My Servant System

Chapter 1124: Chapter 1123: Morning Thoughts

Chapter 1124: Chapter 1123: Morning Thoughts

Kat PoV

A groan escaped my lips as the suns rays landed on my face, the sudden surge of light and heat rousing me from my deep slumber as someone opened the shutters and let some fresh air into the room.

All of last night we had been partaking in each other's bodies however we pleased; for me it started with Anput and I fighting one another as we vied for supremacy in this bed, our little game resulting in some really good sex that allowed me to vent all my frustrations as quickly as I could.

Then Anput decided I was too much to handle and opted to go ahead and hand me over to Jahi, who proceeded to lay on my back and pin me down as she pounded me for hours on end, not stopping at all as she just fucked me constantly until she was satisfied, which was a hard bar to reach.

When the Demoness and the Jackalkin had decided to call it quits for the time being and began to cuddle and have sex on the floor together, that was when Leone found her way over to me for comfort, the Vampire stuffing her head between my thighs and using her tongue to pleasure me as she rested for a little while.

She provided pleasure to me through her long tongue and incessant nipping, until eventually her fangs found their way into my inner thigh as she drank blood from a rather unorthodox spot, slaking her thirst once more with a different person as she got me ready for even more.

That was honestly the last thing I remember since her fluids - both of them - were rather intoxicating, especially when mixed with the fluids of our two other lovers since all three of them had finished inside me multiple times.

Now I was waking up in her arms and groaning with her as the sun washed over us both, waking us up and letting us know we were here for another day of living, something that caused me to turn around and place a kiss on the Vampire's lips as I greeted her.

"Good morning beautiful..."

Those blurry red eyes were unfocused as she mumbled back "Goo... mornin'...", making me chuckle softly as I just rested my brow against hers and gave her the time she needed to wake up, only to roll my eyes as something was smacked down between us that made Leone's nose twitch cutely.

"It's time to wake up, you two..."

Jahi's amused growl brought a small smile to my lips before I put them to use, and Leone joined me a moment later as we provided the Demoness the blowjob she wanted without even getting out of bed.

She wasn't even bothered by the opened window nor was she caring at all about the noises she made as she groaned happily each time we took her in her entirety, and eventually more noises joined her groans as we woke up the only way the Demoness seemed to know how to.

By the time everything was done and we were all awake, Leone was as red as her eyes once more as she noticed the window and heard the murmuring from the streets, and when someone knocked on the door the Vampire jumped, only for her to find herself in Jahi's arms as the Demoness displayed her insane virility.

Rolling my eyes at that, I didn't bother trying to 'save' the Vampire as she was made into an example by the Head of our little family, so I got cleaned up, dressed, and slipped out into the hall with Anput as we answered the knock from the Death Jackal, who was unbothered by the noises coming from our room.

"What happened?"

Anput briskly walked past the Death Jackal as she made her way downstairs, and the elite warrior didn't miss a step at all as she moved to follow her Begum, answering her immediately as she said "Nothing that requires your attention, Begum, however we wanted to be granted permission to send Naima home with Aya's body."

Her words sobered Anput and I as we entered the general area of the bar, where the cleanly wrapped and waiting body of one of the Death Jackal's - Aya - was resting atop a table, surrounded by her silent and somber comrades.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"Granted. Take her to the Sharaf Tomb for interment; it's what she deserves. The Zaeim Altuqus will handle the rest."

All of the warriors gave Anput a deep bow at that, and one of them carefully lifted the two pieces of the Jackalkin's body as they departed from the bar, leaving the rest of us to gather around the various tables and begin to eat the food someone else had prepared yet again.

Grabbing one of the many unfinished bottles of liquor from last night, Anput poured herself a glass and offered me the bottle afterwards, earning another eye roll even as I poured myself a drink and clinked my glass against hers.

"That was a surprise and a half, wasn't it Kat? All that power generated in mere moments from an idiot like that..."

Swirling the liquid around before downing most of it, Anput huffed and poked at her food as she added "Makes you wonder what kinda Fiends are waiting for us next then, right? More like this Bloodletter fellow, or more like the Fiend that I made into a sword for you?"

"I don't know... I mean, we can't know until we meet the next one, whenever that is. And with what happened to Leone..."

We both fell quiet at that, though the sound of the floor shifting above us made us both smile wryly as we knew what was happening upstairs, relief washing over us as we were reminded that she hadn't been taken from us.

"Gonna need another ring for her... think the Goddess above will grant that prayer of yours, Kat?"

She gave me a teasing smile, though beneath that amusement was a clear inquisitive gleam that made my heart skip a beat, which was more than easily masked as I shrugged and replied "Probably... it would seem that times really are changing, aren't they? Everything's kind of like a pendulum; swing far enough into the bad, you'll eventually swing back into the good."

"That's deep... how long did it take you to think of that?"

Her remark made me snort as I refilled my glass and downed the burning alcohol in a single gulp, warming myself up in one of the only ways I wanted to be warmed up as I said "Piss off; even if it did take me long to think of that, it's still faster than you and that muscle you want to call a brain."

The banter made everything taste better, and we went back and forth for a few minutes before eventually turning our attention onto the spoils of this fight, which Anput already had ideas for; not even a day after and she already knew what she wanted to do with the corpse of the Fiend that had almost killed Leone.

"Each of those arms is easily enough to make a set of armor and then some, especially if I keep things a bit on the lighter side; either that, or I start making a suite of weaponry for each of us. That Estoc that Leone is adept with, a few different blades for you and me, and maybe a nice 'little' Gladius or something for Jahi as a backup...

Either way though, we need armor, that's for damn sure, and since this was a tough son of a bitch and all, I'm going to make an assumption here and say the bones match that to a tee. Probably going to be harder to work than the other bones, but the rewards will definitely be

worth it."

Waving at the various bones laid out on one of the tables in the middle of the bar, I asked "What about the rest of it?", including the jarred organs and blood in my question as I studied

each of the things we had harvested.

Despite there being chunks of prime red flesh, bottles of sparkling vitae and the general stench of raw meat and blood permeating the air, I had no issue at all accepting the next plate of warm naan smothered in a delicious butter and herb combination that did wonders to fill my stomach and combat the alcohol.

"Hells if I know what the meat and blood'll be used for, but the rest of it... most likely I'll play around with some of it, get some spare weapons made up for all of us before using some of it on some other people; as much as my Mother likes to complain about things and belittle me, I'd feel better if she had some Fiend's bones to arm herself with. Same with your Mother,

same with Jahi's too."

Taking her hand in mine, I smiled happily at my mate as I cooed "Aww... that's so sweet of you, Anput~!", instantly making her raise a brow and look me up and down like she had been grabbed by a random person, bringing around some more bickering before we were joined by a relaxed Jahi and embarrassed Leone.

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