My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 20: Blood Song

Black fog began flowing from X before solidifying into a black zone that encapsulated the room.

The zone flickered weakly in places but held strong.

"We're exemplary citizens of the Vampire Society. We have to follow the rules." X chuckled, moving with fluid grace as he began circling his opponent, Ezra.


X tore off his red hoodie, revealing a toned body protected by a white wife beater. His flexed his bicep as he stalked Ezra like a lion.

The air crackled with tension as the two vampires prepared to unleash their full might upon each other.

"Are you ready, pup?" X asked.

In answer, Ezra attacked. The battle began with a slash from his knife. X bent out of the way, dancing around with fancy footwork.

"What do you think I should use?" X taunted. "Judo? Kung fu? Taekwondo? Or the good old fashioned tavern brawl technique?"

Ezra stayed silent, focused on catching X with his knife.

"Boxing it is." X nodded before fluidly dropping into a boxing stance in the middle of a dodge.


X jabbed, forcing Ezra to abort his strike.

"Get ready." X stated before launching his offensive. The two vampires were evenly matched as they exchanged blows with lightning speed and precision. Each strike was met with a swift parry or block, neither vampire willing to give an inch.

How?! How is he this fast? Shouldn't he be weakened by the sun? Shouldn't he be as fast as an average human? How is he keeping up?

X suddenly lashed out with a kick, taking Ezra by surprise. He only managed to dodge it because of his newfound reflexes. He jumped back, creating space between them.


"Let's take it up a notch." X rolled his shoulders.


He had no time for thinking as X attacked. Ezra stabbed but X leaned to the side and sent a fist straight into his stomach.

Ezra coughed as he was lifted an inch off the floor. His eyes bulged in surprise at the force behind the hit. He stumbled back, trying to hold X off.

With an exhale, X went nuts.

Ezra fought with all he had but as the battle wore on, it became clear that X held the upper hand. With each passing moment, his attacks grew more ferocious, his fists a blur as he unleashed a relentless barrage upon Ezra. Despite his best efforts, Ezra found himself struggling to keep up with X's overwhelming assault.

Desperation crept into Ezra's movements as he fought to defend himself against X's onslaught. His knife flashed in the light as he blocked blow after blow, the strain evident on his face as he struggled to keep pace with his opponent.

What the fuck? There's no opening at all!

"Surprised?" X asked. "My mask is a monster tattoo item that gives me a passive boost in speed and strength. Don't worry. I'm not cheating. The mask already has vitality of its own."


In a moment of desperation, Ezra saw an opening and seized it with both hands. With a swift movement, he gripped X's outstretched arm, his knife cutting a swift path towards it.

With lightning-fast reflexes, X twisted away from Ezra's attack, his movements fluid and graceful sending Ezra stumbling before he countered with a devastating high kick.


The force of the blow sent Ezra hurtling through the air, his body crashing into a nearby wall with bone-jarring force.

For a moment, he lay dazed, struggling to regain his bearings.

"Give up, Ezra. You can't win this." X dusted off his hands before putting them in his pockets. "It was a sucker's bet anyways."

Gen and Olivia began to struggle to their feet, their red irises dancing wildly in their eyes like an animal trapped in a cage.

Ezra slowly picked himself up from the ground, casting a weary gaze at his opponent, X standing tall before him.

"It'll be easy to give up." Ezra raised himself on one knee. "But I'm not fighting for myself." He stood in one smooth motion. "I'm fighting for what's mine!" He lifted the knife in his hands.

Ezra sighed as he summoned forth his Aura, feeling the rush of vitality coursing through his veins like a soothing balm. The invisible energy enveloped him in a comforting embrace, washing away the scrapes and bruises he'd accumulated in the heat of battle.

It was a sensation of pure euphoria, a reminder of the incredible power he now possessed as a vampire.

Ezra infused his Aura with the same sense of utter certainty he had witnessed Sarah wield during battle at the apartment. It was a feeling of unshakable confidence, a belief that he could overcome any obstacle that stood in his way. A belief that nothing could stop him.

Gathering his Aura around the knife in his hands, Ezra focused his concentration, the blade shimmering with newfound potency. He could feel the weapon thrumming with energy, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

X's laughter echoed through the air. "Excellent! You're like a cute lion pup borrowing the claws of the adults." X's laughter echoed through the air.

"Maybe this pup would be able to surprise you." Ezra retorted, his voice as steady as the vitality coursing through his veins.

With a swift movement, Ezra launched himself at X, his knife slashing through the air with deadly precision.

"We'll see kid!" X slapped away Ezra's slashes with his bare hands, his movements fluid and graceful as he countered with a powerful punch.

Ezra stepped away, stabbing at X's outstretched hand but it was quickly retracted and replaced with another punch.

Ezra dodged the punch before jumping over a low kick. He blocked the follow up kick and replied with a slash that sent X retreating, his movements a blur of speed and agility.

As the battle raged on, Ezra began to sink into a state of utter concentration, his senses sharpening to a razor's edge. His blood began singing to him, humming a dirge within his veins.

His eyes began gleaming with golden light as he entered a state of heightened awareness, his mind attuned to every detail of the fight.

X's laughter rang out once more. "Such potential. You've found the Blood Song completely on your own. Amazing!" He spoke, his eyes alight with excitement.

But Ezra was beyond words now, his focus locked on the battle before him.

"Right punch."


"High kick."


With uncanny precision, he began to predict X's movements, dodging each blow and retaliating with effortless grace. It was as if he could see the future unfolding before him, his actions guided by an instinctual knowledge of his opponent's next move.

And then, in a moment of clarity, Ezra saw his opportunity. With a calculated feint, he dropped into a crouch, maneuvering X into a vulnerable position. He kicked X's leg, sending him down to a knee. With X off balance and completely open before him, Ezra allowed himself a vicious smile.

Just as Ezra struck the final fatal blow, the knife disappeared from his grasp and he stumbled at the unexpected event, giving X the space to jump back.

What? He stared at his hand as the song in his blood began fading away. The knife was a monster tattoo object of X's! Shit! He played me!

As the dust settled and the echoes of their battle faded into the stillness of the room, X stared at Ezra with a newfound respect. "Impressive," he conceded, a hint of admiration in his voice. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

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