My system allows me to copy talents

Chapter 86 Lunchtime Football

Chapter 86 Lunchtime Football

Just as Shun and the other guys appeared infront of them, Shun immediately asked him a question after noticing Rin standing beside him, looking somewhat baffled;

"You've already met Rin?"

"Yeah coincidentally I got placed right behind him. And certain circumstances ignited the spark of friendship in us. Hahaha." Hiro replied while smiling.

"Then you'd prolly know about this guy standing beside me too, right?" Shun questioned while pointing toward Kin.

"Yeah. He's Rin's elder brother Kin, right?" Hiro replied.

Shun nodded his head and slowly walked behind Hiro. He then placed both of his hands on each of his shoulder and began to introduce Hiro to Kin; "And this guy here is our new recruit Takahashi Hiro. The youngest among us. But in terms of skils, he can easily outperform a grown up adult. This guy is basically a monster."


Both Yuya and Shunta who were standing beside Kin calmly nodded their head without any sort of hesitation.

"Is that so. Then why don't we test it out later in the field?" Kin stated while revealing a smirk.

"Is he a Footballer too?" Hiro blurted out after listening to Kin.

Taking his hand off from Hiro's shoulder, while revealing an awkward smile in his face, Shun replied; "Well in a way he's a Footballer too. I mean he's that athletic guy who plays almost all the sport."

"Then let's go to the ground after lunch. Since we have almost an hour long lunch break, we should be able to play some football after finishing lunch." Shunta spoke excitedly.

**** ****

After finishing their lunch, all of them headed towards the football ground in a group.

As mentioned by Shun, the football ground was at the back of the main building. Behind the back of the building there were few other infrastructures as well.

A colossal dome shaped gymnasium, a two story building which contained science lab and few other club rooms and alongside the football pitch the school also contained a baseball field as well.

"No wonder you said there were still other things left to be explored." Hiro mumbled in awe after witnessing the infrastructures built in the backside of the main building.

However both the football field and baseball field were already occupied by other students. There were few other players from their team playing as well.

Even so Hirato, Takekazu, Yui and Seiya were nowhere to be seen.

"Oh!! Isn't that the defender from our team? Why is he playing as a striker?" Hiro questioned after noticing the sight of one of the defenders from his team.

"Oh you mean Yugo Tatsuta?" Shunta replied.

"So the name of that guy with fox like face is Yugo Tatsuta huh." Hiro muttered.

"Fox like face huh! Now that you mention it, those slanted monolid eyes and pointy nose indeed makes him look like a fox." Yuya muttered while taking a closer look at Yugo's face. "Pft- Hahaha. He does look like a fox."

While imagining the face of fox, Yuya burst out into laughter all of a sudden.

"Hahaha. Yeah he does look like a fox." Shunta parroted and joined Yuya.

Kin, Shun and Rin, all of them followed suit and began to laugh as well.

While all five of them were laughing, Hiro noticed another teammate on the field.

"Isn't that lanky guy with the dark hair the starting midfielder of our team?" Hiro asked while pointing at a lanky guy playing at the midfield.

"Oh him! His name is Hidetaka Maie. He's of the same age as me. He doesn't have any speciality. But he is decently good in everything. You can say that he's an all-rounder" Shun replied. "He's that type of player who'd fit in every system. But the only concern is that he doesn't like to take risks."

"But shouldn't you be familiar with their names already? Only this morning the coach called out the names of each player." Shun added while turning his head towards him, giving him somewhat perplexing look.

"How can I remember the name of every player just by hearing it once?" Hiro intoned.

"Ahh right!! I'll tell you about other players tonight. But for now, let's go and shoot some balls." Saying such Shun stormed towards the pitch.

Noticing Shun, Yugo and Hidetaka both came towards him. Since Shun had a pleasant personality which was liked by everyone in the team, he was friends with almost everyone in the team.

"What brings you here today Shun?" Yugo questioned.

"Yeah!! Shouldn't you be at the gymnasium, playing basketball to impress Minami Miura?" Hidetaka added.

"Shh!! Shh!!" Shun began to act weird all of a sudden.

"Who's Minami Miura?" Hiro asked.

"She's the captain of the women's basketball team of our school." Rin replied. "She's also pretty gorgeous. And if not for her, the ground here would be even more packed. Since most of the guys are at the basketball court."

"I see!! So Shun's also one of the guys who's chasing after her huh?" Hiro asked without showing any changes in his facial expression while turning his gaze towards Shun.

"Hahaha.... He's been chasing after her since 7th grade. And he's still chasing her when he's already about to graduate middle school. Hahaha.... Talk about dedication." With a smile on his face, Rin revealed Shun's past.

Shun who was trying to shut the mouth of Yugo and Hidetaka, yelled all of a sudden looking all flustered;

"Anyway! Let's play a game."

Hearing his yell everybody burst out into laughter and replied in unison;

"'Yeah let's go and shoot some balls."'

All of them then walked towards the pitch. Yugo then began to gather all the players in the field. And as everybody gathered, Hidetaka began to count the number of players.

"Perfect!! We have exactly 22 players on the field." Hidetaka exclaimed after counting all the players.

"Ahh!! I'm sorry. But I'm not going to play." Rin rose his hands and said that he wasn't going to play.

"Why Rin?" Hiro turned his gaze towards him and asked him while frowning his brows.

"I'm sorry!! I just don't like physical activities much. Why don't you call Masao?" Rin hesitated to play. He then suggested Masao who was sitting at the sidelines all alone to play in his stead.

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