My Virtual Girlfriend Is Actually a Lady From the Richest Family

Chapter 12: Evelyn


Jane's cell phone suddly rang, indicating that someone was calling her.

Since her cell phone was on the table, David could see the name of the caller, (Evelyn!).

Surprisingly Jane pressed the reject button. She didn't accept the call.

"This is your future mother-in-law," Jane said with a smile that looked like she was laughing.

David rolled his eyes at that.

That meant it was Jane's mother calling.

However, why did she use her mother's name for the number? Isn't that rude? She should have used mama or mother.

For that matter, David chose not to ask any questions.

Ev ordinary families have their own drama, how could elite families not.

Of course, after that Jane's cell phone rang again, from the same person.

This time, Jane not only rejected the call, she ev turned off her cell phone.

That way, there was no more interruption.

David and Jane could continue eating. They finished their meal pretty quickly, but after they were full, they still sat back and relaxed, occasionally looking at the TV hanging on the wall of the restaurant.

Appartly, it was showing an annual press conferce of the BANK of London.

This was the largest BANK in Europe, so ev David was interested ev though he didn't know much about it.

What was clear was that he himself used the bank.

A group of people came into the conferce room, led by a very beautiful middle-aged woman.

She had her brownish-blonde hair in a neat bun, wearing a professional skirt and shirt.

From any angle, she gave the impression of being a very intelligt woman and an expert in financial matters.

The combination of those two things results in a slight cold aura that makes her appear very powerful.

The majority of humans would probably unconsciously be submissive wh in front of her.

David remembers seeing her a few times on tv, but he doesn't remember her name.

However, he quickly remembered again because there was her nameplate in front of her chair.

Her name happed to be Evelyn, the Presidt of BANK of London.

Before he could ev speculate, Jane suddly said, "she's the one."

"She's your mother?" asked David, not hiding his surprise.

Jane remained casual, acting as if this was not something important to discuss.

However, for David it was very important.

He would be in serious trouble if his relationship with Jane didn't gain approval with the woman.

His eyes continued to stare at the conferce feed, listing to her talk about everything from the state of the economy to the profits of the company she led.

Her intelligce was ough to fascinate him.

No wonder Jane was so amazing in every way, she was born to such a remarkable woman.

Growing more and more curious, David finally checked her information on the internet.

She wasn't from the Rothschild family, of course. She was a woman who worked her way up from the bottom at BANK of London to become its Presidt.

In the information he read, there was no record of her husband. It was not ev known whether she was married or not.

Without knowing her idtity, David would not have connected her to the Rothschild Family.


David's foot was suddly nudged by Jane's.

Surprised, David looked at the woman.

"Now it's time for us to go," she said, taking out a credit card from her bag.

She appartly wasn't planning on letting David pay because she immediately called the restaurant's boss, swiping her card on the swipe machine.

David was helpless, pretding nothing was wrong.

Maybe he really should adopt the attitude that money is just a pile of paper in his relationship with Jane.

The problem was that money to her was no differt than a pile of paper. All that mattered to her was power.

After that, he and Jane walked out of the restaurant, going to the car.

Appartly Lisa was smoking a cigarette while she waited for them.

Wh she saw them, she immediately put out her cigarette.

"Miss, your mom has be calling me, asking what you've be up to," Lisa told Jane.

"Th what did you tell her?" asked Jane in response.

"I said as I see it, you are having lunch with your boyfrid. However, I refused wh she asked me to take a photo of you and your boyfrid." Lisa calmly explained.

Wh hearing her speak now, David suddly felt that Lisa was a rather innoct woman despite the fact she gave the impression of a highly trained soldier.

"That's good," Jane said after hearing Lisa's answer.

"By the way, we're going to David's apartmt now, so you ask him where it is," Jane added while looking at David.

"Be sure to call him Mr. David because he really is my boyfrid and will be my husband in the future." She appartly added once more.

That's something David didn't expect, that she paid that much atttion to detail.

Lisa th looked at him, as if to ask him a question, but she did not speak again.

"That way," David said, giving her directions.

After that, he and Jane tered the car.

The journey continued to David and his sister's apartmt.

It was not far, so it did not take long before they arrived there.

Jane observed the apartmt building, which could be said to be quite modest, not flashy like the luxury buildings.

Who knew what she was thinking.

Certainly, the arrival of a Rolls-Royce to the apartmt parking lot disturbed everyone's peace.

Wh he got out, David acted as if he didn't know anyone.

It didn't matter because life in the apartmt building was almost like that. There was no interaction betwe neighbors. Everyone was busy with their own business.

David never ev spoke to his neighbors.

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