My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 134: Game Plan

Ezra reclined in the plush seat of the hovercar, gazing out at the glittering cityscape as they glided towards the City Lord's mansion. Beside him sat Olivia and G, both impeccably dressed for the eving.

Olivia wore a sleek, midnight-blue gown that shimmered with every movemt, while G opted for a sophisticated, emerald-gre dress that acctuated her striking features. Somehow, G was able to pull off hot demure lady and battle ready maniac at the same time. It had to be a skill.

The car hummed quietly, as their human driver navigated through the city district reserved for the city's elite. The three of them maintained their human guises, their appearances made mundane by their chameleon tattoos. It would be a hassle to kill their driver just for having se too much.

"Everyone needs to remember their objectives. Stick to the game plan." Olivia murmured, her eyes flicking to the rearview mirror where the driver's curious eyes occasionally glanced.

"Of course," Ezra replied, his voice a smooth, reassuring whisper. "Tonight, we're just another lucky cov attding a ball."

G scoffed, adjusting a diamond earring. "Who cares what we are? We just need to do what we have to do."

Ezra frowned. "Is it just me or does that make no sse at all?"

"Just you, Ez." G grinned.

"Ez?" Ezra frowned. "No. Just... no. Under no circumstances will you call me Ez."

G sighed dramatically. "Spoilsport..." A grin appeared on her face. "Ez."

Ezra sighed in resignation.

As the mansion came into view, the grand structure illuminated against the night sky, Ezra straighted in his seat and took a deep breath. "Let's make sure we leave an impression." He said to the ladies, a subtle edge to his voice.

The hovercar pulled in and parked. They stepped out, ready to navigate the intricate web of politics and power awaiting them. As Ezra stood in front of the stairs leading up to the grand doors, his mind wt back to their plan.


"Okay." Ezra sat in his dimly lit study, the soft glow of the desk lamp casting long shadows across the room. "What have we come up with?"

The air was thick with anticipation as he, G, Olivia, and Red gathered a the table. The City Lord's Ball was only hours away, and they needed to finalize their game plan.

Ezra leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled thoughtfully. "Tonight, we need to be strategic. We can't afford any missteps."

Olivia, her elegant demeanor only slightly masking the underlying tsion, nodded. "First, we have to take note, covs under Count Vladimir are off-limits. The Maguire Cov which we now know is part of the Silt Hand is under Vladimir, and it's likely that at least one other cov under Vladimir is also involved."

Ezra's eyes darked at the mtion of the Maguire Cov. "Understood. We'll focus on sounding out pottial allies outside of Vladimir's sphere."

G leaned forward eagerly. "While you do that, I'll be trying to idtify any allies of the Maguire Cov. We need to know who their supporters are if we're going to weak their influce and attack them."

Red took that momt to speak, spreading a map of the mansion across the table. "The ball will be held here in the main hall," she pointed at the location, "but there are several smaller rooms and corridors that guests will likely wander into. Ezra, you'll need to stay in the ctral areas where you can be se and make connections."

Olivia pointed to a section of the map. "I'll start by introducing you to the vampires I know who are likely to be sympathetic to our cause. Once you've made those initial connections, I'll slip away to focus on my objective for the night."

Ezra nodded. "Good. And Red, what's your plan for tonight?"

"I'll be in charge of monitoring communications and watching for any unusual activity for the ball." She replied. "It's my job for the City Lord but if there's any sign of trouble, I'll alert you immediately."

Ezra took a deep breath, absorbing the details of their plan. "Alright. Let's go over the key points one more time. I'll be the face of our cov, working to find allies and gauge where the power lies. Olivia, you'll assist me initially, th go your own way. G, you'll focus on idtifying the Maguire Cov's allies.

Miss Red, you'll oversee everything from behind the sces."

G nodded, her sharp eyes gleaming with anticipation. "We'll need to be smart about this. Everyone at the ball likely knows that we're the key to the Southside."

Olivia's lips curved into a cold smile. "They all probably underestimate us. That is the way it should be."

"We've solidified our approach. Now, it was time to address pottial threats." Ezra leaned forward, his expression serious. "First on our list is the Maguire Cov. G, you'll be running interferce. What's your strategy?"

G tapped her fingers on the table thoughtfully. "I'll stick to them like on rice. This way, I can keep a close eye on their movemts and make sure they don't get close to you or any pottial allies. If they try anything, I'll be ready to disrupt their plans."

Ezra nodded. "Good. The Maguire Cov shouldn't be a problem th. Next, we have the Silt Hand. We know there are other hidd members who might use this occasion to strike at us. We don't know what form the attack will take, so we need to be extremely vigilant."

Olivia sighed, "The problem with the Silt Hand is their unpredictability. They could orchestrate anything from subtle sabotage to a direct confrontation. We need to be prepared for both."

Ezra's nodded. "Agreed. We'll keep our guard up. Now, let's talk about Count Solomon. He hasn't forgott what we did to Malachi. Solomon can't kill me in public, but he can undermine us in ways that make other vampires steer clear."

Olivia nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Solomon is a master of social manipulation. I can see him making strategic commts to isolate us. If he does, it's esstial we counteract quickly. I'll keep an ear out and try to neutralize any negative buzz."

Ezra turned to Red. "Anything we can do preemptively?"

Red nodded. "Our only option is to control the narrative. If we can sway the narrative in our favor, his efforts might backfire."

Ezra nodded approvingly. "Let's make sure we do that. Now, for the last and most dangerous. Griffin."

Everyone nodded grimly.

"We know he's the most dangerous threat to our plans tonight. Not because he would attack us, but if he claims us publicly, it will be difficult to maintain our supposed neutrality. That would hurt our chances with pottial allies."

G frowned. "If he ev hints at some kind of plan with us, it could make others wary. We need to be se as neutral for all this to work."

Olivia added, "We need to maintain a delicate balance. Be cordial ough not to offd Griffin, but distant ough to avoid any public declaration. I'll keep a close watch on him and steer our path away from him at every opportunity."

Ezra's jaw tighted. "If Griffin makes a move, it'll be hard for us to recover from that."

"We should also have an exit strategy." Red suggested. "If things go south, we need a way to leave without causing a sce or drawing undue atttion."

Ezra agreed. "We need to be prepared for every evtuality. Our objective tonight is to gain allies and strgth our position. Let's make sure nothing derails that. Let's move forward with confidce. Tonight, we shape our destiny."

If only he knew what was waiting for him at the ball.

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