My Virtual Girlfriend Is Actually a Lady From the Richest Family

Chapter 17: Queen Moon

In a situation like this, Jane showed how broad her horizons were. She instantly knew what the problem was that made Audrey seem unaccepting of her.

Her intelligce is above average and her mind is truly op.

David felt calmer.

"By the way, let's go somewhere else," Jane continued.

David didn't know why she invited him to go, it might not be suitable if they were in that apartmt now with Audrey and Ella also there.

David nodded, and replied, "wait for me to change my clothes first."

His clothes were completely wet, uncomfortable to wear ev though they were nice.

It probably wouldn't dry unless dried in the sun first.

"I'll wait outside," Jane replied, taking a step away.

David sighed at her departure before going to his room.

He changed clothes quite quickly, choosing a similar outfit, and of course, the best of everything he had.

Wh with Jane, he needed to make sure to keep wearing nice clothes or he would look like a frog trying to eat a goose.

He didn't want to embarrass Jane like the main characters of the novels he had read.

That was something he hated.

Only, he didn't come out of his room right away because he received a message.

(How is your day going today? How does it feel to go to college for the first time?)

The name that st the message was Que Moon.

She was basically his online acquaintance, just like Jane, but he and Que Moon were just frids.

Jane was not the only one who communicated with him in cyberspace.

In reality, he had many female frids whose idtities he did not know.

Que Moon had already befrided him more than two years ago.

She also liked playing games, oft playing together with David, but until now she had never told him her name, only asking him to call her Que Moon because she liked that nickname.

One thing that was clear about her was that she was much older than David.

She once oply said that she was already in her 40s.

However, she does have similar hobbies to young wom. Sometimes ev saying that she joys communicating with a young man.

David remembers a few times she flirted with him, ev inviting him to meet, but David was a bit worried.

One of the things he was worried about was if she was the wife of a man.

If that was the case, she was probably the wife of a rich man because so far David had se her spd a lot of money on the games she played, unlike Jane who played casually without spding too much money so it was impossible to guess whether she was rich or just an ordinary person. She just gives off a mysterious vibe, and it works without breaking the bank.

David was a bit hesitant on how to reply to her message.

Although they were just frids, he thought it was better to avoid her so that there would be no misunderstanding betwe him and Jane.

It's not just her, of course. But also the other wom he had befrided online.

David doesn't want any drama betwe him and Jane because of this.

However, he wondered how to avoid those female frids from cyberspace.

Blocking their contacts might be too harsh, could cause them to take offse, th start cursing him with another number.

David thought and finally decided not to reply to the messages from Que Moon.

He thought this was a better way, slowly reducing communication with her and the other woman until there was absolutely no more communication betwe them.

Maybe he would reply to Que Moon after she st a few more messages, and reply with short words, which could make the other person lose interest in communicating.

He stuffed his phone into his pants pocket before exiting his room, th wt down to the first floor of the apartmt, to his parking lot where Jane was waiting with Lisa.

Jane didn't actually get into her car, she stood leaning against it, attracting the atttion of everyone passing by.

Wh David arrived in front of her, she suddly said, "you're 45 seconds slower than you should be."

David, "..."

To this, David chose not to answer. He th tered the car with Jane.

Wh the car started moving, he asked, "Where are we going?"

"To a place where you can try out your powers," Jane replied, twiddling her fingers.

Hearing that, David immediately speculated that she was planning to take him to the gangsters' place.

Paris happed to have many such places.

"Are you ready to fight 0 to 30 people?" Jane asked David.

The fact that she was talking about it despite Lisa being in front showed that Lisa was not an ignorant person.

Ev so, Lisa was actually a bit surprised.

Perhaps she was surprised that Jane wanted David to fight 0 to 30 people head-on while he was a New Spiritual Being.

Lisa's expression became strange, wondering if Jane was giving David precious blood.

Perhaps fighting 0 or 30 people was too much, but wh hearing it now, David somehow didn't feel worried at all, as if it would be an easy thing for him.

His instincts told him so.

He replied, "as long as there are no firearms, I'm not worried."

"Firearms are very rare in Paris, unlike in America," Jane replied.

"However, they will most likely carry sharp weapons. Ev if you are strong ough, a sharp weapon can still split your skin, ev cut your neck," Jane adds.

"That's not the risk I'm afraid of. I'm worried that you'll worry more and come to my aid wh I get hurt," David replied, slightly joking.

Jane rolled her eyes while Lisa glanced at David, suddly looking annoyed that David was starting to think of Jane as a woman who had a blind obsession with him.

Unfortunately, Jane didn't seem to dispute that. She might actually make a move if David was threated.

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