Chapter 414: To rest

As Dumphries materialized in the clearing, his ancient eyes quickly assessed the situation. The shock on his face was evident as he saw Rose suspended in midair, black tendrils of energy pulsing around her.

"By the old blood," he muttered, his voice heavy with disbelief. "The ritual we had performed really didn't work."

Blake rushed forward, desperation clear in his voice. "Dumphries, please. We need your help. The Nemisis is too strong."

Dumphries nodded grimly, his face set with determination. "We'll need to perform the Bloodbinding," he announced. "It's an ancient vampire technique, one that hasn't been used in millennia."

Reggie's eyes widened. "The Bloodbinding? But that's incredibly dangerous."

"It's our only choice," Dumphries replied, already moving to position himself beneath Rose's suspended form. "Blake, Reggie, Randal, form a triangle around us. We'll need your strength for this."

As the vampires took their positions, Dumphries pulled an ornate dagger from his cloak. The blade gleamed with an otherworldly light, runes etched along its surface.

"This is the Fang of the First," Dumphries explained, his voice solemn. "It contains the essence of our earliest ancestor. With it, we can bind the Nemisis into a blood-slumber so deep, even it cannot break free."

The Nemisis, sensing the threat, lashed out with its dark tendrils. "You cannot contain me!" it roared, using Rose's voice. "I am eternal!"

Dumphries ignored the entity's taunts, raising the dagger. "When I give the signal, each of you must offer your blood. The purer your intentions, the stronger the binding will be."

With practiced precision, Dumphries sliced his own palm, letting his ancient blood drip onto the ground beneath Rose. The earth seemed to drink it in eagerly, a faint red glow spreading outward from the droplets.

"Now!" Dumphries commanded.

Blake, Reggie, and Randal each cut their palms, adding their blood to Dumphries'. As the blood mixed on the forest floor, it began to move of its own accord, forming intricate patterns that pulsed with power.

Dumphries began to chant in an ancient vampire dialect, his voice resonating with centuries of power. The blood patterns on the ground began to rise, forming crimson tendrils that reached towards Rose's suspended form.

The Nemisis screamed in rage and fear, lashing out with its dark energy. "No! You cannot do this! I won't be bound!"

Blake gritted his teeth against the pain as the entity's attacks battered against them. "Rose!" he called out. "If you can hear me, fight it! We're here with you!"

For a moment, Rose's eyes cleared, her true self shining through. "Blake," she gasped. "I'm trying... it's so strong..."

Dumphries' chanting grew louder, more insistent. The blood tendrils wrapped around Rose, engaging in a visible struggle against the Nemisis's dark energy.

"More blood!" Dumphries commanded. "We need to overwhelm it!"

Without hesitation, Blake sliced deeper into his palm, letting his blood flow more freely. Reggie and Randal followed suit, their faces set with grim determination.

The clearing became a maelstrom of competing energies. The vampires' blood, infused with their will and Dumphries' ancient power, fought against the Nemisis's darkness. Rose's body was the battlefield, convulsing and twisting in midair as the two forces warred for control.

"I can feel it weakening," Dumphries said, his voice strained with effort. "One final push. Give everything you have!"

Blake closed his eyes, focusing all his love for Rose, all his determination to save her, into his blood. He could feel Reggie and Randal doing the same, their combined will flowing through the blood tendrils.

With a sound like shattering glass, the Nemisis's hold finally broke. Rose's body went limp, the dark energy dissipating like smoke in the wind.

Dumphries' voice rose to a crescendo, the final words of the Bloodbinding echoing through the clearing. The blood tendrils wrapped completely around Rose, cocooning her in a shimmering crimson shell.

Slowly, gently, Rose's body lowered to the ground. As it touched the earth, the blood cocoon seemed to absorb into her skin, leaving her looking peaceful and untouched.

Silence fell over the clearing. The vampires stood frozen, hardly daring to breathe.

Finally, Dumphries lowered his arms, exhaustion evident on his ancient face. "It is done," he said softly. "The Bloodbinding is complete. Rose and the Nemisis within her are now in the deepest of slumbers."

Blake rushed to Rose's side, his hands hovering over her still form. "Is she... is she safe?"

Dumphries nodded slowly. "For now, yes. The Nemisis is bound by our combined blood and will. But Blake," he added, his voice grave, "this is not a permanent solution. The entity is contained, but it will fight to break free. We must find a way to exorcise it completely."

Reggie stepped forward, his face looking more paled from blood loss but determined. "How long do we have?"

Dumphries shook his head. "It's impossible to say. It could be months, years even. But eventually, the Bloodbinding will weaken. And when it does..."

"The Nemisis will return, and become even stronger," Randal finished, his voice grim.

Blake looked down at Rose's peaceful face, his heart heavy with love and worry. "Then we'll use that time," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We'll scour the world for a solution. Whatever it takes, we'll find a way to free her completely."

As the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, casting long shadows across the clearing, the vampires stood united in their resolve. The race against time had begun, with Rose's very soul hanging in the balance.


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