My Servant System

Chapter 1129: Chapter 1128: Fulfilled Usefulness

Chapter 1129: Chapter 1128: Fulfilled Usefulness

"Mm... I must admit that I didn't expect you to be such an excellent conversationist, Miss Elizabeth! This has been entirely pleasant, and I'm not even attempting to flatter you!"

Ahsan gave me a wide smile as he handed me another glass, the lust from before taking a backseat inside his yellow eyes as fascination and appreciation took center stage, though that didn't mean it was gone entirely.

After all, that was how I had slowly been guiding our conversation as we slowly walked around the grounds of the estate, my questions and willingness to converse freely entangling this man into my game without him realizing.

If he did realize, he made no effort at all to escape from this web, and I found it easier and simpler to guide him deeper into its clutches as I slowly whittled away at his mind and loosened his inhibitions slowly but surely, working with the alcohol to get him to where I wanted him to be.

"You say that, but I cannot help but be flattered, Lord Ahsan~! Coming from someone as well informed and educated like yourself means a great deal to me~!"

Giving him a warm smile, I rested my hand on his arm for a moment before turning away, though I didn't miss how the lust sparked back up as he nodded and looked me over again, thinking I couldn't see how his eyes lingered on my chest or my hips.

"And you were saying that this... Lord Ismail, correct? This Lord Ismail has been gathering various educated individuals - like yourself - and hosting large debates to work towards a better future for this city? That's fascinating as well... and to be included in such a thing!"

Ahsan smiled at me and tried to wave away my 'praise', though he was clearly puffing his chest out slightly with pride as he nodded again and replied "He is indeed! Lord Ismail is a prolific orator about any topic, but when it comes to this city, to his home... he seeks to improve it however he can!

Why, just the other day he suggested we send a missive to all of the Academies inside of the Sultanate to search for a way to create a more widespread and accessible source of water! Isn't that wonderful? If we could create a new oasis and dedicate it entirely to providing water to those in need while also tilling the land and planting crops..."

His prior emotions had been replaced with wonder and reverence as he nodded to himself, looking out into the crowded mansion and searching for someone, and as he looked around I mused over his words, finding it amusing how easily something like that was given to me.

Such an important nugget of information that should be kept closer to his bare, chiseled chest was just given up like that, all because I had been chatting with him for a few minutes and providing good conversation and even better visual stimulus.

The way I walked and the way I looked at him made him spill something that should have been kept to himself; such an important goal that was still in the think tank was most definitely something this Lord Ismail wanted to keep on the down low, and here Ahsan was, telling it to me.

"Was there any idea on how to do something like that? It must be expensive... I mean, the Sultanate is just so... hot. Literally, in many different ways; the sands, the constant beating of the sun's rays, and then the surplus of the Fire Mana that ensures that heat remains..."

"Yes... expensive indeed. See, the first idea was..."

He trailed off and turned back to me with a slight frown, his eyes getting sharper than before as the effects of the trickling Lust Mana met it's match, though a simple tilt of my head, turning of my body and puffing of my own chest diverted his attention was I innocently asked "The first idea was..? Pray tell, Lord Ahsan; I am incredibly curious!"

My eyes met his, and after a moment I blinked before shyly looking to the side as I swiftly added "Ah, but it must be something you cannot tell just anyone..." in a smaller tone, the drops of embarrassment and disappointment in my voice making Ahsan reach forwards and gently caress my upper arm as if to soothe me.

"It's not that I cannot tell, but... Ah, Miss Elizabeth, you know how these things are, yes? It's not something I want just about anyone to hear... so perhaps..?"

Since he had been turned away, I had increased the Lust Mana by just a little bit, and now that he was staring straight at me again, and since he was a fellow Caninekin, he could tell that I wasn't exactly 'against' his presence, even though there was a clear scent of someone else lingering on my body.

Just because someone was marked as a mate didn't mean they weren't willing to cheat, and he only found that mark that Anput had placed on me as another thing that aroused him as he gestured for me to follow him to the side hallways, his yellow eyes roaming my body freely


Not wanting to lose this tidbit of information - and since I hadn't spotted another high value mark just yet - I decided to let this one run its course as best I could, so I forced a small blush and nodded, holding back my desire to rip his arm off as he draped it around my waist and allowing him to guide me to somewhere more private.

Since we were going to be alone, I gave him another small dose of Lust Mana and ignored the soft groan that escaped his lips as he ogled my chest, and I also ignored him when I felt his hand drop down slightly, knowing that I was going to have my due reward in a few moments time.

"Miss Elizabeth..."

His voice was lower than normal, and I faked a blush as I turned and faced him, placing my hands on his abdomen as I stroked his muscles, allowing the man to push me against the wall and stare into my eyes before they dropped to my lips.

Before he could lean forwards to claim them, I asked "Lord Ahsan, first... it's only reasonable that you answer my question before we... move on to 'other things', no..?", keeping that same timid and excited tone that made him shiver.

"Of course... business first, then pleasure later... right, Miss Elizabeth~?"

Caressing my cheek, he nodded slowly and took a deep breath before grinning at me as he inhaled my scent - and Anput's mark - to turn himself on even more, though he responded to the sudden influx of Lust Mana interestingly enough as I enhanced his desires to spill the

beans now.

He bit his cheek and looked back towards the party before turning back to me, and after a moment he sighed and pulled back slightly, eventually saying "I trust this will remain between you and me, Miss Elizabeth?"n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"This, or 'this'-?"

I teased him a little with that, and he chuckled and replied "This, and definitely 'this'...", stroking my cheek once more before grabbing my hips as he started me in the eye, his lust and his seriousness cohabitating those yellow orbs.

"Lord Ismail is a... serious, yet generous man. Forgiving too, so long as you can prove that you are worthy of that forgiveness. A couple months ago, a few people came by offering their services to him; they were skilled magicians and enchanters, so he hired them, not knowing that they were... tied to a group of bad people. When he learned about that, he wanted to

throw them out, but...

Well, just because you run with a bad crowd doesn't mean you yourself are a 'bad' person, and when they implored him to keep hiring them so that they could work on their real passions while sending money back to that group, he gave them a second chance.

That idea of creating a new oasis came from them; apparently they found a book in the library or something that spoke of way to do it, but it was all theory. If they had the funds and the manpower, they might - keyword 'might' - just have a chance at succeeding. So... that's the 'secret', Miss Elizabeth. Now..."

Before he could lean in for a kiss, I asked "And who might these wonderful people be? Are they here today..? I'd like to get acquainted with one of them, offer some support; anything to get more people access to abundant water! Oh... and I would like to talk to them... later, of


He was clearly a bit frustrated at the interruption, but after hearing what I said he smiled and nodded, looking back to the party and saying "There's one there, that tall, raven haired Dogkin standing on the stage? She's one of them; a bit rowdy, very much outspoken, but a really smart woman. Now... shall we~?"

"Inside, Lord Ahsan... we shouldn't be interrupted by anyone, right..? And well... I don't..."

Blushing, I held back a growl as I felt him grab my butt, and after a moment he nodded and grinned at me as he whispered "Yeah... inside. Wouldn't want someone to think you're cheating on your mate, would we~? Come, come... inside..."

Guiding me to a door, he opened it and gave me a firm little spank, only to grin as I pulled him in and pushed him to the bed, though that grin faded instantly as a thick rod of ice cracked against his skull, knocking him unconscious.

I made sure no one could have heard it or seen it, of course, and as soon as he was unconscious I let my mask fall away as I sneered at the man, placing my hand on his chest as I began to try something else; pouring some more Lust Mana into him, I tried to alter his memories just a bit about what had happened here, specifically who he had come in here with.

It was hard; my mana fought against me, as did his, and trying to make sure that I had willed this new power of mine to work in the way I wanted it to work was very difficult, especially since I couldn't double check what I was doing since he wasn't awake.

When I thought it was done properly, I slowly extracted that Lust Mana and made it back into my own, the desires I had sapped from him and the ones I had altered coming back to me with some more power, making the reserves I had stronger too.

Just in case he was still able to remember me, I took a small bead from his belt and enchanted it with a crude but hidden spell that would explode if I empowered it with more Wind Mana, so when I prepared to leave I could come back and check with him.

If he remembered me, he would die; a sad casualty to a hidden plot, but oh well, and if he didn't remember me, I would spare him... though I did take some joy in cracking a few of his fingers and healing them just enough to not be broken, but not enough to be normal. He would feel pain in the hand that he had used to touch me, and I desperately needed to

return to Anput soon to refill that mark... and to have her overwrite his touch with hers so that I wouldn't feel as guilty.

Still, I learned something important, and as I left the room behind I made my way to the woman standing on the stage drinking enough to make many begin stumbling instantly, deciding to try my hand at this target next.

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