Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2411: Convince

Chapter 2411: Convince

The True God was surprised. "Are you not afraid that I would join hands with them to kill you?" he asked.

"Do you think all of you can defeat me?" Yun Lintian asked indifferently.

The True God's face twitched slightly. He wanted to retort and call him out for being arrogant, but he couldn't because Yun Lintian indeed had the ability to back it up.

"My name is He Chong," he said. "Follow me."

He Chong led Yun Lintian and his companions deeper into the desolate landscape of the Central Region. The air grew heavier with each step, the oppressive weight of chaotic energy bearing down on them like an invisible burden. The remnants of fallen gods grew more frequent, their skeletal remains a stark reminder of the battles fought and lost in this cursed land.

After what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at a hidden cave, its entrance concealed by a veil of swirling chaotic energy. He Chong raised his hand, and the chaotic energy parted, revealing a dark and forbidding.

"This is where we reside," He Chong said, his voice echoing through the cavernous entrance. "Be warned, my comrades are not as...accommodating as I am."

Yun Lintian nodded, his expression unreadable. He could sense the presence of powerful beings within the cave, their auras radiating a mixture of strength and resentment.

He Chong led them through the winding passage, the darkness pressing in on them, the silence broken only by the echoing drip of water. As they ventured deeper, the air grew colder, the oppressive weight of chaotic energy intensifying.

Finally, they emerged into a vast chamber, its walls lined with glowing crystals that emitted an eerie, ethereal light. In the center of the chamber sat a group of figures, their forms shrouded in shadows, their auras radiating immense power.

These were the Ancient True Gods, the survivors of a bygone era, their bodies bearing the scars of countless battles, their spirits burdened by the weight of their past.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

He Chong stepped forward, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I have brought guests," he announced.

The figures stirred, their eyes glowing with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion as they turned towards Yun Lintian and his companions.

"He Chong," a deep voice boomed, "what is the meaning of this? Why have you brought outsiders to our place?"

"Relax," He Chong said gently, "These individuals possess a unique power, a power that could potentially aid us in our quest to break the barrier of the inner zone."

He turned towards Yun Lintian, gesturing towards him with a flourish. "This young man," he said, "has defeated me in battle, wielding a power that rivals even our own."

The Ancient True Gods gasped, their eyes widening in disbelief. They had sensed Yun Lintian's strength, but they hadn't expected him to be capable of defeating one of their own, a True God.

"Impossible," a woman's voice scoffed. "He is but a mere God Ascension Realm cultivator. How could he possibly defeat a True God?"

Yun Lintian glanced at her and said, "You can try."

The woman, her form shimmering with an ethereal blue light, rose from her seat. Her eyes, as cold and sharp as ice, locked onto Yun Lintian, her gaze filled with a mixture of disdain and challenge.

"You dare to speak to me with such insolence?" she sneered, her voice echoing through the chamber. "A mere whelp, barely out of his cradle, dares to challenge a True God?"

Yun Lintian met her gaze with unwavering calm, his expression unfazed by her intimidating aura. "I do not seek conflict," he said, his voice resonating with a quiet strength, "but I'm not afraid of a challenge."

The woman scoffed, her lips curling into a disdainful sneer. "Very well," she said, her voice dripping with icy malice. "Let me teach you a lesson in respect."


She raised her hand, and the air within the chamber crackled with energy. The temperature plummeted, the very walls frosting over as a wave of frigid power surged towards Yun Lintian.

Yun Lintian stood his ground, his expression unchanged. He channeled his divine energy, his body radiating a gentle warmth that countered the chilling onslaught.

The woman's attack struck him, a torrent of icy water that threatened to freeze him solid. But Yun Lintian simply smiled, his eyes gleaming with a playful light.

"Is that all you've got?" he taunted, his voice echoing through the chamber.

The woman's eyes widened in surprise as she realized that her attack had no effect on him.

Yun Lintian, instead of being frozen, seemed to absorb her power, his body radiating a gentle warmth that melted away the icy onslaught.

"My turn."

Yun Lintian raised his hand, and the water that had enveloped him swirled and coalesced, transforming into a miniature dragon that danced around him, its scales shimmering with a vibrant blue light.

The woman gasped, her face pale with shock. Yun Lintian had not only neutralized her attack but also turned her own power against her, demonstrating a mastery over the Law of Water that far surpassed her own.

"How...?" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

Yun Lintian smiled faintly. "The Law of Water is but one of the many laws I have mastered," he explained, his voice resonating with a quiet confidence.

The woman, her pride wounded, her confidence shaken, retreated back to her seat, her gaze fixed on Yun Lintian with a mixture of fear and respect.

He Chong, sensing the shift in atmosphere, stepped forward once more. "Everyone," he said, his voice filled with a renewed urgency, "as you have witnessed, this young man possesses a power that could potentially aid us in our quest to find the legacies of our masters."

He Chong paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle upon the assembled True Gods. Their initial skepticism had been replaced by a mixture of awe and curiosity, their gazes fixated on Yun Lintian, the young man who had defied their expectations.

"This young man," He Chong continued, his voice resonating with a newfound conviction, "has not only mastered several profound laws, but he also wields the power of the Great Law of Life and Death. I was completely suppressed by him."

A wave of astonishment and excitement rippled through the chamber, the Ancient True Gods murmuring amongst themselves, their eyes gleaming with renewed hope.

Yun Lintian stepped forward, his gaze sweeping across the faces of the Ancient True Gods. "I'm here for one thing. Someone is attempting to break the wall of the Primal Chaos. That person is believed to be the inheritor of the God of Mortals."

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