Chapter 408: Rainbow knights

Blake exchanged glances with the vampire knights, each knowing what the other was thinking. They would have to say their final goodbyes quickly, before the sun rose too high in the sky.

As they prepared to carry Gunther's body to its final resting place, a small voice cut through the solemn atmosphere.

"Daddy? Uncle Reggie? Uncle Randal?"

They turned to see Celena standing in the doorway, her eyes red from crying, her little face etched with confusion and sadness. Sister Maria stood behind her, an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry," the nun said softly. "She insisted on coming back. She said she needed to say goodbye to Uncle Gunther."

Blake knelt down, opening his arms to his daughter. Celena ran to him, burying her face in his chest. "Why won't Uncle Gunther wake up, Daddy?" she asked, her voice muffled. "I told him my new joke. He always laughs at my jokes."

Blake held her close, feeling her small body shake with sobs. "Oh, sweetheart," he murmured, his own eyes filling with tears. "Uncle Gunther... he's sleeping now. A very deep sleep. He can't wake up anymore."

Celena pulled back, her face scrunched up in confusion and distress. "But why? Doesn't he want to play with me anymore?"

Reggie knelt down beside them, his voice gentle. "Celena, do you remember the story about the brave knight who went to live in the clouds? The one who watches over all the good little children?"

Celena nodded, hiccupping slightly. "The one who rides the rainbow?"

Randal joined them, a sad smile on his face. "That's right, little one. Well, Uncle Gunther... he's become one of those brave knights now. He's watching over you from the clouds."

Celena's eyes widened. "Really? But... but I want him here! Can't he come back?"

Blake shook his head, feeling his heart break all over again. "No, sweetheart. Once a knight goes to the clouds, they can't come back. But they're always watching over us, always protecting us."

Celena's lower lip trembled. "But who will tell me jokes? Who will buy me candy?"

Reggie reached out, gently wiping a tear from Celena's cheek. "We will, little one. We'll tell you jokes and buy you candy. And we'll tell you all about Uncle Gunther, so you'll never forget him."

Celena nodded slowly, her eyes still filled with tears. "Can I... can I say goodbye to him?"

Blake looked at Father Thomas, who nodded encouragingly. Carefully, Blake lifted Celena and carried her to where Gunther lay. The little girl reached out a small hand, gently touching Gunther's cold cheek.

"Goodbye, Uncle Gunther," she whispered. "I hope you like being a cloud knight. Please watch over Daddy and Uncle Reggie and Aunt Nana and Uncle Randal and Mummy. And... and don't forget about me, okay?"

As Celena's words faded, a heavy silence fell over the church. The first rays of sunlight were beginning to stream through the windows, signaling that it was time for the final journey to begin.

Father Thomas stepped forward, his voice gentle but firm. "It's time, my children. Let us commend Gunther's soul to God's eternal care."

As they prepared to carry Gunther's body out of the church, Blake, Reggie, and Randal exchanged a final glance. In that moment, they silently renewed their vow - to honor Gunther's memory, to protect those he loved, and to finish the fight he had given his life for.

With heavy hearts but resolute spirits, they lifted Gunther's body and began the solemn procession out of the church. The bells began to toll once more, their mournful sound echoing across the town, bidding farewell to a fallen hero and calling the faithful to witness his final journey.

As they stepped into the early morning light, the weight of their loss felt heavier than ever. But with it came a renewed sense of purpose. Gunther's sacrifice would not be in vain. They would see this through, no matter the cost.

The sun had barely risen over the horizon when the small procession made their way to the cemetery behind the parish. Father Thomas led the way, his voice steady as he recited prayers for the departed. Blake, Reggie, and Randal followed, carefully carrying Gunther's casket. Behind them, a somber group of parishioners walked in silence, many wiping tears from their eyes.

As they approached the freshly dug grave, Blake felt a weight pressing down on his chest. Each step seemed to require more effort than the last. He glanced at Reggie and Randal, seeing his own pain mirrored in their faces.

Father Thomas came to a stop at the edge of the grave. "Let us commit our brother Gunther to his final resting place," he said, his voice carrying across the quiet cemetery.

With heavy hearts, Blake, Reggie, and Randal lowered the casket into the ground. The sound of wood scraping against earth seemed unnaturally loud in the morning stillness.

As Father Thomas began the burial rite, Blake's mind drifted. He remembered the first time he met Gunther, it was at Rose's apartment. Gunther was a bit serious then but eventually, he showed his funny side.

"Gunther always knew how to make people smile," Reggie murmured beside him, as if reading his thoughts. "Even in the darkest times."

Randal nodded, his good eye glistening with unshed tears. "Remember that time in Prague? When we were cornered by that vampire lord and his goons?"

A sad smile tugged at Reggie's lips. "How could I forget? We thought we were done for, and there's Gunther, cracking jokes about vampire fashion sense."

"He said the vampire lord looked like he'd raided Dracula's reject wardrobe," Randal added, a chuckle escaping despite the heaviness in his heart.

As Father Thomas continued the service, more memories surfaced. Gunther teaching Celena how to make shadow puppets, his face lit up with childlike joy. Gunther diving into danger without hesitation to save a stranger, always putting others before himself.

The flow of memories was interrupted by a small, choked sob. Blake looked down to see Celena clinging to his leg, her little face streaked with tears. He knelt down, gathering her into his arms.

"It's okay to cry, sweetheart," he whispered, stroking her hair. "Uncle Gunther would understand."

Celena buried her face in Blake's shoulder. "But... but you said he's a cloud knight now. Shouldn't we be happy for him?"

Blake felt his throat tighten. How could he explain the complexity of grief to a child? "We are happy for him, in a way," he said softly. "But we're also sad because we'll miss him very much."

Reggie knelt down beside them, his voice gentle. "You know how you feel sad when you have to say goodbye to someone, even if you know you'll see them again soon?"

Celena nodded, hiccupping slightly.

"Well, this is like that," Reggie continued. "We're saying goodbye to Uncle Gunther for a long time. It's okay to feel sad about that."

As Celena nodded again, understanding dawning in her tear-filled eyes, Father Thomas's voice rose in the final prayer. "Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace."

"Amen," the gathered mourners responded in unison.

As people began to step forward to toss handfuls of earth into the grave, Blake felt a sudden, overwhelming wave of guilt crash over him. If he hadn't insisted on confronting Duncan... if he had been more aware of his surroundings... if he had been faster, stronger...

"Stop it," Randal's voice cut through his thoughts. Blake looked up, startled. Randal was watching him with understanding in his eye. "I know that look, Blake. This isn't your fault."

"But if I hadn't-" Blake began, but Reggie cut him off.

"If you hadn't what? Stood up against evil?" Reggie shook his head. "Gunther made his choice, Blake. He knew the risks, just like we all do."

Blake wanted to argue, to shoulder the blame that felt like it was crushing him. But as he opened his mouth, he felt a small hand slip into his. Celena looked up at him, her ruby eyes serious.

"Daddy," she said, her voice small but clear, "Uncle Gunther wouldn't want you to be sad. He'd want you to tell a joke."

For a moment, Blake could only stare at his daughter in amazement. Then, despite everything, he felt a laugh bubble up in his chest. It came out as a half-laugh, half-sob, but it broke the tension that had been building.

"You're right, sweetheart," he said, scooping her up into his arms. "Uncle Gunther would definitely want us to tell jokes."

As the burial service concluded, the mourners began to drift away, many stopping to offer condolences to Blake, Reggie, and Randal. Father Thomas approached them, his face etched with compassion.

"I know this is a difficult time," he said gently. "But remember, Gunther's spirit lives on in the memories you share and the lives he touched."

Blake nodded, unable to speak past the lump in his throat. Reggie stepped in, thanking the priest for his kindness and support.

As the cemetery emptied, the three vampire knights found themselves alone at Gunther's grave. The freshly turned earth stood in stark contrast to the lush grass surrounding it.

"I can't believe he's really gone," Randal said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Reggie placed a hand on Randal's shoulder. "He may be gone from this world, but he'll never be gone from our hearts."

Blake knelt down, placing a hand on the cool earth. "Gunther," he said softly, "I promise you, your sacrifice won't be in vain. We'll finish what we started. Duncan and everyone under him will pay dearly for their sins. And we'll never, ever forget you."

As Blake stood, he felt a shift in the air. A cool breeze swept through the cemetery, rustling the leaves of nearby trees. For just a moment, Blake could have sworn he heard the faint echo of Gunther's laughter on the wind.

"Did you hear that?" Reggie asked, his eyes wide.

Randal nodded slowly. "You don't think..."

Blake shook his head, a sad smile playing on his lips. "With Gunther, who knows? He always did have a flair for the dramatic."

As they turned to leave, Blake cast one last look at the grave. "Goodbye, old friend," he whispered. "Rest easy. We'll take it from here."

The walk back to the parish was quiet, each lost in their own thoughts. Celena had fallen asleep in Blake's arms, exhausted from the emotional morning.

As they approached the church, Reggie suddenly stopped. "What do we do now?" he asked, his voice uncertain.

Blake and Randal exchanged glances. It was a question they'd all been avoiding, but one that needed to be addressed.

"We can't stay here long," Randal said, his tone regretful. "Duncan's still out there, and he might track us here. We've put everyone here in danger just by coming."

Blake nodded, his jaw set in determination. "We need to regroup, heal, and then..." he paused, his eyes hardening. "Then we take the fight to Duncan."

"But how?" Reggie asked. "You saw what he did to us. To Gunther. How can we possibly stand against that kind of power?"

For a moment, silence fell over the group. Then Blake spoke, his voice low but firm. "We find a way. We have to. For Gunther. For everyone Duncan threatens."

"But first, I have to go see my wife," Blake said, mind returning to Rose.

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