My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 33: Count Griffin

Olivia led Ezra and Gen through the opulent corridors of Star Heights, their footsteps muffled by the plush carpet. They arrived at a door intricately carved with gothic designs and images of griffins wreathed in lightning.

Olivia pushed it open, revealing an entrance hall that exuded grandeur.

The hall was vast, with high ceilings adorned with chandeliers that sparkled like stars. Rich tapestries lined the walls, depicting scenes of ancient battles and portraits of red eyed vampires.

At the far end of the hall, a female assistant sat behind a sleek desk, Holo-computers flashing around her as she worked.

Olivia approached the desk with confidence. "We seek an audience with Count Griffin."

The assistant, a composed woman with sharp features and piercing red eyes eyed them for a moment. "Names?"


"Ezra Matten."

"Olivia Wild."

Ezra raised an eyebrow at Olivia. "Shouldn't it be Olivia Matten?"

"Like you said, the marriage hasn't been consummated." Olivia nodded. "Besides, vampires generally don't change their name."

"New guy?" The woman asked as she checked her computer.

"Yup." Gen answered, popping the p.

"Have fun." A faint smile played on her lips.

"Trust me," Gen drawled, the words exuding sultriness, "that's what I plan on doing."

After a moment, the woman nodded and stood, leading them to a set of double doors. She opened them with a practiced flourish, revealing what looked like a throne room beyond.

The throne room was magnificent. Tall stained glass windows cast colorful patterns on the marble floor. Velvet drapes in deep crimson hung from the walls, and towering columns framed the room, creating an atmosphere of both power and elegance. On the drapes were familiar images of a griffin wreathed in lightning.

At the far end, Count Griffin sat on a throne of dark wood and gold, his posture relaxed but his gaze keen and alert.

The man sat with an air of lazy amusement. His eyes, a deep, penetrating crimson, sparkled with mischief, and his lips curved into a knowing smile. Despite his relaxed demeanor, there was an aura of authority around him that demanded respect.

A device was affixed to his throat, and when he spoke, it was the device that produced his mechanical, yet commanding voice. "Welcome," Count Griffin intoned, his scratchy voice filling the room. "Come closer, so we may resolve the matter at hand."

Standing in front of the throne was Sarah, her presence striking. Ezra almost stumbled at seeing the lady with the fiery sword who first attacked them at Count Griffin's safehouse.

Her glowing red eyes and flowing red hair gave her an almost ethereal appearance. She wore her beautiful suit of dark red gleaming armor, making her look like a formidable warrior. Which she was.

As they walked forward, Sarah shot them a hateful glare before falling on one knee. "I demand justice, Count Griffin," she said, her voice trembling with suppressed rage. "A subject under your banner was slain, I beg of you to act and administer justice. Your silence does no good."

The trio stopped in front of the throne, a few paces away from Sarah.

Count Griffin regarded her calmly. "Violence between vampires is generally allowed," he began, "but Genesis did kill a coven leader." He paused, his gaze shifting to Gen. "Luckily, it was a female vampire and not a male."

Gen remained impassive, but Ezra could sense the tension radiating from her. This was why Gen was after a male vampire, wasn't it?

"On the other hand," Count Griffin continued, "Genesis also safely brought a new male vampire under my banner." He leaned back slightly, his expression thoughtful. "As punishment, Gen will be given an arduous task of my choosing, with the penalty for failure being death."

Count Griffin turned to Sarah. "Is this punishment satisfactory?"

Sarah paused, gritting her teeth, her frustration palpable. She opened her mouth a few times before settling on an answer. "Yes," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Then this is the end of the matter," Count Griffin declared, dismissing her with a wave of his hand.

Sarah stood, her anger and dissatisfaction evident in every tense line of her body. She cast one last venomous look at Gen before leaving the throne room, the doors closing behind her with a heavy thud.

Griffin leaned back on his throne, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Congratulations, Genesis and Olivia, on your success in bringing a new male vampire into our fold," he said, his mechanical voice carrying an edge of satisfaction.

"I knew you were both after the same man, which is why I signed both your turning requests. It increased my chances of gaining a new vassal." He leaned forward, a glint of interest in his eyes. "I didn't expect you to join forces."

Griffin's gaze turned to Ezra, who stood tall, meeting his gaze with unwavering confidence. Valaren growled within him at the perceived threat. They watched each other for a moment, a silent exchange of appraisal. Finally, Count Griffin nodded in satisfaction.

"I assume that you are here to register as a coven." He said, his tone casual.

Olivia stepped forward, her voice steady. "Yes, we are."

"That's true." Gen flippantly added, "We've all heard about how…. generous you can be to covens."

Griffin laughed, the grating sound echoing in the room. "You heard right." He wheezed before his expression turned contemplative. "If a new coven is formed, you will have to undergo Genesis's punishment together," he slowly leaned forward. A sense of finality, heavy, blanketed the room as Griffin unleashed his Aura. "Is that clear?"

Ezra stepped forward, back straight. "Whatever the punishment is, we will go through it together."

Count Griffin nodded, clearly impressed by Ezra's resolve. "Very well."

He called in his assistant, who had been standing discreetly by the door. "Lead them to coven registration."

As they turned to leave, Count Griffin called out, "One more thing."

They stopped and turned back to him, curious.

"Welcome to Griffin County," he smiled, displaying sharp fangs which gleamed even from where they stood.

With that, the assistant led them out of the throne room.

Finally! Ezra walked with them. It's all over. Genesis troubles are over. He remembered Sarah's expression. For now.

Count Solomon who is after Olivia should also back down for a while. X wouldn't be wandering around with his mask on. All that is left is Count Griffin's punishment.

Things are looking up.

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