Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 125: Confrontation

Chapter 125: Confrontation

While driving along the road, this vehicle seemed almost as intimidating as a military tank. Regular small trucks would be completely outmatched if they were to collide with this behemoth. Now, this armored vehicle, reminiscent of a ferocious creature on the prowl, barreled straight for Miles. A direct hit would be lethal for him, eliminating any need to rush him to medical care.

But in a heart-stopping moment, just as collision seemed inevitable, the armored vehicle veered sharply, causing a thunderous noise as it crashed into the roadside greenbelt and plowed right over it. The momentum came to a screeching halt shortly after.

With a loud Bang!, the door of the vehicle swung open to reveal a young man dressed in an official uniform. His face wore a serious expression. It was none other than Enlight, the appointed City Head of Spear City.

With a hint of amusement in his voice, Enlight said, Miles, I must say youre brave. You stood your ground even when death seemed imminent. Had I not maneuvered at the last moment, history might remember you as the first ghost tamer to be flattened by a vehicle. All in good humor, of course! Youre not offended, are you?

Without paying any heed to the chaos behind him, Enlight strode confidently towards Miles.

Miles responded with an icy tone, Wouldnt have bothered me if you had. Ive always been known to be broad-minded. In fact, just recently someone commended me for it. Why would a mere attempt on my life upset me? If I were to die, all past conflicts would naturally be put to rest.

The intense stare Miles gave Enlight spoke of deep-seated resentment. From the time of the Yellow Hill Village episode, when Enlight failed in his attempt to recruit Miles, he had harbored a suspicion that this guy might want him dead.

And this wasnt just a random suspicion. Miles believed that his very existence jeopardized Enlights esteemed position as the City Head.

With a smirk barely masking his sinister intentions, Enlight said, Ah, Miles, its commendable that you managed to escape the dangers of Yellow Hill Village. I remember promising you a treat a hotpot dinner, was it? When might you be available? However, the underlying coldness in his smile betrayed his true feelings.

Without missing a beat, Miles retorted, Ill be available on the day they bury you. Do send an invite.

Enlights playful demeanor vanished instantaneously. When addressing an official of the city, a little respect would be in order, he snapped, his gaze now filled with menace.

Miles fired back, Its rather ironic you speak of respect when you just tried to end my life with a vehicle. Cant stomach a bit of banter, can you? If youre looking for a confrontation, bring it on.

As tension filled the air, Enlights menacing expression softened into a smile. You have a point. I admit, my actions were rash and unwarranted. I extend my sincerest apologies for any harm or anxiety I may have caused. Truly, I regret my past transgressions. I genuinely hope you can see past this and grant me another opportunity. How about we meet the day after tomorrow? Its a rare day off for me, and Id genuinely wish to host you for a hot pot meal. I believe its crucial for us to communicate, to mend any past misunderstandings and to deliberate on the security intricacies of Spear City. As an outsider, I often feel out of my depth with the local issues here. Sometimes, I need the expertise of a local like yourself. I shudder at the thought of being unable to address a critical situation in Spear City; the weight of such a responsibility would be unbearable.

Beneath his words, however, lay the weight of a concealed threat, suggesting the safety of Spear City could be compromised if Miles didnt cooperate.

Miles retorted with an icy demeanor, I have commitments the day after tomorrow. Attend your meal alone. And you believe a mere apology erases everything? If expressing regret was a solution, why would the law need punishments?

What would it take for you to forgive? Please, articulate your needs and perhaps I can meet them. My intent is genuine; I wish for us to move past our disagreements, Enlight stated, his face radiating an air of false innocence.

From his belongings, Miles produced a unique item. Ive acquired a distinct specialty from Yellow Hill Village during my recent trip. Im confident youll appreciate it. Would you consider accepting this token? Miles offered earnestly.

However, Enlights focus was abruptly shifted. To his astonishment, he observed that the shadow beneath Miles beginning to elevate. But it wasnt just any shadowit was a ghostly entity. In the blink of an eye, a shadowy hand surged forth, cold as death, clamping onto his ankle. There was a sound akin to cogs meshing together as the shadow forcibly yanked away one of Enlights legs. Caught off-guard, he toppled over. The headless ghost quickly retracted, merging with the shadow beneath Miles, appearing merely as a reflection. The separated limb of Enlight thudded onto the ground as a consequence.

With fury blazing in his eyes, Enlight rasped, Miles, are you courting your own demise?

He was taken aback, not anticipating a surprise assault from Miles, especially with such potent ghostly might.

Feigning innocence, Miles responded, My apologies, my apologies. That was unintended. Its as if there was a force I couldnt reign in. I cant be blamed for this mishap. Putting on a genuine facade, he added, Allow me to express my regrets once more. I deeply lament the incident. Youll overlook this, wont you? My true intent is to bridge the chasm between us and work in harmony.

At this point, any hint of a smile had vacated Enlights face. Instead, a stormy and threatening expression settled on his visage. The transformation in Miles post his return from Yellow Hill Village was stark. Previously, the young man would have hesitated immensely before even thinking of confronting him, let alone act on it.

A sly smile played on Miless lips as he remarked, Choosing not to respond? Should I interpret your silence as a refusal? It would be a genuine disappointment, given that I approached this meeting with an open heart and sincere intentions. However, I understand if youre preoccupied today. We can always find another opportunity to converse. Life is unpredictable and vast. And given your experience and stature, I might require your expertise on specific matters in the future. I genuinely hope that youd be magnanimous in sharing your wisdom then.

With great difficulty and leaning on a car parked nearby for support, Enlight managed to stand. His expression was that of pure frost, Do you even comprehend the gravity of your actions today? Have you pondered over the repercussions?

Miles walked closer, ensuring only Enlight could hear him, Repercussions? Enlight, lets not be deluded. I endured your past provocations not out of fear but because the issues at Yellow Hill Village demanded my attention, and I deemed it futile to be embroiled in petty conflicts with you. However, that chapter is now closed. If you desire to perpetuate this animosity, Im fully prepared. Lets determine who succumbs first.

Perhaps youre overestimating your capabilities, Enlight retorted.

Miles shot back, I sincerely hope you endure long enough to witness whether thats the case. But first, lets focus on the present. He gestured towards the looming structure nearby, Possessing the ability to wield ghosts is undoubtedly powerful. However, one must also shoulder the inherent responsibilities and repercussions.

With a final declaration, Our paths will cross again, Miles made his way to a luxurious off-road vehicle parked a short distance away. He was joined by River, and together, they sped away, leaving a trail of dust behind.

Enlight, all the while, fixated his gaze on his dismembered limb lying forlornly on the ground. Fury coursed through him, but his analytical mind was at work, Has Ghost Eye Miles truly mastered control over a second ghost? Damn, Ive sorely underestimated him.

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