait a moment" before getting up casually from the chair and walking over to the desk and grabbing a pencil with my thumb and pointer finger.-

I pointed the pencil up and with a loud "BANG!" it was gone and my chakra armor returned to it's normal color.

"Kinetic absorption on top of form transformation!? What sort of ridiculous technique have you created!?" she exclaimed in horror.

"Close but not quite. I didn't absorb the kinetic energy of the attack but rather used it as fuel to compress my chakra further by sending an equal amount of it to the location struck. In other words it would be more accurate to say I transformed the force of your attack into a dense store of my own power waiting to be released like a firework with no holes, hence the vanished pencil." I said with a smile.

"You mean the harder you get hit the harder you hit back?" she asked for clarification.

"Again not exactly, it's more along the lines of the harder you hit me the worse the return of me releasing that compressed chakra is for you. I don't need to use it to add to my own strikes you know, I could release it for a burst of speed or even hold it nigh indefinitely to harden my armor even further making it drastically more difficult to break through it and damage me." I said honestly.

"You weren't kidding when you said that was the minimum before. A technique like this in the hands of a skilled taijutsu user would make the person using it a one man army even if they were a chunin." she said seriously.

I shook my head "Even if I made a weaker, easier to use version than my current one no one below Jonin other than perhaps a Hyuga or Naruto would be able to utilize it. The cost in chakra and requirements for control are too heavy for anyone else below Jonin." I said seriously.

"Compared to the [rasengan] what would it cost to use this theoretical technique?" she asked curiously.

"At the standard size and cost of a [rasengan] I'd say it would cost maybe twenty of them without perfect chakra control and ten with it. This is because of the need to cover the whole body with the armor for full effect which is naturally far more expensive than a single orb covering the space of ones fist." I said honestly.

She hissed in shock at that price since she knew that the [rasengan] was no cheap jutsu to create. As I had said my armor even dumbed down like that was the sort of thing that only a Hyuga, Jonin or someone with a lot of chakra were able to use without leaving themselves highly vulnerable due to chakra depletion.

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