My Servant System

Chapter 1069: Chapter 1068: Making The Right Bids

Chapter 1069: Chapter 1068: Making The Right Bids

Counting out the last Gold coin onto the servant's platter, I felt my heart sting slightly as I parted with 130 Gold coins, which was most of my winnings over at the Yanzif Arena, but as the slightly heavy, velvety purse fell into my hands - and the sound of dozens of Mana Crystals clattering together filled my ears - I felt that sting alleviate somewhat as it was replaced with jubilation.

"Thank you ver much, Miss, and do enjoy your winnings. Ah, and Master Mubar wanted me to give you this."

The well dressed and handsome Caninekin man servant smiled at me as he placed a letter before me, alongside a bottle of wine that made Jahi frown a little, since it was kind of clear what sort of gift this was meant to be.

So I decided that I wanted - and rather enjoyed - playing with fire, so I smiled back at the servant and said "Please tell Master Mubar that I am flattered by his gift, would you~?", noting how the man's smile widened slightly and how his cheeks darkened as he looked away. I picked up the letter and began to read it, holding back a slight groan at how cheesy it was but still finding myself somewhat flattered about how - despite being cheesy - the man still tried to convey that he was simply both curious about what I would do with the Mana Crystals and also alluding to finding it attractive that I seemed to know what to do with them since I was willing to bid that much.

Of course, despite being flattered, I wasn't going to do anything with this besides tease and rile up my lovers even more than I already had, so as I sent the servant away with a kind smile, I ignored them somewhat as I opened up the parcel and stared at the myriad of glittering stones within, each one radiating a fair amount of mana.

Gently lifting one from the bag, I held it up and admired its beautifully rough edges, the uncut, raw Water Crystal almost stealing my breath away as I imagined turning it into something a bit more 'wearable', specifically for jewelry; that special pearl that woman was wearing over in the arena was still on my mind, I guess, since I really did want something to wear besides my collar...

"Isn't it gorgeous..? It's almost as dark as a sapphire, but it glimmers with its own light instead of needing an outside source to shine. I cannot wait to sand this down and make something with it..."

"You- can't wait to sand it down? Are you going to take up gem cutting when we get back home? Or are you just saying that you'll be the one to do it even though I'll be the one to do it?"

Anput brushed over the letter and instead grabbed the bottle of wine, creating a corkscrew with her mana and popping the bottle open before taking a sip, nodding her head appreciatively at its flavors and using that as a way to let me know she was still a bit aggrieved about what happened, even if she did ignore the letter resting beside me.

"Yes, I can't wait to give it a shot. You can, of course, show me how to do it, but in the end I want to give it a try myself; something that I can start doing on my own, to create something with my own hands instead of needing to wait for someone else to make something for me. Enchanting is fun and all, but needing something pre made to actually begin enchanting is a bit irritating..."

Placing the Water Crystal on the clean plate in front of me, I glanced up at the stage and gave the dual scimitars being auctioned off a quick appraisal, their Wind Mana blades and large Wind Crystals making them extremely potent and deadly weapons for both physical damage and arcane damage, since the blades themselves were long and sharp, the jade green metal likely rather light compared to other materials.

The only thing was... I knew Anput could make me something of similar quality, if not better if I gave her some time and money to do so, and it would be made to my specifications, making it so much better than something someone else had made however long ago. Plucking a Fire Crystal from the parcel, I handed it to Leone and asked "Is your alchemy set still up to snuff, or are we going to need to invest some of these Mana Crystals into making you a newer, better set? We're going to need to start getting potions and ointments stocked up, after all...", letting the Vampire admire the ruby-esque stone in her hand as I diverted her attention away from the letter as well.

Jahi wouldn't fall for it though, the Demoness grabbing the letter and reading it herself before rolling her eyes and snorting softly, placing it down beside herself and away from me as she grabbed the wine bottle next, pouring some for herself and muttering almost silently as she shook her head.

"Uh... I wouldn't mind a second one, since it would speed things up immensely, but if you want to keep these Mana Crystals for other things then that's fine too I guess."

Leone placed the crystal back into the parcel and gave me a smile before accepting the glass from Jahi, taking a sip from the wine and nodding as she too enjoyed it taste, leaving me to be the only one who hadn't tasted the gift that had been meant for me...

It would seem I wasn't going to be getting a taste of that gift either since Jahi just kept the bottle for herself, sharing it with Anput and not even sparing me a glance as I sat beside her, the Demoness ignoring me and forcing me to hide my chuckle as I felt her annoyance through our bond.

Discussing the usage of the crystals with Leone and Anput, I kept my attention on the items being auctioned off as my initial task of creating spells fell to the wayside thanks to my two lovers giving some good ideas on what they wanted to use these crystals for, the two listing off some wants and needs that we had as well as potential gifts that we could make for other people as a way to convince them to give us something we needed.

Tribute or well meaning gifts to someone like Duchess Klaki would make earning her favor a bit easier, and the same idea applied to a myriad of other important people around the Empire that we might want to meet for one reason or another.

Our discussion was interrupted when another item caught our eyes, the auctioneer announcing a special bid for a journal containing the notes of a now dead Mage who used to travel the Sultanate years ago, something only recently found.

It started at a low price of 25 Gold but quickly made us all pause as it reach 200 Gold in just a couple of minutes, with Anput explaining that the Mage was a bit of a folk hero in some parts of the Sultanate thanks to the good he had done and the impact he had on everyone around him; on top of that, he was apparently a genius when it came to different types of ways to use magic, be it Ritual Circles, alchemy, enchanting and more, so his journals could be extremely niche and hyper focused or extensively broad on damn near everything.

After it sold for around 300 Gold, the next item that was announced kept us hooked as three rather large chunks of a rare ore were placed on display, each one containing enough metal to make Anput salivate somewhat as she stared at them with wide eyes; they were rare, but just like the parcel of Mana Crystals they came from a flourishing Dungeon mine, so the market here was somewhat saturated with this particular metal, keeping its price and its demand low inside the Auction House.

Anput needed to plead with Jahi to get it, and after a very quick agreement to spend an hour kneeling between the Demoness' legs Anput found herself hugging three large pieces of ore, the Jackalkin almost purring as she held them close.

A few more things popped up here and there that caught our attention, and Leone spent some of her own Gold when an herb was auctioned off for a decent price, the Vampire excitedly telling us it was a wonderful enhancer for regeneration potions and that she could make a gigantic vat of high quality potions now, maybe even dilute some of it and turn it into either more coin for us to spend or use it for any situation where we needed healing over time and we didn't have the time to cast spells on one another.

All in all, the Auction House experience was a quaint one, and with three successful bids andNôv(el)B\\jnn

one singular failed one - Jahi made a bid on a hammer that seemed rather unique, only to be outbid as someone spent far too much on it - we left the Auction House feeling fulfilled and


On the way back to the palace though, Jahi very swiftly pulled all three of us into a boutique and forced each of us to get a new article of clothing for tonight, our blue skinned lover supplementing her failed bid with this as she spent 20 Gold on each of us and secured herself a night of top tier entertainment that we were more than willing to give.

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