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7 months ago
Until he became the lowest-ranked master, his lonely and luckless life never changed. ... Read more Until he became the lowest-ranked master, his lonely and luckless life never changed. Suddenly one day, a descendant injected him with a nanomachine, and the machine started ‘speaking’ to him. [I am the seventh generation Nanomachine manufactured by Sky Cooperation, and I am operating as a central nerve connected to your brain.] «What? What are you talking about?». This was beyond the boy’s knowledge, he turned pale. The Nanomachine linked to his cerebrum realized the User was not understanding a single word it said. Collapse Absent Parents, Academy, Adapted to Manhwa, Artificial Intelligence, Battle Academy, Biochip, Bullying, Cheats, Clever Protagonist, Cunning Protagonist, Death of Loved Ones, Determined Protagonist, Enlightenment, Famous Parents, Fast Cultivation, Fast Learner, Game Elements, Leadership, Male Protagonist, Misunderstandings, Near-Death Experience, Overpowered Protagonist, Revenge, Schemes And Conspiracies, Skill Assimilation, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Sudden Strength Gain, Sword Wielder, Teachers, Technological Gap, Underestimated Protagonist The MC is just a farm animal, I don't know what else to say. He's got technology coming from 1000 years in the future infused into his ass, but the only thing he's learned was cutting up people. Even this, he's so f#cking careless that I'm sure he's only scratched the surface. Zero curiosity, pearls before swines. As it is, if his cheat had been a portable grandpa or a generic system the novel wouldn't have changed muchIt's still worth reading because murderhobo MCs like him are funny, but there's really a lot of missed potential in this one. Overall it's more frustrating than anything. The good thing about Nano Machine: you don't need to turn off your brain to read this novel. This is a good novel. Just that. Above average novel if you exclude time travel. Author's scientific knowledge came from movies for sure. Novel starts with a kid going to academy. His father is the demon sect master, but he's the unfavored child everyone is trying to kill for some reason. Yet he's bailed out by an instructor. Super cliche. But then it turns into unexpected directions with several plotlines going on at once. SpoilerHis own goals, bloodlines in the demons sect to face off with, a hostile empire nearby, time travelers, ect.It's not too bad. Like a solid 3.5 of 5. At first, the MC bothered me, a bit too much like the mindless type that simply plot armored through everything, having temper tantrums, can't go a day without pissing someone off to get into a fight. Sort of like Martial God Asura, ATG, or Peerless Martial God.I gutted through the beginning and the writing made notable improvements, night and day difference. Even the MC became more likable and started acting properly.I have to say it was "good". Yeah, the beginning was cliche and childishly written, but it got better. I read the sequel, Descent of the Demon God as well, and it too was a "good" novel. Two main critiques, translation and power levels. Translation goes from [okay > terrible > good]. Unfortunately the terrible part is quite a sizeable chunk of the novel. The translation will improve again from around 350 onwards and the chapter length gets longer too so in effect its probably about the same length total as the 'terrible' portion.One of the problems with the power levels is the translation (I think) because there is a part of the novel where super master, superior master and supreme master are used interchangeably despite being three different realms. Also one translator decided to change grandmaster to super master, so if you're planning on reading the novel just remember these are the same realm. Another issue with the power levels is that I feel like the earlier ones aren't explained that well although this isn't a big problem since the MC won't linger at these levels for long. The later levels do get more explanation although it can still be confusing since explanations feel more like they were done out of obligation than to actually help anyone understand.I'm aware there is a manhwa for this which probably addresses these issues (at least i'm pretty confident the translation will be a lot better). However, I personally prefer novels due to the extra detail so I just wanted to encourage people to try giving this a read even if it's a bit difficult due to the translation. If you have issues understanding the power levels the Fandom is your friend (be careful for spoilers though).If I had to rate it I would give it:7/10 for plot - not a work of art but its still a fun read 6/10 worldbuilding - doesn't really explore the world as a whole but we do get told whatever we need to know for the plot?/10 for MC - can't really put a number on it since ruthless MC isn't for everyone. Hard to be neutral/objective about something like marmite. I liked him though.N/A for translation - nuff saidFinally, this review is purely about Nano Mashin, I have not read the sequel, Descent of the Demon God yet (going to now). I imagine the translation won't suffer the same though since the same translation group from the end of this novel did that one.Also, steel your mind if you have a fear of losing limbs, specifically arms. Many arms were lost in the making of this novel. Nice novel, but there are not so much detailed descriptions, so its not always possible to imagine what are reading.MC really likes cutting hands, heheh(+0.5).7.5/10 First half 7/10. Second half 6/10. Not bad For those who are wondering what happened after last chapter go read Descent of the Demon God. It's sequel to this i get ministroke reading this, and you tell me there's another one after this? haha no thank you Quote: AvulusIs chapter 483 really the last? The story could have ended perfectly in a couple of chapters, but now its like preparing a delicious meal only to end up not adding any salt. Or like charging a phone and having it destroyed by a lightning bolt at 99%…La historia continua con descenso del dios demonio