My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 123: A Noose Around The Neck

"A man named Griffin." Ava replied, her eyes steady on his. "He says it's important and that you'll want to hear what he has to say."

Griffin?! Ezra's eyes widened in surprise. What was he doing here?

Ezra deployed his Aura, feeling out the traces of authority Aura Griffin had used on his secretary. He felt a surge of anger. That greedy bastard.

"Did he mention what it's about?" Ezra asked, his anger deflating as he considered the situation he was in. He could already feel the weight of another potential problem.

"No, sir. He just insisted it was urgent and that you'd understand." Ava answered.

""Very well." Ezra nodded at Ava. "Send him in," he instructed.

Ava gave a curt nod and exited the office. Ezra took a moment to straighten the clutter on his desk, his mind racing.

The Arbiter had made it clear that no count would openly get involved with anything going on Southside. The City Lord was also watching Southside. Griffin couldn't act without drawing attention to the fact that he was making a play for Southside.

So, why was Griffin here?

Ezra leaned back in his chair, tapping his fingers lightly on the polished wood of his desk. It had to be something else, something beyond the scope of the current crisis. Griffin surely wouldn't come without a purpose.

As he heard footsteps approaching, Ezra steeled himself. He needed to be ready for anything. An unexpected offer, a hidden threat, or a new piece of information that could shift the balance in this high-stakes game.

The door opened, and Griffin stepped in.

As he entered, his mechanical voice resonated through the room. "Ezra! It's been a while," he greeted exuberantly, a metallic timbre adding an eerie undertone to his words.

"Count Griffin." Ezra stood to welcome him, taking in Griffin's appearance.

Dressed in a tailored charcoal suit, Griffin exuded an aura of authority. His crisp white shirt contrasted sharply with the dark fabric, and a silver tie clip gleamed under the office lights.

Griffin's hands were clasped behind his back, enhancing his imposing presence. His currently amber eyes, sharp and calculating, met Ezra's with the usual intensity that spoke of experience and confidence.

"Welcome." Ezra said, gesturing to the set of couches set aside for receiving important guests. "What brings you here?"

Griffin's lips curled into a knowing smile as he stepped deeper into the office, the weight of his visit hanging heavily in the air.

He took a few moments to survey Ezra's office, his eyes roving over the bookshelves lined with law volumes and the framed certificates that adorned the walls. The soft leather chairs, the polished mahogany desk, and the subtle yet sophisticated artwork created an ambiance of authority and refinement.

"Impressive setup, Ezra," Griffin said, his mechanical voice echoing slightly in the room. "Your office exudes power and boldness. Just like you."

Ezra offered a tight smile, standing by the couches, feeling a slight discomfort under Griffin's scrutinizing gaze. He wasn't used to feeling on edge in his own space, but Griffin's presence had that effect.

"I appreciate the compliment," Ezra replied, his voice steady. "I've put a lot of thought into making it a place that reflects the work we do here."

Griffin nodded, his hands still clasped behind his back. "Indeed, it's a fine reflection. However," he continued, his eyes settling on a bare section of the wall, "I notice you have some empty space that could use a touch of elegance."

Ezra glanced at the wall, then back at Griffin, cautious. "Oh? What do you have in mind?"

Griffin's smile widened. "I have a collection of paintings that would fit perfectly in here. Consider them a gift. Something to remind you of our... friendship."

Ezra's discomfort grew. He wasn't sure if the offer was a genuine gesture of goodwill or a subtle power play. Nevertheless, he knew better than to refuse such an offer outright.

"That's very generous of you, Griffin," Ezra said, carefully choosing his words. "I'm sure the paintings will add a great deal to the office."

Griffin nodded approvingly. "Good. I'll have them sent over by the end of the week. In the meantime, let's get to the matter at hand."

Ezra motioned for Griffin to sit, bracing himself for whatever revelations or requests would follow. The paintings, he suspected, were just the beginning.

Ezra took a deep breath, bracing himself as Griffin settled into the chair opposite him. He took his seat, sinking into the chair.

The air was thick with tension, the gravity of the situation now evident. Griffin's casual demeanor had been swiftly replaced by a stern, almost ruthless seriousness. Ezra knew this was no ordinary meeting.

"Ezra, we have a problem." Griffin began, his voice cold and methodical. "My investments are in jeopardy, and I can't afford to sit back any longer. I need to step in."

Fuck. Griffin really was here because of his recent legal trouble. Ezra felt a knot tighten in his stomach.

He had seen this side of Griffin before, just before he dragged Ezra deeper in his debt. Griffin's eyes bored into him, unblinking, calculating.

"Here's what's going to happen," Griffin continued. "You're going to move a few of our assets into the new transit company we've set up. This will obscure the tracks for the investigators sniffing around."

Ezra's heart raced. He knew exactly what this meant. Griffin was making a play for Southside.

He was using this as an excuse to muscle in on the new count's territory. His mind went back to the Arbiter's words. The Ascension well, whatever it was, was in Southside and every count had an eye on it.

Shuffling assets was a dangerous game, one that could land him in even deeper trouble. Not with the authorities but with the City Lord. He knew he won't be directly held accountable but as a subject under Griffin, he would receive some punishment if all went to hell.

But he also knew he had no choice. Griffin's tone left no room for negotiation.

"In return," Griffin said, leaning forward, "I'll make sure you come out of this mess unscathed. Your legal troubles will disappear. But you have to act now. My investments must be kept intact."

Ezra nodded slowly, the weight of the decision pressing down on him. He knew very well that Griffin was making a move, and it wasn't just about saving his investments. This was about control.

As he agreed to the plan, Ezra couldn't help but wonder about the wider consequences. Doing this would create ripples throughout the city, drawing attention in ways they couldn't predict.

And what about Southside? Would the other counts finally see this as permission to also step in? Would the City Lord even stop things?

The thought gnawed at him. Ezra knew that once they started down this path, there would be no turning back. He knew what happened to the grass when the elephants come out for a fight.

As Griffin rose to leave, he clapped a hand on Ezra's shoulder. "Trust me, Ezra. This is the best move for both of us."

Ezra forced a smile, his thoughts whirling. He watched Griffin walk away, feeling the weight of the decision settle over him like a shroud.

Griffin was a noose slowly tightening around his neck. A noose he'll have to cut off.

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