Chapter 46: sharing a blood drink

In her commanding black suit and high heels, Rose Shelley strode through the hallway with an air of authority. Her hair was elegantly packed in a bun, showcasing her sharp cheekbones and defined jawline. Accompanying her was the pale pilot guy, a silent figure by her side.

Approaching a door, Rose extracted a card from a black Hermes Birkin bag. A swipe of the card unlocked the door. Turning to her entourage, she instructed the pale guy to wait outside as she entered the room.

Inside, the board meeting room awaited—a space designed for strategic discussions with a large table and six chairs positioned meticulously. Rose, the epitome of authority, took her place as the final entrant, subtly asserting her dominance.

Mr. Li Wei stood up, a middle-aged man with a distinguished air. His salt-and-pepper hair spoke of experience, and his tailored suit exuded authority. He extended a hand toward Rose. "Greetings, Mistress Shelley. I am Li Wei, overseeing the Financial Department.

Delighted to have you with us."

Following suit, Madam Chen Jie gracefully approached. A woman of elegance, she wore a stylish dress that complemented her poised demeanor. "Chen Jie here, leading Marketing and Public Relations. A pleasure, Mistress Shelley."

Next was Mr. Wang Xiu, exuding precision in both appearance and speech. He had a meticulous look, with every strand of hair in place and a crisp suit. "Wang Xiu, Research and Development at your service. Honored to meet you, Mistress Shelley."

Wu Mei stepped forward with determination. A young professional, she emanated confidence. Her modern attire reflected her role in managing Human Resources and Talent Acquisition. "Wu Mei, thrilled to have you here, Mistress Shelley."

Finally, Mr. Zhang Lei asserted his presence. A robust figure, he had an imposing stature that suited his role in Operations and Logistics. "Zhang Lei, Operations and Logistics. It's an honor, Mistress Shelley."

Rose reciprocated each greeting with a firm handshake, acknowledging not only the key players but also the diversity of roles represented in the room. The atmosphere buzzed with a mixture of respect and anticipation as they settled back into their seats, ready to address the urgent matters at hand.

Rose took charge, leaning forward with a stern gaze that swept across the room. "Thank you for the warm welcome. Let's address the elephant in the room — the plummeting stock prices. I'm here to ensure we not only salvage our standing but emerge stronger than ever."

Mr. Li Wei nodded, his graying hair catching the ambient light. "Indeed, Mistress Shelley. The market has been unpredictable lately. We've experienced a dip in investor confidence. Our financial reports reveal some irregularities we are yet to pinpoint."

Her eyes narrowed, a predator assessing its prey. "Irregularities? Unacceptable. We need a thorough audit immediately. Li Wei, assemble a team. I want answers before the week is out."

Madam Chen Jie chimed in, her demeanor composed. "Our Marketing team has been working tirelessly to mitigate the public impact. We've prepared a campaign to reestablish our brand image. Transparency and commitment to improvement will be our key messages."

Rose leaned back, considering the proposal. "Good, Chen Jie. Communication is paramount. Make sure the public perceives our actions positively. Now, Wang Xiu, tell me about the Research and Development initiatives. Any groundbreaking projects in the pipeline?"

Mr. Wang Xiu adjusted his glasses, a glint of enthusiasm in his eyes. "We have a series of innovations underway, Mistress Shelley. Cutting-edge technologies that could redefine our industry. However, funding is crucial. We propose reallocating resources from less promising ventures to fund these potential game-changers."

Rose tapped her fingers rhythmically. "Efficiency is key. Do it, Wang Xiu. But ensure we don't compromise existing projects. We can't afford to put all our eggs in one basket."

Wu Mei, with a determined expression, interjected. "Human Resources has identified a dip in employee morale. It's imperative we address internal concerns. Perhaps a town hall meeting or direct communication from leadership?"

Rose nodded, acknowledging the human element. "Agreed, Wu Mei. Employee morale directly impacts productivity. Organize the town hall. Let them know we value their contributions and are actively working to rectify the situation."

Mr. Zhang Lei, the stalwart figure in Operations and Logistics, leaned forward. "Logistics-wise, we've streamlined distribution to reduce costs. However, security concerns have risen. A few incidents in our warehouses. We're beefing up security protocols to safeguard our assets."

Rose leaned in, addressing the security issues head-on. "Zhang Lei, security is non-negotiable. Implement the necessary measures immediately. We can't afford any more setbacks."

Each division head presented their strategies and concerns, and Rose responded with assertiveness and strategic insight. The meeting, though centered on adversity, reflected the resilience of Shelly Company under Rose's decisive leadership.

As the discussions continued, Rose outlined a comprehensive plan that involved not just damage control but a strategic overhaul. By the time the meeting concluded, the atmosphere had shifted.

Mr. Li Wei hesitated before speaking, his eyes glancing at the folder in front of him. "Mistress Shelley, there's one more pressing matter. The rumors surrounding your personal life and the recent crisis with your secretary, Blake Shelton, have circulated in the media. It's undoubtedly affecting our public image and, subsequently, our stock."

Rose's eyes flashed, a storm brewing beneath her composed exterior. "Li Wei, we're here to discuss business strategies, not indulge in tabloid gossip. My personal affairs are not up for public scrutiny. Focus on the matters at hand — our financial stability and the steps we're taking to rectify it."

Li Wei, though visibly uncomfortable, pressed on. "Mistress Shelley, perception matters in the business world. Addressing these rumors head-on might—"

Rose cut him off with a steely gaze. "Perception can be molded. Li Wei, my personal life is not a topic for public consumption. We will redirect the narrative by showcasing our resilience and strategic decisions. No more discussions on this matter. Is that clear?"

Li Wei nodded reluctantly, understanding the unyielding resolve in Rose's tone. The room fell silent as Rose reclaimed control, making it abundantly clear that she wouldn't let any personal crisis tarnish the professional fortress she had built. The board members, though subdued, recognized the force behind Rose's directive.

As the meeting continued, the focus shifted back to the strategic initiatives, leaving behind the intrusive whispers about Rose's personal life.

Rose rose from her seat, a symbol of leadership unbowed. "Thank you all for your input. We face challenges, but challenges are opportunities. Let's emerge from this stronger, more resilient. Our enemies won't break us. I'll be here for the week to make sure these plans are executed.

Shelly Company will rise, and our stock will soar higher than ever."

The boardroom atmosphere shifted as a signal prompted a server to enter, bearing a bottle and seven glasses on an opulent gold tray. Placing it at the center, she announced it as a special order from the hotel management.

The content of the bottle was poured into the glasses – blood.

"A positive, just as you prefer, my lord," Wu Mei stated. Rose, despite her initial hesitation, accepted the glass.

"To future victories and prosperous collaborations," proposed Mr. Li Wei, lifting his glass with a confident smile. The others joined in the toast, eyes fixed on Rose, awaiting her acknowledgment.

Rose, her crimson eyes gleaming, raised her glass with regal poise."To enduring alliances and conquests," Rose declared, her voice cutting through the air with regal authority. She raised her glass, her crimson eyes meeting each director's gaze in turn. The room fell into a collective nod as they acknowledged her toast each of the director's eyes momentarily flashing red.


*Author's Note*

Please guys support me so this book can grow.

Gifts, golden tickets and power stones would be very much appreciated!!

Thanks for helping me grow!!

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