My Servant System

Chapter 1043: Chapter 1042: Suggestions

Chapter 1043: Chapter 1042: Suggestions

 n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om


The Arch Fiend just snickered as she poured out more of the coffee for herself, this time slurping it right up and not letting the snakes have a sip at all, much to their chagrin as they hissed at her before some turned to stare at me with those beady, yet pleading eyes, reminding me of a puppy instead of a rather well known and ferocious predator associated with no emotions at all.

Her snickering switched into a slight growl as she stared at the snakes, but after a moment she just sighed again and looked towards Anput as she said "Fine, fine... I wasn't lying about Sla'Salaxi's puppets being able to conceive, but I can tell you now that those servants are just gossiping and blowing it out of proportion. She never managed to get into your parent's room last night, much to her own displeasure. However she was definitely happy to take your Mother's advice of 'go fuck yourself', so there is that."

Muttering to herself as she shook her head, the Arch Fiend finished the rest of the coffee pot without so much as bothering to ask if we wanted any, greedily slurping down the rest before acquiescing the rest of her body's needs as she sent a small ring of coffee to orbit around her head, allowing the snakes to drink as they pleased.

"So yeah, no need to worry; last night your Mom was only laying down some real- good-"

"I really don't need to know that sla'Caligo, thank you for offering though. Alright, anyways, I had an idea and it requires you to finally get off that plump butt of yours and start making some proper moves, Leone!"

The Jackalkin ignored the Arch Fiend, who pouted a that interruption before shrugging and disappearing after her snakes had their fill, leaving us be and allowing us to instead turn towards Leone, who was blinking a few times as she stared at the Jackalkin, who was grinning at her from ear to ear.

"I really, really need you to start figuring out not only your True Vampire Form thingy, but also to get a damn move on with your Blood and Moon Magics! Only person I could ever think of that would be given beautiful, wonderful, amazing gifts like that and refuse to use them! Your Fire Magic is great and excellent, Leone, but gods be damned please remember that you have other types of magic!"

The Vampire blinked again before frowning as she said "I do use them! It's just using Fire Magic is far easier and far more applicable to a multitude of situations, so therefore I prioritize the research and refinement of my Fire Magic over practicing with my other Magics instead! You don't realize just how different and archaic those Magics can be compared to our Elemental Magics!"

"Yeah yeah, all I'm hearing is an excuse for you to make instead of just doing it~! Someone just doesn't want to admit that they aren't able to master those Magics, so instead they just~ want to perfect their easier Fire Magic and call it a day~!"

Narrowing her eyes into thin slits, Leone glared at the Jackalkin for a few moments, taking in the wide, smug grin that the Jackalkin was wearing before growling "What do you want, Anput..? If you are trying to antagonize me and wound my pride to spark motivation within my heart to practice my Blood and Moon Magic, please stop. I am not so simple minded as you are to do something simply because someone tells me I cannot."

"Fine, then I shall appeal to your logical side instead. I want that damn magic so that I can have Kat enchant some really strong weapons and armor, and I want the two of you to put your smart brains together to come up with a way to blend that archaism with the modern wonders to create something beautiful. Like... I dunno, flaming blood or something crazy like that.

Things that no one else in this world has ever seen and therefore would never anticipate. Things that Fiends would be stunned to see and would then be amazed to find out is actually strong enough to thoroughly mess them up and put them on their ass at the VERY least. think you could manage that, my lovely, genius, beautiful Vampire Princess~?"

Anput even went so far as to clasp her hands together and smile innocently at Leone, who was still staring at her with narrowed eyes and a clear distaste at her current actions, but after a few moments and a heavy sigh, she pinched the bridge of her nose and said "I can try to figure something out... the problem is - again - how damn archaic the magic is from back then to now. It's not logic based, can't be pursued and predicted the same way Elemental Magic can be..."

"How do you think I have been feeling with this Lust Magic that Cali gave me? Logic is afraid of this damn power, and I have no clue how to efficiently wield it in a consistent manner. Hence why I was suggesting a way for me to practice it in a practical environment."

Jahi gave me a dry look before Anput chimed in again, saying "You guys can go ahead and battle that out later when you are actually practicing your damn gifts and getting to a point where you can make use of them~! Until then, how about you focus your energy on, oh I don't know... actually learning how to use those powers of yours~? After all, not all of us here have multiple different, powerful magics to worry about, and instead need to rely on others for the flashy, powerful stuff!"

"Seems like someone's jealous~!"

Sticking my tongue out at my mate, I grinned at her as she stuck her tongue out right back, her childishness in always needing to be on top making her rather predictable, but we stopped our bickering when Jahi said "Really though, we do need to start making better use of our abilities going forwards. Those creatures are out there, remember? And I know that your Blood and Moon Magic still use mana, but maybe... maybe those types can counteract their abilities. Maybe that Lust Mana can do so as well..."

"At the very least, enchanted items might be pretty good, especially with Leone's Magics... that might just be something that we need desperately. But from what you all said about that fight, they sapped the mana from the air itself and left everyone with nothing, even Mom. How the hell would us mastering other Magics even matter for that?"

"I don't know, but it's a start Kat. We need to start somewhere and stop wasting our time like this; maybe we'll find the answer we need in alchemy, maybe we'll find some obscure artifact that does random things we never would have thought about. Or maybe, just maybe, in some miraculous leap of faith Leone's Blood or Moon Magic doesn't rely that much on mana at higher levels, and we can use that to kill these creatures that can nullify mana. Or this is all a waste and we die to those things."

"Or, counterpoint, maybe those creatures leave us alone if we leave them alone? Maybe that more active, dangerous one was a youngster that wanted to get out of the house, and that one that nullified the mana was just going to collect it? Maybe they'll ignore us if we don't head into the Labyrinthian or if we offer those Elven pricks as a sacrifice?"

We all chuckled slightly at Anput's wishful thinking, finishing our cups of coffee and standing up after I said "Well, there isn't much we can do right this moment without eating breakfast, so let's get going. Besides, we also need to hear the Sultana's suggestions on what to do in regards to the other Fiends, who could be of help to those goals. For instance, those Ka Fiend parts might resonate well with Blood Magic, while Tza Fiend parts might resonate well with Moon Magic. And of course any random Sla Fiends we run across might be beneficial for me


"Breakfast does sound really good right now..."

The Demoness rose from the couch and smiled at us all, the slightly lecherous looking making Leone blush while I rolled my eyes as she added "Especially since we just had quite a lot of fun last night! How lucky am I that each and every single night I get to have such beautiful women gracing my bed, offering their everything to me whenever I want it~!"

She approached Leone and I since we were the two that hadn't shown enthusiasm at her words, her hands landing low on our bodies as she pulled us into her side and took a moment to get a good feel of us both again, before she smirked as Anput skipped on over to happily join this group hug as she too clapped her hands onto our bottoms.

"Can we just go get breakfast already..? I thought you were tired and wanting to get a move


Jahi just grinned at that, and before I knew it she was showing how much of a liar she was, though none of us complained at all, least of all after that 'argument' that we just had; who would when your partner was so ready to put her tongue to use, bringing you to the edge of pleasure before showing you just how lucky you were as well...

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