My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 46: The Search For Humanity

The wind was calm, the conditions ideal.

The sniper's world narrowed to the crosshairs of his scope, to the unnaturally still chest of the target. Whatever that was about, he didn't care. He'd been paid for one job only and it wasn't to ask questions.

He breathed in. He could almost feel the satisfaction of a job well done, the cold efficiency of a perfect kill.

But then, just as he began to squeeze the trigger, the target moved. With a fluid grace, he moved from the window, setting the glass of wine down on the table beside him. The sniper cursed under his breath, adjusting his aim, trying to track the target's movements. But the target was already out of view, disappearing deeper into the penthouse, shielded from the sniper's line of sight.

The sniper's heartbeat quickened, his frustration mounting. He had been so close, just a breath away from completing the mission. Now, he had to wait, to bide his time until another opportunity presented itself. He couldn't afford to miss, couldn't afford to fail.

With a sigh, the sniper eased his finger off the trigger, his gaze lingering on the now empty armchair. He would wait, as he always did, hidden in the shadows, patient and deadly. Sooner or later, the target would return to the world, and when he did, he would be ready.


Ezra hummed to himself as he dressed. White dress shirt, black pants and an overcoat. Where are those black boots? Haha!

He pulled them on. He stared at himself in the mirror. He grinned and almost swooned at handsome he looked. If only he'd been this handsome as a human. He would've lived easy as a boy toy. Free money while fucking a few milfs.

What more could a man ask for?

He stared around the luxurious apartment. His first steps outside in the daylight as a vampire. He placed a hand on the doorknob, took an unnecessary breath and opened.

He stepped outside and took an elevator down to the lobby. He gave a wave to the security guard on duty as he walked out. The man frowned, looking at him in confusion.

He stood outside his apartment building, the early morning sun casting long shadows across the pavement. He adjusted the collar of his coat, pulling it up against the chill of the morning air.

He moved to take a step and froze. I'm forgetting something. He frowned. What could it be?

Ah shit! He remembered, face palming as he shook his head. How stupid can I get? He stuck his hand in his coat and rummaged in it, slipping out a pair of sleek sunglasses which he wore to shield his red eyes from the prying gaze of passersby. No wonder that security guard was acting odd. I'll have to use my Aura on him later.

Make him forget he ever saw my eyes.

With a practiced ease, he made his way to his old hovercar, the vehicle gleaming in the morning light like a beacon on a hill. My precious. He gave it a loving pat as he twirled his keys.

Humans had created lots of amazing technologies including AI controlled cars that didn't need keys but with all the rampant hacking, most technology had been reverted to its twenty first century version. No one was worried of people hacking their ordinary keys.

As he settled into the driver's seat and keyed in the coordinates for his destination on the map, Ezra couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him.

He had been cooped up in his apartment for what was in his opinion, far too long, lost in a haze of introspection and debauchery. But today, he was determined to break free from the confines of his own mind. He'd been shaken by how easy he had forgotten his humanity last night. It was time to connect with it again.

The hovercar hummed to life beneath him, its engines thrumming with latent energy as it lifted off the ground and hovered a foot off the ground. With a mash of the pedals, he zoomed off. Ezra glanced out the window, watching as the city passed beside him in a mosaic of lights and colors.

It was a sight he had seen a thousand times before, yet somehow it felt different today. The world was brighter. The colors more vivid. The sound crisper. He rolled down his windows and took a deep breath. Is that the smell of McAdams hamburgers?

How the hell can I smell that?

He frowned as his vision zoomed in on the restaurant, the world slowing to a crawl. Ah. The world wasn't different. It's me who now has enhanced senses.

He rolled up the window, sealing himself in as he navigated the crowded streets of the city. I almost sounded like one of those young idiots in a coming of age book.

Eventually, Ezra arrived at his destination. A quaint cafe nestled in a quiet corner of the city, its warm lights inviting him inside like a beacon in the night. He parked his hovercar and stepped out onto the sidewalk, the crisp morning air tingling against his skin. With a sense of anticipation building within him, he pushed open the door and stepped inside.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries enveloped him like a warm embrace as he made his way to the counter. He took a seat on one of the stools, feeling the weight of the world lift from his shoulders with each passing moment.

Here, in this cozy little cafe, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Ezra felt a sense of peace wash over him like a gentle tide.

He ordered coffee and with a quite impressive sleight of hand, he added a generous helping of blood wine to it.

As he sipped his coffee and watched the world go by, Ezra couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy for the humans around him. They laughed and chatted, their faces alight with the joy of human connection, oblivious to the creatures that stalked among them, ruling things from the shadows. If humans knew that one of their mayoral candidates is a vampire, how would they take it?

He knew the answer to that. Not very well.

He sighed as he watched them. If only he was a tiny bit more vigilant. Then he would've noticed the sniper.

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