My Servant System

Chapter 1089: Chapter 1088: Relieving Frustrations (1)

Chapter 1089: Chapter 1088: Relieving Frustrations (1)

One of the Death Jackals stayed back at the library to ensure as much of it was saved as they could possibly manage to do after the battle that had just taken place while the rest of us made our way back out onto the streets and started the rather quick job of killing off the rest of the grunts.

They were truly what the organization used to be like, as shown by their relatively poor equipment and skillset as they relied on mildly enhanced strength and their loudness to overwhelm the guards, who were better equipped but clearly unaccustomed to actual life or death battles against people.

Locating them was easy, and I relished this opportunity to spill blood freely as I roamed the streets of Bascra with a barbed icicle that I was using to debone these Fingers, stabbing it into their flesh and yanking out whatever bones were nearby the wound as I overwhelmed them like they overwhelmed the guards.

After being shown that I wasn't as up to scratch as I wanted to believe I was, or that I wasn't as prepared as I wanted myself to be for these sorts of situations, I was... angry, at so many different things from what had just happened.

I was angry at myself for letting him get away without trying more of my strategies on him, I was angry that I had tried to take him on all on my own without a second thought, I was pissed that he had managed to leave that fight without an injury, I was livid about how little I had actually learned from someone who seemed so stupidly open about everything he did...n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

There was just little else for me to feel about this, and that made me even more irritated as I kept replaying that fight in my mind, wondering why I hadn't been able to bring him to his knees and why I wasn't currently strangling him with his own tongue; why hadn't I used my Lust Mana, and why did it seem like my magic - which by all accounts was rather strong and expertly controlled - do so damn little to him?

That frustration was just bubbling inside me irrationally, and I only had a few things on my mind that could get it to simmer down to a manageable and less worrisome state; the first was the most obvious, and that was to hand myself over to Jahi for a few hours and succumb to exhaustion as she used me like a rag once more.

I couldn't do that just yet though, but I most certainly was going to let that happen to me tonight, so instead I focused on the other two things that had come to mind, which was to farm experience from these grunts that deserved death in the most gruesome way I could extract experience from them, as well as to continue to hone my skills and get stronger, even if they weren't the best training subjects.

Like right now I was walking silently behind two burly men who were snickering to one another as they openly made their way through the streets, hunting for someone to murder or someone to violate.

Masking my presence completely and not bothering to hide myself from sight, I strode behind them and listened to their arrogant, idiotic discussion on who had the better physique and the better 'physique', taking the time to see just how much of my scent, stride and breathing I could unveil before they would realize I was here.

It took them a minute or so to realize I was behind them, and when they spur around and hoisted their stolen scimitars, they both paused as they looked me up and down before relaxing their postures, even though they saw the barbed icicle in my hand and the expression on my face.

With my 'training' for my stealth currently placed on hold, I tapped the icicle against the stone brick road and stared at them both as one stepped forwards and grinned at me lustfully, his sharp fangs glistening slightly as he said "Oho~! Heya girlie~! We were just on the prowl for some fresh meat, and look who showed up... mmm... Love me some thick thighs..."

He took another step forwards and stared blatantly at my legs, running his unworthy gaze up and down the curve of my hips as he nodded appreciatively, completely unaware - or just unable to comprehend - that each step he took forwards made my part of this so much easier. "Now, we can do this the hard way, or we can-!"

Before he could even finish saying that, I swung the icicle straight at his neck and buried the thorns into his flesh, surprising them both as his blood spurted from the thick muscles that supported his head and began to pool on the ground around him.

Yanking forwards, I felt my lips twitch as I heard his spine crack inside his body, the long cord of very important calcium - amongst other things - sprouting out of his throat as I completely tore it away from its current position, instantly causing his skull to drop forwards as it lost the primary support that was keeping it upright.

He dropped to the ground not even a moment later as his spine was completely severed from his skull, the various nerves and muscles that connected the two together and allowed the brain to maintain a living body of meat being pulled out with it, placing the man in a fascinating spot of a slow, horrifying death as he lost control of everything.

Barely able to speak before, not able to move now, and bathed in such terrifying amounts of pain as his brain tried to comprehend how one second it had control over everything it should have and the next it was completely disconnected.

It just... on one hand it just reminded me that I was so capable of ending a life at this moment in time, that I was a large step or two above the average person in terms of strength, but on the other it was so beautiful to see this idiot slumped over on the ground, bleeding out of his completely mangled neck.

Two movements had brought this man from being a functioning threat to this city to nothing more than a worthless bundle of meat and bones on the road, and that was making me quiver in my boots as I watched that red liquid I was so fascinated with slowly trickle onto the hot brick below us.

This country was so damn hot that the blood was bubbling on the brick below our feet, the sheer amount of heat bouncing on and off the road bringing it to a temperature where it could actually boil blood or water.

That caught my attention for a few moments more, but when I heard the clatter of metal against brick and the thumping of boots against it a second later I looked up and watched as that other prick began to run, his prior arrogance long gone now that his friend was dead.

I caught up to him in a second or so, stunning him as I appeared in front of him and let him impale himself on my icicle, his shoulder freezing over as I brought him to his knees in the middle of the street.

Tears and snot began to mar his ugly face as he pleaded with me, and I idly realized that I was completely tuning out the words being spoken, my mind so preoccupied with what I could have done differently that I only knew he was begging for his life right now.

I had no idea what exactly was being said, and I didn't need to as I twisted the icicle and tore his shoulder apart, opening up a large hole for his blood to pour from as I watched it to soothe my nerves, and when his struggling made it harder to watch I froze his wrists and ankles to place, keeping some of his movements and allowing me to crouch in front of him as I stared intently at his shoulder.

He slowly bled out in the middle of that street, his pleas falling on deaf ears as I just contemplated his bleeding for my own pleasure, each time he writhed around or tried to break free from his restraints bringing more of that gorgeous scarlet goodness to weep out of his mangled shoulder.

When he was near the edge of dying completely, I retrieved my icicle and slit his throat to give myself one final hurrah as I drained him of all he had, though not in the way he had been

initially hoping.

Patting his cheek and giving him a final smile as his eyes began to dull, I dropped him and left him there in the middle of the street, his 'armor', various small daggers and some potions constituting his loot that only made me click my tongue... even though I pilfered those daggers and potions for my next victim.

Maybe they would help me feel better; if not, I was just going to keep wandering around

aimlessly till I encountered one of my lovers, who would then make me feel really good deep inside myself, which was just what I needed...

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