My Servant System

Chapter 1064: Chapter 1063: Promises, Promises

Chapter 1064: Chapter 1063: Promises, Promises

The roars of elation that filled the arena after Batu won almost shook the foundations around us to a point of worry, but we barely noticed ourselves since we too were somewhat elated, at least for the money we had won and not the battle we had just witnessed.

Yes, we could easily make this amount by doing something, but making it by doing nothing at all was really addicting, and I grinned at Jahi as I accepted her kiss without any hesitation, the Demoness taking this moment to display her jubilation through action, just like she did with all of her emotions.

Giving one to each of us, Jahi chuckled as she used her head to gesture at the arena below, where Batu was once again basking in the adoration of the crowd silently and stoically, the Wekalian man helping the guards to their feet before ignoring them completely afterwards, allowing them to sulk in their loss on their own.

"And he's still being such a cool dude down there, isn't he? All silent and mysterious despite having won a fortune... makes you wonder what he came here for? Probably employment, if I had to guess, or he's looking for some random item that will somehow make himself stronger."

"Most likely, yeah... If it's employment, I wonder what we can do for him if he asks us? Mom has no need for him, and we don't really have much need for him either at the moment; not like we have the facilities to keep him and make use of him, and none of us here are into men, so..."

The Jackalkin on Jahi's lap giggled slightly as we all rolled our eyes at her, but she brought up a great point that made me glance over at Cyra as I asked "When can we get our coin? Or would you rather send it up to the palace instead of handing it to us here?"

The Caninekin servant stiffened for a moment, swallowing before answering "Whichever... Whichever you prefer, Miss. Would you like me to go get your coin right now? Or should I have the Arena write up a check for you to cash at a bank nearby?"

All three of my lovers left it up to me, each of them content to do whatever as we continued to indulge in this languid day, but after having multiple ideas of inspiration strike me back to back, I wanted to become productive again, though I was more than open to doing it in a way that continued this relaxation that we were making the absolute most of right now.

"Coin, please. Thank you Cyra, and be a dear and let whomever it is that you answer to know that we will be keeping an eye out for you, hm? It isn't your fault that we won so much..."

She perked up a little at that, before blinking in surprise as Anput added "If you feel like the life of serving random patrons at the arena is boring, just head on up to the palace and tell them 'Anput, daughter of Anubi' offered you a position as a servant; exactly that too, or else they'll think you're just bluffing. No one speaks like that anymore..."

With a sudden job offer at her feet at a place far more reputable than Yanzif Arena, Cyra seemed rather excited as she scurried out of the room, leaving us alone once more as we all gave Anput a look, wondering what brought on this generosity of hers.

"What? She's been a decent servant for how little we've seen her, and I just know that her manager's gonna be pissed at having to pay out multiple hundreds of Gold to just us, so... y'know..."

Leone just nodded before she turned to me, the Vampire asking "So what is making you seem so excited, Kat..? Something struck your fancy? Something you want to do now instead of being in this rather... boring place?", which caused both Anput and Jahi to turn to look at her, trying to browbeat the Vampire somewhat as she dissed their new favorite pastime.

"I want to head over to one of those auction houses, see what kind of goodies they have. Maybe we find something cool like another gemstone, maybe we get something interesting like an enchanted item that I can deconstruct; honestly I just want a place to sit down that's quiet, indoors, and has space for me to start writing down some of my ideas before they drift away like a dream."

"Oh~? The puppy has some ideas, does she~? What kind of ideas do you have for us, Kat~? Pray tell; we're all just waiting to hear what you have~!"

Jahi's enthusiasm made me roll my eyes as I pinched her waist, the Demoness faltering slightly before doubling down on being somewhat irritating as she then asked "Does it have something to do with that nice~ and comfortable bed over there~? Maybe you got the idea of something neat to put on your throat when you take me straight down to the root-?"

Since she wanted to be like this, I smiled sweetly at my lover and ran my hand down her abdomen as I leaned closer, the Demoness wondering whether or not I was playing into her bit seriously or if I was about to do something to her, but either or it only turned her on more as she stared into my eyes, waiting for what I was going to say.

"Oh... I was thinking we could get some nice, smooth- pearls and have some fun with them~? Have you ever heard about pearling, Jahi~? We would just need to cut right- below your tip and slip a singular pearl inside before-"

"Okay okay! Gods above please just stop!"Nôv(el)B\\jnn

All three of my lovers shuddered at that mental image, the idea ridding them of any arousal that they might have had before and making it easier for me to laugh as I leaned back and said "So as I was saying, I want to take us from this rather alright place that's quite loud and instead head on over to something else; I'll admit the auctions will likely be loud too, but during the breaks I'll be able to get some work done, and while I was joking about that kind of body modification, I want to look into speeding up the idea of getting some more ink."

Giving them all a wink, I added "And maybe we can stop at a fun little shop illuminated by red tonight for something to make the night even better-?", giving them their arousal back and causing all three to look at one another giddily as they wondered what I could do for them.

Their infatuation with me was as addicting as ever, the thought about having all three of these powerful, talented futanari dancing in the palm of my hand doing whatever I tell them too all because they want a piece of me making my heart flutter just the way I liked it, and it turned me on even more as I realized how easy it was to have people do whatever I wanted all for the promise of something tantalizingly amazing in bed...

When the door opened again and Cyra shuffled on in, I wiped my seductive smile off of my face and instead stood up to approach the Caninekin, accepting the heavy coin purse and opening it up to reveal the sea of Gold coins inside, finding another thing that was addicting; being wealthy.

Still, it wasn't anywhere near as amazing as the obvious stares that landed on my lower back as my three wives all watched me from the couch like predators, waiting for an opportunity to devour my prey; I was used to this feeling, but even then nothing could compare to it. Fishing out three coins, I pressed them onto the tray and gave Cyra a nod as I said "Good luck going forwards, Cyra, and I hope you remain well. Thank you for today.", surprising the servant again as she stared at her bonus before I scooped up the three other purses and smiled sultrily at the seated futanari, showing them their coin before walking out the door.

I could hear them rushing after a few seconds, the realization that I had just taken their winnings causing all three to get up and come out of their aroused haze as they gave chase, only to not be able to find me as I decided to practice some of my skills now, playing a game

with them.

The area around the suite was devoid of other people, so when I climbed upwards into the rafters the only people who were surprised were the guards, but they had seen me go into the suite and come out of it hours afterwards, so they just stared at me for a moment before looking away when they heard Jahi shout "Kat! I swear to all that is holy..! When I catch you..!" Taking in short, silent breaths, I crouched above them and watched all three filter out of the room, looking left and right as they searched for me, wondering which way to go before following Jahi as she made her way to the entrance.

Giving them a few moments, I dropped to the ground silently and began to walk behind them, counting down the seconds in my head as I took a guess on how long it would take them to realize where I was, a grin splitting my face the entire way as I had some childish fun.

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