My system allows me to copy talents

Chapter 91 Alleyway

Chapter 91 Alleyway

Ring!! Ding!! Dong!!

Just as Shun made the final save of the game, the sound of the bell chimed as well. And with the chime of the school bell, the game finally came to an end along with the lunch break.

Hearing the chime of the bells, the students gathered in the field began to scatter around. They then started to head towards their classes.

Some running, some walking, all of them started to head towards their respective classes.

Chatter!! Chatter!!

"Man! That was an impressive game."

"Right!! Especially that guy with the curly hair. Just how was he able to move like that?"

"That goal he scored after dribbling past three defenders. It was a masterpiece. A masterpiece."

"Did you see his muscles underneath his shirt?"

"He's face was even more charming."

"Man!! I'm jealous of him. I bet he can pullover any chick of his desire."

Such overexaggerating comments kept on circulating among the students as they made their way towards their classes, after the end of the match.

"Let's go Minami." Saying such the short girl grabbed Minami's hand.

While casting one final glance at Hiro, Minami nodded her head and replied, "Umm... Let's go."

And just as the players prepared to exit the field, Hiro walked towards Masao and spoke, "Good game Masao. We should play often."

"Thank you." Masao finally mustered up the courage to accept the compliment.

Noticing Masao's smiling face, Masato looked at him coldly and mumbled under his breath, "Every dog has its day. So enjoy your day while it lasts."

Saying such he blended in the crowd and vanished within the crowd.

The game ended with Hiro's teams victory. They won the lunchtime game with a score of 2:0 against Shun's team.

**** ****

Heeding to the advice of the English teacher, Hiro pretended to pay attention to the rest of the classes after the lunchtime.

And he somehow refrained himself from looking out of the window.

Along with Ms. Yumi who taught them science and Mr. Haruki who taught them history, one other teacher came and taught them maths after the lunch break.

The classes then finally to came to an end with the chime of the school bell.

Fearing the incident from the lunch break, Hiro who had packed his bag even before the end of the final class rose from his seat and ran towards the door with his bag.

"Oi!! Hiro!! Wait for me." Rin who was seated infront of him yelled while packing his bag.

"I can't. I'll just meet you tomorrow." Saying such he exited the classroom in a hurry.

"Agh!! Why did he leave so soon?"

"Yeah!! I wanted to add him on Facebook."

The girls from his class cried out loud upon seeing him running out of the classroom.

Without stopping, he ran towards the school gate and hopped on the yellow bus parked outside the main gate.

It was the same bus from the morning.

"Now where should I sit?" He mumbled while looking at the empty seats infront of him.

Since he was the first to arrive at the bus, unlike in the morning, he could choose the seat of his choice.

**** ****

"La la la la laa..." While passing through an alleyway, Masao who was walking towards his home, all by himself in a pretty good mood was humming a sweet melody.

The sun was still shining and with nobody around, he was the only person in that alleyway.

"May be I should continue playing football." Mumbling such, he continued to walk towards his home.

But all of a sudden he stopped his movement. With his pupils enlarged and heart beating faster, he looked infront of him, terrified. He then slowly retracted his step and began to run backwards.

"Catch him. He's running away." Masato who was waiting for him at that particular alleyway, commanded his sidekicks to run after him after seeing him fleeing away.

Noticing Masato and his gangs, Masao ran as fast as he could without looking back.

But even so, he couldn't get away from their clutches. At the end of the alleyway, just at the intersection, Masato's other sidekicks were stationed at either side of the intersections waiting for his arrival.

Upon hearing Masao's footsteps, those guys hidden behind the walls stepped outside and blocked his path.

With Masato behind and two other guys infront, Masao was trapped. At his either side were massive walls.

Having nowhere to run, Masao stopped and slowly walked towards the wall.

"Look Masato. I haven't done anything wrong to you. So why do you always bully me like this? Please let me leave Masato." Masao's voice shook as he began to beg Masato to let him leave with eyes full of tears.

"Hahaha.... Look at our piggy crying out loud." Masato laughed while looking at him sobbing and begging. "Why are you so afraid piggy? We won't harm you."

"Yeah after watching you play football. We just wanted to play with you." Masato continued.

"Right guys??" Masato questioned his sidekicks.

"Hahaha... Yeah!! We just want to play some football with you." The other guys replied while laughing.

While stomping his way towards Masao, Masato continued his yapping. "But our piggy here doesn't consider us as his friends. Haven't we been together since elementary school? So why are you leaving our group for that new guy now?"

Masato slowly approached Masao who was sobbing while leaning himself against the wall in between the two groups.

And as Masato approached closer to him, he began to lower his body. While covering his ears and closing his eyes, he cowered and shrunk his body into a shape of ball.

"Why are your closing your ears Masao? Did you also cover your ears like this when Keiya was screaming for help?" Masato spoke while approaching him.

"No!! No!!" His voice full of terror, Masao yelled.

"Did you also close your eyes when Keiya got butchered to his death?" Masato kept on teasing him.

"Or was it you who murdered Keiya?" Masato spoke in a serious tone.

"Noooo!!! I didn't kill him. Noooooo!!! It wasn't me. Noooooo!!!!"

Masao kept on screaming aloud with tears in his eyes.

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