Chapter 48: watch your world burn!!

Trapped in the blazing horn of the fire alarm, Blake looks around for another escape route but the odds were either somehow finding a way to jump off the 25 floors or sitting there and getting roasted.

He went towards the window, seeing the traffic appeared normal. From this high, no one would know the fire alarm had gone off except those close to the floor he was on.

And even he doubted that. At this time of the night, usually it would be him and Rose with the security guys still around.

But even the security guys wouldn't be able to tell something was amiss.

In this precarious situation, he realized how it would have been helpful to have another staff's number.

But ever since he started working, it was always him and Rose in constant contact.

He looked around, panic engulfing him with no visible means of escape.

The doors were never locked so he never bothered about the keys. Matter of fact, he was never handed any key to begin with yet somehow it wouldn't bulge open.

It made no sense at all since he remembered the last person to leave was Emily and even she didn't need a key to come in.

As his mind raced with options, smoke started to fill out his office. The fire no longer needed to be traced to its source as it was coming directly towards him.

"Shit...shit...shit!!" Blake cursed under his breath as he looked around. There was only one option left at that time.

He picked up his phone to call the emergency hotline but just then his battery ran down and his phone began to shutdown.

He couldn't blame the phone. He had been using it for calls back and forth all day without charging it because the new charger he got not quite long ago was bad again.

In his desperate attempt to seek help, Blake rushed to the nearest telephone, his trembling hands fumbling to dial the emergency hotline. However, to his dismay, the phone remained eerily silent. The raging fire may have disrupted the wiring, rendering the telecommunication system useless.

Panic surged within him as he realized that not only was he trapped, but his usual means of reaching out for assistance were also severed. The realization sank in that the situation was growing more dire by the minute. The fire had not only cornered him physically but also cut off any potential lifelines he might have had.

"These are all glass," it occurred to him as he looked around himself.

The door, the windows and almost everything around him were all glass except they didn't look that way.

He picked up his chair and with desperation he ran with the chair, straight towards the door in an attempt to smash through it but all that happened was him being pushed back by the force he applied and tumbled over.

"Reinforced glass...okay," Blake said, sweating profusely. Now he couldn't see properly and could hear the crackles of something disintegrating due to the fire.

The entire entrance was covered with thick that smoke and it didn't look like there was anywhere left to go.

Next the lights went off and that was when he knew the situation had become rather precariously. He needed to move away from the smoke as it was starting to choke him so he grabbed his things and headed towards Rose's office.

He hoped someone would notice the fire on time before it got to him.

Elena stood on the edge of the tall building, her gaze fixed on Shelly Technologies in the distance. As the city lights shimmered below, Emily appeared behind her in a blur of wind, a swift and silent presence.

"I hope you left no loose ends?" Elena's voice cut through the night without a hint of hesitation.

Emily, her vampiric nature apparent, responded with a proud demeanor, "Lord Elena, didn't my lord, Damien Durello, tell you who he has sent to assist you?"

"Hmm," Elena mused, "he says you are his right hand. I'm quite surprised he would send someone of that magnitude for the little morsel my little sister is harboring." A smirk played across Elena's face as she dramatically turned to face Emily.

"But none of that matters to me. All I ask is that the job be done for the sake of both of us. Because I wouldn't have mistakes be made," Elena stated, now standing in front of Emily, her eyes glowing red.

"He did warn me to be careful with you. The Shelly's are notoriously cold, no surprises that you'd go after one of your own, especially your blood. But like I said, I am what I say I am," Emily responded confidently.

"The little twerp you speak about is inside that building with a fire I started using the items you gave me," Emily continued, stretching out her hand to return a little black box.

"My sister believes in modern technology, but she forgets that all things new came from the old. The ancient flames of destruction. Unquenchable, even by water!" Elena explained.

"Well, my job here is done. I must return to be by my lord's side," Emily stated.

"And you are sure there's no escape for the mortal?" Elena inquired.

"Unless he can find a way to break through my spider string I used to tie the door, then I don't see any other way out than his death," Emily assured. "Although I must ask, why fire? I could have easily dealt with him in there alone."

"Because then Rose would find your prints all over him. And I don't trust you to keep it tidy enough that the other mortals don't become alarmed at a presence far beyond their comprehension," Elena explained.

"Hmmm, valid points. I must leave now. But first, I have to take this off," Emily said, and right there in front of Elena, her skin began to peel off, revealing a paler form. In under a minute, her entire skin had peeled off, leaving her almost as white as snow.

"I see why they call you mimic," Elena remarked as she observed Emily's true form.

"Say hello to Damien for me," Elena said as she watched Emily disappear into the wind.

Her attention then turned back to the Shelly Technologies building.

"Little sister, you need to see this. Your empire, no, YOUR WORLD IS BURNING!!!" Elena exclaimed, laughing maniacally.


*Author's Note*

Please guys support me so this book can grow.

Gifts, golden tickets and power stones would be very much appreciated!!

Thanks for helping me grow!!

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