My Servant System

Chapter 1051: Chapter 1050: Messy Morning

Chapter 1051: Chapter 1050: Messy Morning


Leone gasped as she finally was allowed to be free again, my bodyweight no longer pinning her down as I finished up showing her what the punishment for being such a tease was, the two of us feeling some type of way now that this session of ours was over.

Even still, I wanted to hold her close and take a nap now that I was drained, but that was only something I could do later tonight, when we were able to relax as much as we wanted without having anything else to do for the day.

I reluctantly released her and stood up from the couch, admiring the artwork that I had created and drinking in the beauty that Leone exuded even now, in this particularly unkempt, 'dirty' form; the messy ashy hair that was ruffled, her skin was slightly shiny from sweat, her eyes were tired yet fulfilled, and of course...

There was no helping it; my hand landed on her bottom again as I stared down at her, and the moan that I drew from her lips made me shudder as I held back from climbing back onto her again, even more so since she pouted at me and said "I thought... we were done..?"

"Oh Gods Leone, say that again and we won't be... We really do need to get to breakfast soon, or else I think we might offend the Sultana... but I so want to have another go, Leone... so..."

I walked over to stand just in front of her, presenting myself to her as I said "Pick, Leone... Use your lips and let me know if we should stay here and have some more morning fun, or get up and get dressed. Just know that I want you even more tonight, alright? Gods know how much I want you..."

The Vampire's cheeks began to match her other cheeks as she blushed hard, her crimson eyes flitting between my gloriousness and my face as she made her decision, which was one that made me sigh slightly as I watched her stand up.

Of course I also couldn't help it as I grabbed at her again and embraced her, kissing my beautiful Vampire wife and enjoying her softness as I held her close for a few seconds, basking in her heat and ingraining every curve of her body into my mind as I held her, this pleasure that I and only two others were afforded stroking my ego as much as she had stroked me...

When she pushed me away and gave me that slightly teasing, yet sultry smile as she cleaned herself off and pulled on her clothes, doing so beneath my hungry gaze and causing me to ask "Did Kat teach you some tricks..? I never thought you'd be this... this..."

Leone's smile widened as she asked "You didn't think I could seduce you, Jahi~?", her tone sickly sweet as she looked at me from over her shoulder, the Vampire still flaunting her shapely curves to me even though I had just 'wronged' her.

Chuckling, I raised my hands and replied "You can very~ easily seduce me, Leone~! All I need to do is get you going about your research or something you find particularly interesting, and suddenly I'm lost in your eyes and hooked onto your every word... Don't you know how sexy you can be when you're so enthusiastic about something~?"

Just like that, she blushed and turned away from me, unable to stare me in the eyes as I grinned at her as I enjoyed how breathtaking she was when she was embarrassed, and it let me add "Besides, you both have very different styles of getting Anput and I aroused and ready to go again, so it's pretty obvious you were mimicking our sexy, mature doggy right there~!" She pouted again before tossing my clothes at me, her ears going red now as I continued to laugh with her on how she was acting, much to her 'chagrin' as she slumped her shoulders, though as I gave her a quick kiss before dressing myself up, she turned to stare at me, doing just what I did as she watched me get dressed... which, I did exactly as she did, flexing and showing off for her as I got my Vampire flustered again, before I pulled her outside and ensured she wouldn't do anything... or that I wouldn't do anything to her.

Arriving at the giant hall that we had been eating in, we found the servant that Anput had growing up standing by the table looking over all of the little pups that were related to her, the gathering of children decimating a large quantity of food as they scarfed down whatever they could get their paws on.

"Aisha, please..! Try to breathe between bites! Safa, don't copy your sister! Please Mariam, stop trying to force Batul to eat all of the salad so that you can have more meat!"

She had her hands full as she tried to keep them all in line, the distinct lack of Anput or her parents allowing these little puppies to do as they pleased, but as soon as we arrived, they paused, not wanting to risk having the appearance of one of those people now that they were misbehaving.

Sadly for them, Leone was pursing her lips slightly as she took in their messy faces, and the Vampire strode forwards to sit herself between Mariam and Batul, the youngest pups staring at her blankly before blinking as she wiped at their cheeks, allowing Yasmin to focus on the remaining three, who were all now demurely sitting and trying to not stare at me as I sank into the cushions beside them, fixing myself up a plate.

I just began to eat without acknowledging them, but that seemed to do the trick since Yasmin could now swoop in and begin correcting the pups, much to Aisha's chagrin as she tried to move away from the buxom Dogkin, only to stiffen as I glanced at her, her movements drawing my attention.

For a minute I just ate in silence, before I turned my gaze towards Yasmin as I asked "So... where are Anput and Kat? Did they say how long they might be?", which made her suspiciously begin to blush as she spun around and began to busy herself on the table behind us, but she seemed to forget that she had three very obvious things that showed her emotions; her tail and her fluffy ears, all of which twitched and moved on their own volition, letting me know she was rather embarrassed.

"O-Oh! Begum Anput said... maybe fifteen minutes..? A little longer, perhaps..? Ahem, um... Aisha, please start eating your vegetables..! And Safa, slow down!"

I just raised a brow at that before shrugging, understanding that my own two puppies were having fun playing together just like I had had fun with Leone, which... now was turning into another moment where I was cursing this world's current fate as I got to see her act mature with two very young children...

After we just 'tried' to make a few ourselves...

If only we were in a time of peace instead of one of chaos and turmoil... Anyways, there was little I could do right now to change the entire world, so I instead just enjoyed watching what could be - and what would eventually be - as I ate my breakfast, with the Sultana and her wife coming out to join us a few minutes later, Lady Kio wearing a very content smile as she draped herself across the Sultana's lap.

"Where are..?"

Yasmin gave a plate to both of them before answering "They are... in the midst of something, and shall be joining us shortly. Lady Kio, I wanted to tell you that all of the children have eaten their fill and then some, so I might suggest some more intense activities later today..?" "Hm... That sounds wonderful... I could use some 'intense activities' too~! Though yes, I think all five of you little fluff balls are going to need to do some running today! And Aisha, since you want to get stronger, you'll be starting some weightlifting too."

Even as she remained lax on her wife's lap, Lady Kio still cut an imposing figure as she stared at her children, though when the Sultana reached down and began to stroke her ears, she growled softly in joy as she narrowed her eyes, making me wonder if she was a Catkin and not

a Dogkin.

"What are your plans for today, Jahi? I assume you are going out into the city, considering last night's conversation? If you are, I can take today to get a list of locations for you to visit that have desperate need of some strong warriors. Perhaps even for a good price each?"

I nodded as I enjoyed the kick that this egg based dish had, not knowing at all what it was or exactly what was in it, just that it was really good and I wanted more of it; scarfing it down and getting another portion on my plate, I said "That sounds like a plan to me, Sultana.


Washing it down with a cool glass of water and accepting the cup of coffee that Yasmin offered me, I smiled as I glanced at Lady Kio and said "I think I want to go gambling today~!", which made the Dogkin's mood sour swiftly as she glared at me, very clearly not too thrilled with what I said.

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