Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 122: Unrest

Chapter 122: Unrest

When Feng took his leave, River turned her attention to Miles, her face contorted into a mixture of concern and disbelief.

Did you not pick up on it? she initiated, her voice quivering slightly. The way Feng carried himself around you was dripping with arrogance and disdain. He was deliberately trying to belittle and mock you. Why did you even entertain his presence? You shouldve just told him to leave, even if you thought it was for my sake.

She took a deep breath before adding, Whats more, hes clearly not trying to befriend me for the right reasons. To be frank, I have a strong aversion to men who behave like him. The only reason Ive put up with his antics this long is that we once shared a classroom.

She looked deeply into Miless eyes, The next time he shows up, I want you to find a solution to get him out of our lives. I have faith that if you set your mind to it, youd come up with something. River hoped, more than anything, that Feng would stop harassing her. She didnt want any friction between Feng and Miles.

Miles, always the voice of reason, responded in his typical calm manner, Hes just another person, River. We cant blow our lids every time someone tries to put us down.

But River was perplexed, Are you really thinking of befriending him after all hes done?

Miles quirked an eyebrow, amusement playing on his face, I wont deny that Ive developed quite a distaste for this former classmate of yours. Should I teach him a lesson?

Rivers eyes practically jumped out of her sockets, Hold on! A minute ago, werent you talking about befriending him?

He did insult me, Miles replied with a hint of mischief.

But you claimed it didnt bother you? River asked, now thoroughly confused.

Miles grinned, I mightve been a bit too dismissive earlier. On reflection, Im not thrilled about being disrespected.

Youre not seriously thinking of retaliating over one derogatory comment, right? Rivers voice was filled with apprehension. While others might make exaggerated claims, with Miles, there was always a lingering doubt about how far he might go.

Well observe his behavior and decide, said Miles, taking another bite of his food.

River remained silent, a knot of anxiety in her stomach. She could only hope Feng wouldnt aggravate Miles any further. There was a real fear things might escalate.

Soon enough, Feng reappeared from the restroom. He took a moment to steady himself and then, with a calculated tone, he addressed Miles, Miles, if I may, Id like to resume our earlier discussion. Let me be clear: I expect you to distance yourself from River. Both of us have distinguished university degrees and prestigious careers. In terms of professional standing, personal background, and even integrity, you just dont measure up. You simply cant provide her with what she truly desires. For both your sakes, its best you step aside.

Then, suddenly, a loud noise echoed through the room.

With a swift movement, Miles reached beneath the table and, to everyones shock, placed an object on it with a loud thud. Without missing a beat, he casually remarked, Go on, and then continued eating.

Fengs eyes widened as he studied the item before him. It was a stunning golden handgun, ornate in its detailing, looking almost like a masterpiece from a craftsman rather than a lethal weapon. The chilling glint of the metal was only made more ominous by the way its barrel pointed straight at him.

Is that a firearm? Where on earth did Miles get his hands on something like this? Surely, its just a replica, thought Feng, attempting to reassure himself.

His face displayed a myriad of emotions, from shock to disdain. Eventually, he mustered up the courage to sneer, Really, Miles? Resorting to such childish antics? Do you think a mere toy can make me cower in fear? Do you take me for a fool? If I could be so easily deceived by someone of your ilk, then my esteemed education would indeed be meaningless. Even if, by some slim chance, that weapon is genuine, love will always triumph over threats. Do you genuinely believe Id be petrified of you using it?

He continued confidently, Give up on such trivial tactics. You simply arent deserving of River.

But Miles was unfazed. He reached into his pocket, producing several gleaming bullets. With deliberate precision, he loaded the gun, chambered a bullet, and then confidently placed it back on the table before returning to his meal.

Seeing this, Feng felt his confidence waver. The dread in his eyes was evident, and he began to perspire. The realization hit him: the gun might not be a replica after all.

Hurriedly recalibrating his approach, Feng said with an artificially congenial tone, Ah, brother Miles, where were we? Oh yes, if anyone is unworthy of River, its certainly not you. Her discernment in partners is truly unparalleled. Shes seen past the surface, recognizing the extraordinary in someone most would overlook. Your casual appearance and lack of pretense only accentuate the remarkable man you are.

He continued, trying to mask his nervousness, As they say, heroes and beauties are naturally drawn to each other. The two of you undoubtedly belong together. And when you both decide to wed, kindly inform me. I promise to be there, regardless of where I am.

River, utterly befuddled, interjected, Feng, you seem to be contradicting yourself. Werent you singing an entirely different song just moments ago?

With a forced laugh, Feng responded, My dear River, it seems there was a misunderstanding. Upon meeting Miles, I didnt truly grasp his character. Thus, I purposely made some vague remarks to test him. But, as anticipated, he remains steadfast even when confronted. I genuinely respect such resilience and composure.

Reflecting on his earlier behavior, Feng felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him. He chuckled sheepishly, a hint of regret tugging at the corner of his lips. It seems laughable now, using such harsh and tactless words to judge you, he confessed.

I sincerely apologize for my behavior, he continued, his tone earnest. As a token of my sincerity, Ill down three cups as penance and to show my remorse.

With that declaration, Feng reached out for a cold cola that sat nearby. But his nervousness was palpable; his hand shook so violently that the beverage threatened to spill. Despite his trembling hand, he managed to down the drink with a hasty gulp.

River, observing Fengs visible distress, raised an eyebrow in amusement and perhaps a hint of frustration. Now, about that apartment you were considering across from mine?

Miles shot Feng a penetrating look, waiting for his response.

Panicking, Feng blurted out, I swear, it was just idle talk! I had no actual intentions. Besides, I dont even reside in Spear City. Trust me, River. If by some twist of fate I ever end up living opposite your place, I might as well get run over the very next day!

However, before anyone could react to Fengs dramatic words, Miles felt an unsettling disturbance. He found himself instinctively drawn to the window, where he noticed a swelling crowd on the street below. All eyes were fixed on a towering building nearby, their concerned whispers filtering into the room.

Straining to listen, Miles picked up scattered mentions of someone possibly preparing to leap off the building and of mysterious fires breaking out.

That doesnt add up, Miles muttered, his brows furrowing. He felt an ominous energy pulsating within him, and the concealed ghostly eye under his skin twitched uncomfortably, almost as if reacting to a nearby supernatural presence.

We need to evacuate this place, now, Miles declared, swiftly concealing the gun and rising to his feet.

This abrupt motion sent Feng into a panic. Falling to his knees, he desperately clutched his head, voice choked with tears as he begged, Please, I implore you! I meant no harm. Just let me leave unharmed!

River, sensing the palpable tension in the room, voiced her growing concerns, What on earth is going on?

A supernatural event is unfolding close by, Miles responded with urgency, snatching up the bag that lay on the floor, signaling his intent to leave.

Remembering a harrowing experience she had during a previous paranormal incident at a mall, River gripped Miless arm in sheer terror. Please, dont leave me behind, she whispered.

Her previous encounter had left her with a profound fear of the supernatural, and she wasnt willing to face such dread alone again.

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