My Muscles Adapt 10,000 Times Faster

Chapter 16: Zero-level Strengthening Spells!

They were instantly invigorated. They each drew their blades and drew runic symbols on their forehead or chest.

Immediately their physical prowess rapidly soared as they each possess the strength of more than ten men.


The ground below them cracked as they revolved their mana to the extreme, their strength climbing even higher as they vanished, attacking Tron from different angles.


[+0.01 physique, +1 limit points]

Four fists rained down on him like a hurricane. Their attacks causing even the wind to howl as shockwaves blasted through the forest, causing the plants nearby to be destroyed and uprooted.

[+0.01 physique, +1 limit points]

[+0.01 physique, +1 limit points]

[+0.01 physique, +1 limit points]

Tron's body was slightly bent, his hands raised in a guard form as he protected his head with his arms.

[+0.01 physique, +1 limit points]

His feet dragging through the ground, drawing two deep lines on the forest ground as the force from the multiple attacks rained down on him.

[+0.01 physique, +1 limit points]

Sensing that their mana was about to be exhausted, the four erupted with their entire mana as their strength surged like a tide.

[+0.01 physique, +1 limit points]


[+0.02 physique, +5 limit points]

Tron's body was forced twenty meter backwards as his feet dragged through the forest grass.


His back slammed into a nearby tree and the large tree exploded as wooden shrapnels fell in all directions.

The four servants panted with pale faces as they felt like collapsing. The mana within their body had been entirely drained and they quickly canceled their connection with Physique enhancement spells to prevent their mana from drying up, damaging their mana cortex in the process.

However, looks of horrors soon climbed their faces as they watched Tron dropped his arm and dusted the saw dust as well as wooden shrapnels from his hair and shoulder.

Then he gazed at the four servants, an expressionless but cold look carved at his face.

"My turn right?"

The servant weren't able to reply as they watched Tron's figure fade away like smoke.

In the next mili-second, the sound of bones crunching could be heard, followed by an heart-wrenching scream that pierced through the quiet forest like a sharp blade.



Tron appeared behind another servant, he grabbed the servants arm with one hand and his shoulder with another, then pulled.



Another gut-wrenching scream echoed and even enveloped the first scream.

Tron didn't stop, he appeared behind the third servant like a fog and kicked the servant's leg joint.

With a horrible crack, the man's leg folded backwards as he fell to ground in shock.

"P-please stop!"

The fourth servant finally came too, realising the situation he was in, he turned and shouted at Kane.

"Kane! Do something! He will kill us a-!"

A hand suddenly entered his mouth, grabbing his jaws and another grabbed at his skull.


It was slow and the sounds of bones cracking was even longer. Crimson blood, white bone fragments and shattered teeth flew in all directions, staining Tron's naked upper body as the servant directly collapsed to the ground.

He stood still. Eyes gleaming with red demonic glow, vein patterns at the corners of his eyes, spreading to his forehead as he panted. He certainly wasn't panting because he was tired but it wasn't certain what exactly made him breath heavily.

His eyes narrowed, watching the three screaming servants. Blood pooled from their injuries to the ground and their bones could be seen sticking out from their bodies. It didn't take a while for them to fall silent, their states unknown.

Tron suddenly turned toward Kane. A cold but exciting look in his eyes as his lips formed a bloodthirsty smile.

"It's your turn now, Kane."

Kane simply looked at the servants with an uninterested look on his face.

Calmly he casually unbutton his shirt as he spoke, "I should thank you."

Gently folding the shirt, he placed it on a nearby boulder as he continued.

"I had been racking my brains, brainstorming on how to quickly get rid of those five leeches without the academy noticing my involvement."

Reaching for his pocket, Kane inshealted a knife from his ankle the proceed to make a cut on his chest.

An archaic rune started to form as his bloodied thumb seared his chest with the symbol.

The moment it was completed, a brilliant crimson light glowed and immediately each lines from the runes began moving like snakes as they dug through his chest like parasitic worms and merged into his skin.

Kane frowned at the pain. But didn't mind it.

"In the olden days, the ancient mages use wands to help with their hand to eye coordination and their aim. Imagine a mage who couldn't even hit it's target, it's quite pathetic. However... "

At this moment, Kane brought out two compact dark gloves with jewels embedded at each knuckles and a large jewel at the palm.

Simultaneously, Kane's body shook and his body began to expanded rapidly. His muscles squirmed visibly and tumors could be seen growing from his entire body as green veins the size of snakes wriggled within him.

Faint mist began visibly rising from his body as the temperature in the air rose by several degrees.

"... Times are different. Spells and Arcane artifacts are now modified to possess a bit of homing enchantment. With that, one can worry less about hitting the target and worry more about killing the target."

Right then, he proceed to wear the arcane artifact.

At this moment, Kane's body began to grow as his body went from 1.8 meters, slowly to 2.2 meters, right before Tron.

The artifact wriggled around his massive palm and suddenly tightened as it fed off the mana within Kane.

At this moment, Kane had tranformed into a bulk, monstrous figure.

His bloodshot eyes landed on Tron as he chuckled. "I had thought you would interrupt the process, I guess I was wrong. You're completely different from a few days ago. I guess that's what happens when you gain an inheritance of a mage."

His voice had changed at this time. It was thick, like two sand papers grinding at each other.

"Hand over the inheritance and I will make sure to leave Sethra's bones intact."

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